Here's the quilt in Gwen's (owner of the DJ) own words:
"Hello to Judi's fans! Judi asked for my "story" about this quilt. Truth
is, I can't remember why I decided to do a Dear Jane. Crazy, right? I had
never undertaken such a large project in my quilting history prior to making
this commitment, nor had I ever enjoyed applique up to that point. However,
the single greatest factor in motivating me to work on and complete this
quilt is that Anina provided fabulous block tutorials two days per week so I just followed along. Top that with Kaffe Fassett's colorful fabrics and I had all the stimulation I needed to keep going week after week, from December 2008 to March 2010. 225 blocks and 4,948 little pieces of fabric later, we add Judi's amazing talent and magic to the fray and, well, here we are. I couldn't be happier with the overall result. If you are inclined to do a DJ, just start with one block --- an easy one, maybe the nine-patch --- then move on to the next easiest one. Just keep going. You'll be surprised at how much fun it is. Click here for more inspiration.
And the best part about doing the DJ is that I'm now a huge fan of applique.
Have you seen Kim McLean's appliqued quilt designs? I'm almost done with
Flower Pots. Next???!!!"

Isn't this quilt incredible? I love it. However - after spending 70 hours doing stitch in the ditch - I don't think I will be piecing this quilt any time soon - sorry - maybe when the kids are grown and out of the house. It will have to be on my "bucket" list for now.

At first I wasn't sure what I was going to do on this quilt, but it hit me "like a ton of bricks" when I started quilting and I decided that each block needed to be individualized because of how much work went into each block. That is why I just did a straight stitch in the sash, it sets off each block perfectly I think.

The bottoms of the large triangles were 5 inches - so 4 equal straight lines to set these off. I used a gold metallic thread for these.

Quilting around the curves were fun - just a little bit of marking with a purple marker - and some figuring around the corners and there you go - I love it!

Probably my most favorite quilting picture I have ever taken! Do you see how the curved border has curved diamonds? I absolutely love it!
I enjoyed quilting this DJ, but I am so glad to have it finished! Yay!
Oh, please, post more pics of that quilt! Please! That is the most beautiful Jane I've ever seen! I LOVE the piecing, colors, and your quilting is amazing!
Exquisit. 70 hours, WOW, what a marathon.
An absolute masterpiece !
I know I say this on every post, but you are AMAZING. Even the husband was impressed with this one.
Your little guy is getting so big! Hopefully we can get these two boys together one of these days for lunch.
And again, WOW... :-)
WOW is all I can say!!!
Just beautiful, I am nearly at the quilting stage on my own DJ, so this encourages me to keep going.
AMAZING ! Your quilting on a DJ with Kaffe Fassett fabrics.... WOW.
I absolutely LOVE.
Stunning work, both of you - congratulations on a superb quilt
Wow, its gorgeous, just fabulous, awesome, a masterpiece - I havent words (in english :o)).
Unbelievable! So want to do a Dear Jane but not sure where to even start!
congrats for this magnificent work !!
You Both can be absolutely proud of it !
my goodness Judi this is just fabulous. Amazing work!
Oh My goodness!This is stunning, what an inspiration to all us aspiring Janiac's, It really can be finished
wonderful !!!!lg manu
Whilst I could never dream of matching your quilting ability, your photos are so inspirational, and give me little ideas of things I can try at home on my machine.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow what an amazing quilt. I love the colours used it is so bright and cheerful. I think it is absolutely stunning.
Fantastic job Gwen! That is the most beautiful quilt I've seen on the blogs in a long time. All the hard work paid off, it's a treasure!
All those details on the quilting are amazing. Kudos to you for making DJ "come to life" after the squares were attached. Great job to both of you!
Amazing quilt.Wow,I love it.Fantastic.
That border is so amazing....I keep coming here and keep getting mesmerized by your talent. I tell my husband about you all of the time, he things we are family now....HA!! Just amazing...
Wow, wow and wow - utter wow-ness and can't find-the-words-to-express-this-quilt-ness. Wow!!!
What a wonderful Dear Jane - probably the best I have seen! I just love the quilting. You have done a wonderful job. I am inspired to continue on with mine. thank you.
Almost gave up and didn't leave a comment.......what to say??
Words just don't get you there.
Amazing, precise (-yep, I checked those points out-) beautiful piecing, and then the quilting, leaves one breathless.
Absolutely B*L*O*W*N A*W*A*Y!!! Show worthy.
I think this quilt deserves another post too! I'd love to see more pictures of the individual blocks. I love how your quilting adds to the more modern feel of her fabric choices of this timeless classic. Stunning!
I forgot to ask....does Gwen have a blog?
I'm speechless - what a beauty!
really amazing and white backgrounds well oh my ..that is when you see the detail and it is over the top...and can we talk about the scalloped edges...oh wow
This is simply beautiful ..the piecing the quilting...Judi; as always, you did an outrageous job on this quilt. And it deserved it; I think it is the most scrumptous I have seen...
Absolutely spectacular!!!
May you have:
A world of wishes at your command
God and his angels close at hand
Friends and family their love impart,
And Irish blessings in you heart.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
The word beautiful does not begin to describe this quilt. I am in awe. The colors are gorgeous, the quilting fantastic. Everything about this quilt is wonderful.
Simply Stunning!!
Wow, it's beautiful!
Judy! am awestruck!!!! Unbelievable!!! I will look at these pictures again and again to pour over the details of your beautiful quilt and quilting! You go girl!!!
♥ Eileen
That is probably the most beautiful Dear Jane quilt I've laid eyes on. And your quilting makes it all the more beautiful! Awesome!
It's GORGEOUS! I am dying to know, if someone cares to share - how much did you custom quilting this beauty cost Gwen??
Oh Judi, that is simply fabulous!! You took a wonderful quilt, and made it better!! I am awed.
you did a wonderful job - both of you. I have hand quilted a dear jane and did each block to it's own design - it shows it off better that way.
Stunning! The quilt is beautiful with the bright colors and tiny squares but your quilting turned it into a masterpiece!
This is the best quilting done on a Jane that I have ever seen!
Wow, I know it sounds tres cheesy, but congratulations on such a big accomplishment! It looks in-credible. I hope you get to squeeze in a few moments of relaxation after all that!
I'm running out of superlatives LOL!!! Another stunner! I will never do a DJ so I will just enjoy this beauty!!
My back hurts just looking at it! This quilt is simply gorgeous and the quilting on it is stunning, as usual! I just did my very first panto design on a quilt and I thought that was something! I guess we all have to start somewhere!
Your quilting is unbelievable. It compliments all of the piecing in DJ. I have been working on a DJ, but all along I thought the hardest part would be quilting it. I do not feel that way anymore. Your post has motivated me to get the quilt finished and on my Millennium.
Absolutely incredible!
I doubt that I have ever seen anything more beautiful!!! There are no words.
Wow!! I just don't know how to say what i am thinking looking at this AMAZING quilt! Everything about it is just breathtaking! The fabric choice.. wonderful, the color setting.. perfection.. the quilting.. WOW!! You REALLY, REALLY did it on this one! Now, I wanna do it too... how many is that on my list now??
That quilt is totally incredible! I am drooling over it. The quilting you did is just beautiful. Great job!! You should be proud of yourself... and now go get a massage your back must be killing you :)
Absolutely stunning!
This is an absolute masterpiece!! Can you please sell me a picture of it so I may hang the beauty on my wall for inspiration??? Holy cow it's amazingly gorgeous!
I love the colors! So bright and clean.
Congratulations on such a wonderful job
Greetings from Spain
Esther (chiqui)
Now that is what I call BEAUTIFUL! Makes me want to throw mine in the burn barrel before I finish it.
I am in awe. Not only is the quilt beautiful, but your quilting is stunning! I can't say enought about your beautiful quilting.
Look at all the comments! Wow!
I have to leave one, too.
I think this is one of the most amazing quilts I have ever seen. Such a perfect blend of modern and traditional. The quilting was the perfect compliment to the wonderful piecing. Brilliant accomplishment all around!
Wow what a quilt. It is amazing. I love the color and fabric choices. The quilting on it enhances the quilt. What a wonderful job.
WOW...that quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I love it!
I~N~C~R~E~D~I~B~L~E !!!!
Gwen's piecing & applique & Judi's quilting....I'm breathless....
WOW! That is truly spectacular!
The quilt and the quilting are stunning. Thank you for sharing.
This is, hands down, the most beautiful quilt I've ever seen! I'm partial to bright fabrics and this quilt is stunning! I don't know if this quilt will be entered into competition for ribbons or other awards, but if it is, I can't see how it wouldn't win something!
Wonderful work, both of you!
This is awesome!
What a truely stunning piece of work. Thank-you so much for sharing.
I've never seen such a beautiful Dear Jane quilt! The colours are fabulous and your quilting is the icing on the cake! That's definitely a quilt that Gwen will cherish forever.
What a beautiful quilt! And, of course, the quilting design is superb!
Wow. This is a stunner! The quilt is beautiful, and the quilting just sets it off magnificently. Wow.
Wow, this quilt is breathtaking. Beautiful colors, fabulous piecing, and there aren't words to describe the quilting. You are so gifted. If I had a poster-sized picture of it I'd frame it and stare at it for hours on end.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G quilting.
This is the most stunning quilt! I agree with Seespotshop - this should be a picture to be framed... Amazing quilting, awesome choice of colors... can I say incredible? Wow!
This quilt is just gorgeous!! I am also making a DJ, but couldn't keep up with Anina's 2 blocks per week. This is so inspiring, and the quilting is like none I've ever seen! Maybe when I'm done in 10 or 20 years I'll send mine off to you to quilt!! :)
Wow! Love the Jane in Kaffe fabrics. It's just gorgeous. Beautiful job both of you.
Wow! Love the Jane in Kaffe fabrics. It's just gorgeous. Beautiful job both of you.
What a labor of love!!! Beautiful!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Wow!! This is one amazing quilt. Just beautiful.
I can't add any more adjectives to what the other commenters are saying! The quilt is simply amazing. I LOVE the Dear Jane in Kaffe....and I love the quilting. Your 70 hours sure made a difference.
A Masterpiece, I love the fabrics the borders, you need to put this in a competition.
what phenomenal quilting. Judi you must be so pleased with and proud of yourself. Your quilting has really made the quilt into a total masterpiece.
That 'Jane" is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen. I know you will win lots of ribbons on it. It sure would look great on my bed......Perhaps I will take a few years and make one. If it were half as good as yours, I'd be proud as punch.
Absolutely breathtaking!
Another quilter in an online group I am part of posted this link. Your quilt is just extraordinary! I know so many people who have struggled to quilt a DJ in any way - your intricate quilting really is justified by the amount of complicated pieceing that was done. Honestly, your quilt is the very best DJ I have ever seen!
BTW, you really must forward pictures on to Kaffe or Liza Prior Lucy. I suspect they would be absolutely thrilled the amazing result that has been achieved through the use of their fabrics.
Congratulations, and thank you so much for sharing this with all of us online.
I am working on a rainbow Jane right now and I love how you quilted this quilt. It is just awesome! I really like how you chose to showcase each block......a masterpiece quilted by a master quilter......congrats on a job well done.....
Incredibly beautiful! I've never seen a more amazing DJ quilt in my life, you have definitely inspired me. Thank you!
Magnificent quilting!
I am completely lost for words!! Thank you for sharing such an amazing and ispirational creation with us.
The most spectacular Dear Jane I have seen. Fabulous colour, piecing and that quilting - exquisite!
I would never have thought to do it in Kaffe Fasset fabrics - I always thought it would need to be done in small prints - proves how much I know! Thankyou for sharing.
Your quilting is nonpareil! and worth every penny. I especially love the curved quilting around the outside.
I too am awe struck without adequate words and to think I had never heard of a DJ until a few days ago. The quilting though is "the icing on the cake'.
Well... I am speechless! I haven't read the other comments, but I'm sure they are equally flattering. It's been a very long time since I worked on my Dear Jane blocks, and will be a while before I get back to them... But this is what I've dreamed mine will be. Thank you so much for the awesome inspiration!!!
It is absolutely beautiful, I would've never thought of using kaffe Fassett fabrics, congratulations on finishing such a beautiful quilt.
I am going to act like a teenager for a minute...OMG OMG OMG! That is so beautiful. Your quilting is perfect for this quilt. I love the last picture. The scallops. All the tiny details. You did a wonderful job. I want to do a Dear Jane also and like you it will have to wait, LOL!
Your quilting is spectacular. I've seen several DJs and yours is the best. Congratulations on a job well done.
Phenomenal quilting! The colors / fabrics for this quilt just jazz me all up and you did such an amazing job bringing it all together.
OMG, this is the most wonderful DJ I have ever seen!! I love Kaffe fabrics and couldn't imagine them in a DJ but they work just perfectly. And your quilting is exquisite. Your quilt is so inspiring that if I could afford to start a new quilt, I would copy yours. I am a newcomer to your blog, from a link on Jovita's site today, hence the late comment on this post. I'll now take time to go back and read some of your earlier posts and sign up for your RSS feed. Can't wait to see more of your work.
Pam in Tacoma
Wow!!! Absolutely stunning!!!
I have 36 blocks done on my 2nd DJ, in Kaffe Fassett fabrics, and if it gets anywhere close to looking like yours, I'll be so thrilled!!!!
Congratulations on a superb accomplishment!!
Stunning, amazing. Your quilt is absolutely stunning. It would have been my choice of fabrics but you almost make me want to buy some KF fabrics to imitate your quilt. I love the spring feeling it has and your quilting is gorgeous.
ReaLmente no se que decir que no se Haya dicho antes.
Es una maravilla de trabajo en los bloques.
Pero el trabajo de acolchado es .....IMPRESIONANTE, FANATÁSTICO, nuna había visto un acolchado tan bonito.
Beautiful!! Beautiful!! Beautiful!!
This is the most exquisite Dear Jane I have ever seen!!! The Kaffe fabrics are brilliant in a DJ....who knew ;-) The piecing and applique is perfect and your quilting is just breathtaking!!!! Words cannot describe this stunning quilt! I would be interested to know if Gwen has a blog...would love to hear more about this quilt...I'm pulling out my few DJ blocks and giving it another go. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures!
This is amazing! I'm a new follower and I just love your work, quilts and babies. ;) So happy to have been introduced to your blog.
Stunning quilt! Stunning.
It's a beautiful Dear Jane!!!
I lobe it ;)))
very very nice
ciao Maria
Woah! This is so awesome, well done on a truly fabulous quilt.
Amazing....the quilting is out of this world.
I am speechless! I am awestruck! This quilt is absolutely incredible and inspiring.
This is by far the most wonderful DJ I've ever seen!!!
I've just fallen in love with it.
I wanted to start my first block of DJ this weekend but I don't know which fabrics to use, I love the ones you chose, they are so colourful...! Looking at your quilt make me feel happy.
Looking at your quilt, I noticed that you chose the colours in your quilt very carefully depending on which block you were doing.
Can you help me? I would like to use very similar colours to yours . I know it is a difficult question but have you got a picture of each one of the blocks, so that I can see the colours you used????
I love the final look of your quilt (I'm not English as you can see, and I can't express myself as I would like)
How did you choose the colours of each block?
Which collection of Kaffe Fasset did you use?
Could you put more pictures in your block?
I love this DJ
I'm sorry for so many questions, thank you for reading such a long text.
Greetings from Mallorca (Spain)
this is stunningly beautiful
the quilting. the piecing. the fabrics. wow
Your quilt just blew me away, the colors and the quilting are stunning!
I just found you from another blog and I will be back to visit often. :D
I think this is the most stunning quilt I've ever seen. The quilting is amazing! 70 hours of machine quilting? I can only imagine how many hours of hand quilting that would have been. I've never been a fan of Kaffe Fasset's fabrics. I could never see how they would work in a quilt. Needless to say, I'm rethinking that after seeing this amazing quilt!
At some point I'm going to need to exhale. Your Dear Jane is beyond magnificent. Your fabrics, colors, and your FREAKING AMAZING quilting... has me in tears it's so beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!
Absolutely stunning. The quilting is fabulous. It is the most beautiful quilt I have seen. Inspiring.
So beautiful! I've been thinking about making a DJ and now I'm really inspired.
Amazing !!! You can be very proud of yourself for this masterpiece !!! Whoooaaa I'm so stunned by all your stitching !!! And you choise of fabric is just perfect !!!
This is THE most beautiful, stunning and inspiring quilt I have EVER seen! What a great team you make! Just love those fabrics, the composition is amazing, and the quilting is breathtaking! Okay - I'm off to search on DJ blocks now!!!
Thanks for sharing, you talented ladies!!!! Vikki
Truly amazing and totally inspirational! Thank you for sharing.
Breath-taking quilts!
wow. it's just stunning.
Me maravilla el colorido y la perfección y el acolchado impresionante!!! espero acabar mi Dear Jane ahora mismo acabe el c-2...un saludo desde España-Andalucia.
After I came across YOUR Dear Jane, I decided I had to do one. I love brights. I never would have thought to do it that way. It is spectacular.What an amazing quilt. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity here. just amazing and beautiful! Lynn
Wow this is so cool really amazing ,You have done a great job here superb..Thanks for sharing it with us ...Template Design
¡Que trabajo más impresionante!
Las Palmas de GC (España)
Congratulations with your Baby Jane. You made the magic happen, Jane combined with Kaffe and such a brigthness in your colors. Thanks for sharing the picturs, so we can enjoy. Is it OKé to put a link to your blog via Facebook?
Awe some . I started a dear Jane once but gave the done blocks away . I'm going to have another go .
Do you quilt on a domestic machine or a frame?
WOW. I agree; this is the most gorgeous version of Dear Jane that I've ever seen, too. WHERE'S GWEN?!!! You know, the original Jane never appealed to me, probably because I couldn't get past those dreary Civil War era fabrics, but THIS one is so bright and cheerful, I find myself tempted to take Gwen's advice to start with the 9-patch and just take it one block at a time.
You did a great Job on the Dear Jane quilt. I love the colors you pick out. I can't wait to start my Dear Jane quilt.
Hi Judi,
I work for Quilters Newsletter, the editorial assistant. I was hoping I could use the last picture on this post for our Pinterest board, "The Quilting" We would absolutely credit your work of course. Let me know if this would be okay with you. Thanks! You can email me at
Hi Judi,
We were hoping we could use the last picture on this post for our Pinterest board, "The Quilting" We would of course fully credit your exceptional work. Let me know if this would be okay with you. Thanks!
-Danielle O'Bryan, editorial assistant
This is SO beautiful and certainly something to aim for in my own quilting .....
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