Okay, so this is my bed before. I wanted to share this with you because I love it. My mom made this quilt and the pillows for me and I have loved them for two years now. But, every now and again a change is in need. I'll explain. I have spent the last couple months stressing over a few things, mostly quilting and designing and all the hopes and dreams that come with this job. Also, add teaching into the mix for next year and I find that I have been a little stressed because of the planning I have to do now.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.

So, I went to the store. Bound and determined to have a "trendy" new bed spread - colors and all, but you know what I found out? I went with the colors I love. I am drawn to earthy colors and I always have been. The white fluffy bedspread I wanted became cream, flat and quilted - the turquoise pillows became green. Instead of changing out my rusty orange drapes, I got pillows to compliment them. It was a change that I needed for the moment, but I realized I wanted the colors I love, not what Pinterest shows me are "in."

That is when I realized that the last couple months of comparing myself to others has made me so unhappy. We are all so different and thank heavens for that. We don't have to love the same things and have the same colors in our houses. It is funny how Social Networking is so awesome, yet - it can make you jealous of everyone else. So, I have decided that I will stop it! I will cut back on the time I spend on Social Networks (it was bad, darn smart phone) and I will realize that what I have is all I need. I will stay true to myself and what I love and not worry about others who seem to be accomplishing so much more than me.
So, that means I am back on my schedule. I got off it and boy, that always gets me in a bind. It has changed a bit, but I am completely mom in the morning. I even started exercising today. I think I need that. Since I will have three kids in school, and one that naps - I will only work 3 hours in the afternoon during nap time and one hour after bedtime. 4 hours - that is it. Oh, and that means more time in the evening with Clint, so happy about that.
So, if you find yourself being unhappy with what you have - take a step back, or a break from comparing and realize that each one of us has different talents, abilities and we are all amazing in our own way. I really believe that, I just sometimes lose sight of it. So, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It really helps to talk about it. Anyway - to thank you for reading, especially this long post - I would like to give away a beautiful fat quarter bundle to one of you.

Sunnyside by Kate Spain for Moda. It is beautiful. It is one of the new lines we have in the shop and I can not think of anything more fun than cutting into this line and making beautiful quilt tops. I want one of you to be able to do just that.

Oh, and the new camera - totally awesome. Still learning, but can you see how amazing having a "close up" setting is? I love playing with my camera and hope to be really good someday. All in good time.
So, two chances to win. Tell me your favorite new line in our shop, then tell me how you stay content and happy in your own home.
Thanks everyone! Good luck.
1 – 200 of 634 Newer› Newest»I like so many of the new lines, but I think my favorite is Honeysuckle. Believe it or not, quilting helps me to feel content. I get to buy new fabric and make pretty things that also make others happy. And watching my children play happily together--especially the teens with the baby--makes me feel content as well.
Speaking of coveting, I had never seen Sunnyside before and I want it so much - those are "my" colors.
They're all beautiful, but my favourite is Lush Uptown
I am liking simply style by v and co.
Love Giggles - have two baby quilts to make and that looks like it would be great.
I tend to fall into the same trap as you. I start telling myself I'm obviously not working hard enough because I'm comparing myself to others. I have decided like you to only work certain hours daily and that is it. If something doesn't get done, it will be there tomorrow.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh, and I love Lush and Barcelona!
Sunnyside is my favorite...and my suggestion. I always try to look at the sunny side and take one moment at a time....I like Barcelona too!
I love the Josephine FQ Bundle by French General! But I also love that Sunnyside, yum.
It's hard to choose between Honeysuckle and Lush Uptown. Both are gorgeous, even though completely different.
Love sunnyside when I get down I clean...weird I know
Giggles from Me and My Sister. I love the bright colors, so cheerful. I allow myself a five minute pity party, then stop to remember all God has blessed me with.
I think Joy batiks looks awesome, but love Sunnyside too!
I bury myself in my quilting for the most part but get rejuvenated by doing a little get away with the hubbs :-)
High Street, love the orange & yellow.
I'm content in my home because "things" don't matter much to me & I've never cared much what anyone else thinks.
Hard to decide which new line I like the most, but Sunnyside is my favourite.
Having time to enjoy my fabrics and wool. - that's the trick for me
Hard to decide which new line I like the most, but Sunnyside is my favourite.
Having time to enjoy my fabrics and wool. - that's the trick for me
Lush Uptown is my favorite new line in your shop.
I love Giggles, the colors are just bright and happy and so is the name!
It's an easy trap to fall into, especially with blogs and social media. But if I am tempted to covet, I remember that everyone is only showing a portion of themselves and their lives. Generally, the more you know a person, the more you learn about their struggles and challenges.
Anyway! Favorite new line I think is either Sunnyside or Sweet Serenade. Thanks for the giveaway :)
Staying happy and content with what we have has been easier since we retired - things are less frantic and that gives me more time to enjoy where we live.
1. I love to create! Mostly I love having my hands busy. Time is limited for so many things, since my daughter and grandson - almost 2 - are here with us - and I watch him so much, so it's really nice to be able to just love the fabrics I am working with!
2. I love the Giggles and the Honeysweet lines - positively yummy!!!
I like the sunnyside. I loved reading your blog today. It is so true what you said. I know my quilting is good but oh boy there are so many times I feel so frustrated especially when I see the beautiful quilting others are doing and I can't do it. Having said that, I do try to count my blessings every day - I know there are others who have worse problems than I have. You are a very talented person. Enjoy spending time with your family. The children grow up very fast and the times spent together are the memories they take with them. My oldest child is almost 23 and he is away in Camp Pendleton. He is a marine and in November he is being deployed. There are times I wish he was still little and with me. How I miss the times we spent together. Hugs
I like the Lush Uptown fabrics. I am usually conservative on my choices but this one spoke to me!
I know what you mean by comparing yourself to others and what they have and how good they are. When that happens to me, I just dive into my sewing room and clean! Then I survey what I have and get working on what project I need to finish (I do that one first) or start a new project, and soon I am over it and I am just enjoying the journey!
It is a toss up between Lush Uptown and Sunnyside, but the paint-by-numbers wins out. I have a 3 week old newborn so I'm content holding him when he isn't having a crying fit and I'm content when I can get a 4 hour period of sleep without interruption. I am looking forward to getting back into my sewing room to be creative soon...that is always good therapy for me.
Of course I love them all! But right now I like Giggles the best. Everyone needs a good giggle.
I listen to a lot of soothing music around here, let me tell you! It's always classical music in the car since I don't enjoy driving. Some days that's the only thing that keeps me sane! :)
We are comfortable in our home and very thankful for all that God has given in things and talent! I try to remember that always!
My favorite new line is Josephine but I also love that Sunnyside!
When I find myself getting discontent, I just really stop and think about all the blessings God has showered on us and there is no way I can continue in discontentment.
So many beautiful fabrics but Sunnyside is on the very top of my list. Thank you for saying what I feel deep inside me! I am thankful for all I have and my life is simple but rich with friends, family, and my creative pursuits...what more could I want?! Maybe more fabric?!! Lol
I like Sunnyside and stay content by retreating to my sewing room, listening to some good music while I am sewing.
I love Sunnyside - sop many beautiful colours. It's only as I have gotten older and felt more comfortable in my own skin that I get better at not comparing myself so much and wanting to enjoy the journey and fulfil my purpose in Him more.
Sunnyside by Kate Spain must be my current favorite as I just received from you hexies in those prints.
It does not often occur to me to be discontented at home. If I could get organized from last move and a small fire, I would be totally absolutely content all the time.
I am on the road enough to make me enjoy home.
i think this would have to be my favorite new line - i am completely in love with the sunny colors and those BLUES!
like you, i have realized the colors that make me happy... and i stick to them. my husband laughs and calls them "laurel colors," but they're the ones that i love.
i also know that i have to have a tidy house to be content. with three small children, that is mostly impossible, but it sure helps!!
I really have to say that Sunnyside is my favorite, such great colors and patterns.
Sweet Seranade by BasicGrey. Anything BasicGrey is my fave. I keep myself happy in my home by uncluttering and having everything in its place. That's probably because my house is never like that...maybe for 5 minutes after the cleaning lady comes, but that's it.
Honeysweet would be my choice, sweet but not too much so. I agree with you about the influence of the sources that I used to read for inspiration but now find they make me feel like I am coming up short or send me in a frenzy for "I want". I have found that I have dropped some blogs that I could sense were really only for marketing purposes because I was wishing and hoping instead of working with what I have, like and enjoy. I don't really follow Instagram. And I think a schedule is the way I will be doing things in (the new) school year.
I have a really hard time staying happy in my home right now. We went from an almost 2000 sq ft. home to a 975 sq ft home - with 6 people!! So, it's hard. But we're all healthy and relatively happy so I keep that at the top of my mind when I start to go crazy. Also, I try and plant some new plants outside - that seems to help too. We all go through these crazy feelings - I think talking about it helps. As for the new line - I really do like Sunnyside - it's happy and bright!
I have to say it would be Giggles. It is so bright and cheery!! I stay content with my home by traveling a lot. It makes me appreciate it more! Thanks for hosting a great give away.
Sunnyside is my fav! I find myself in the same dilemma, of wanting what others have. I have 2 young boys and a busy husband and I am always coveting how much time other people have to sew! I wish I could get 4 hours a day! But in order for me to get any cleaning in the kitchen done, I have to do it while my youngest is asleep (or else I will have baby in the dishwasher). But I have to stop myself and just enjoy that I have so much time to be with my boys and remind myself that I will miss them once they go to school.
High Street. Or maybe Giggles. Or Honeysweet. Or Sunny Side. No, High Street, hands down. I think. ;-)
I love my home because it's not fussy. It's small, and simple, and hopefully a place where friends feel as comfortable as family.
It is a tie between Sunnyside and Honeysweet. Thanks for being generous.
I love giggles. I stay content by reminding myself that there are some who simply don't know where their next meal is coming from. Whatever problems I think I have doesn't compare.
You are so wise fr someone so young. Trends come and go, but having, for example, the coffee table that belonged to my parents the one I watched my nieces, nephew and my own kids "cruise" before walking, is much better than anything new could ever be.
I love the fresh, new contemporary fabrics coming out, and like Heather (poster before me) said, anything Basic Grey.
I have to say, you are amazingly perceptive for such a young (to me!) person. You have always seemed to have your priorities straight..but obviously, there is always the feeling that we are somehow not doing "enough". You are not alone. And the social media stuff can become overwhelming, but of course people are not instagram-ing the bad moments, the times they are frustrated, sad, angry, etc. I actually question the need some folks have to show so much "perfection"...it seems to indicate insecurity to me!
PS, I love earth colors too and your bedroom looks beautiful!
PSS I love Sunnyside....
Oh I was totally just eyeing that bundle this morning! Definitely a favorite of the new ones in your shop!
I struggle with quilt envy. I made a conscious decision not to try and keep up with everybody because I just can't. This year I've made sure it has stayed a hobby and I'm only doing what I enjoy and want to. I went back to old hobbies I loved because quilting wasn't fun anymore.
In life I remember God is in charge. There is nothing I can do without Him. All is from Him. I HAVE to read my Bible every day to remember that.
I absolutely love Honeysweet! But Kate's fabrics are also always high on my list!
I absolutely love Honeysweet! But Kate's fabrics are also always high on my list!
I absolutely love Honeysweet! But Kate's fabrics are also always high on my list!
Gosh Judi,
I'm so glad you posted this. At this very moment I was just feeling horrible about myself because of the same reason...comparing myself to others, not feeling like I'm modern enough, wishing that my quilts, blog, and photographs looked a certain way. It's just an awful feeling. So thank you for sharing. It's a good reminder that I need to step back and focus just enjoying what I do, and not worrying so much about it :)
I completely agree with you on how to stay happy and content with what I have! I went through a period of SERIOUS long arm machine envy this year. I was getting really down on my machine (which is really quite nice) and the extent of my quilting. I kept thinking of how much better I could be with a long arm, and how limited I am with my domestic machine. And then I had this reality check--we can't afford a long arm and we were just about to move into a much smaller house! I decided to focus on what I CAN do with my machine, and try to follow more inspiring bloggers that use domestic machines to encourage growth in that area. Clearly I still follow a few long armers, but I found a way to do more with my machine and be happy with it!
I love the colors in Sweet Serenade!
i'm absolutely in love with High Street by Lily Ashbury, her colors are awesome and i just found out she's Canadian and has a studio just a short drive away from me, lol
thanks for reminding me that everybody feels the same way i do, i can get obsessed real easy, but i don't have small kids, just a 22 year old.
Sunnyside IS my favorite new line!
I absolutely love Sunny Side...saw it for the first time yesterday at my LQS, so I'd have to say it's my new favorite. To stay content? Often have to approach discontent and say "No!" Then, I focus on the little things that I take for granted that so many would love to have: toilets that flush, warm water in the shower, the ability to brush my teeth with clean water...etc...and oh...easy access to Diet Pepsi. :) Seriously, gratitude is the best defense against discontent.
It would be Joy Batiks, I love red. I learned long ago that being happy and content doesn't involve anyone but myself. It's up to me to decide that no matter what happens today I can either be happy about it or let it roll off and not worry about it. I also believe that if I'm not going to remember something five years from now it's not worth stressing about now.
I think we live in a world that bombards us with all sorts of things that make us feel unsettled and wanting "more". I do look at Pinterest and pin ideas or things I might like to try but I also realize that those are just things. What I can do, I will. What I cannot, I forget about. When I find myself thinking that I need more or new or different I just take step back and realize that I am very fortunate to have a home, job and people who love me. Just realizing that some folks don't have any of that puts everything into perspective for me.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Honeysweet is a great new bundle. I love it!
They are all beautiful but I think High Street is my favorite.
Sunnyside is my favorite new line!! I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance and I'm glad you found your balance.
To stay content, I stay off of Pinterest. ;) And I count my blessings every day, just like my grandma told me to.
It's funny because I realize I just pin the things that make me happy and skip over the ones that don't suit me.
To keep happy at home I do a lot like your new plan. I have time for me, usually craft involved, and then I make time to be with my kids. It works out well and everyone is happy!
LOVE the Lush Uptown :)
Having my own craft room and making time to spend in it keeps me happy.
Sunnyside and High Street are my favourites :)
I totally get the discontent that can brew from seeing everything online. I think my biggest weakness is fabric, and neeeeeeeding this or neeeeeeding that. My stash is small compared to most I have seen, but realistically, it suits my current quilting needs. Except Kate Spain. She is my one weakness that I will continue to indulge in buying every line she releases ;)
I love honeysweet!
Honeysweet is my favorite new line right now.
I love the Joy Batiks. I can see some star Christmas quilts out of those for sure!
I stay content and happy in my home by doing projects for my 28 grandchildren.
Making my hubby happy makes me happy :)
As for the being content, just today I read a great post by Rachel at Stitched in Color and here is the comment that I left there:
At times looking at other people's quilts, sewing rooms, homes, fabric stashes or whatever else makes me feel.... I don't know, envious and wishful that I could have all that and make things that pretty and whatever else.
Really though, I love my small cluttered over-ridden with cat hair sewing space. I love my small, messy (I'm to busy quilting to clean after all) fixer upper house. I even love my diminishing because I can't afford to buy as much fabric as I want due to being downsized fabric stash.
The very fact that I am able to make a quilt a month to donate somewhere makes me thankful to be helping someone else. I think remembering that even if we don't have "things" we still have time that we can use to help others.
In truth I have to pull myself back from reading blogs at times just because I tend to become discontented when I see such gorgeous sewing spaces and pictures of large, colorful stashes. :D
I Love Sunnyside! So bright and cheery!
And what do I do?? I quilt...pretty colours, pretty fabric...fun quilts! Makes me smile! 😊
I love the new line called Honey Sweet - thanks for the chance.
Judi I think we all do this sometimes. I get very jealous of things I see others doing or have. I would love a big house, more money, more trips, all the quilting stuff you can have plus a studio -- reality is at this stage of my life with hubby semi-retired it isn't going to happen. I have to accept it and be content or I will be miserably unhappy. You are right though - in my case too social media is part way responsibly -
be happy don't let your job destroy your pleasure in quilting - maybe it is taking the pleasure out of what you do?
OMG, Sunnyside is absolutely AWESOME! I saw it this morning and want it sooooo much!!!!
Please pick my name and send some to NJ.
As for pleasing myself....I find I too check out Pinterest and other girls blogs and then I realize that yes, their rooms look nice but in reality, it just won't work in my house. So, I go with my old "loves" and am happier like that.
BTW...love your bed!!! Would you share the brand/model? My daughter is looking for a bed with drawers underneath and yours is exactly what she's looking for.
Peggy in NJ
I like the Joy Batiks. Just getting into batiks, and I'm ready to do something for Christmas. We all have our insecurities - but you have to look at your positives. Just read some of the comments on your posts and you'll feel good about yourself. I'm happy in my life even though I'm not working anymore and have less frivolous money to spend. But retirement is worth it. A much more relaxed pace makes me smile!
I really love Sunnyside. Kate Spain is always amazing, but her lines seem different and new and this one has me liking blue more than I thought I ever would!
Simply accomplishing anything makes me feel better. Sewing, cooking or whatever it may be, if I get something done I feel good.
You are right about social media. Staying away may be good. I love it for inspiration (love Pinterest) but you do have to stay true to yourself or you won't be happy in a few weeks!
Sunnyside looks great - so happy and fun!!!
It was a hard choice but i would have to say that Honey Sweet is my favorite of your new lines! When things get stressed at home I hide away with a cup of tea and a project(crochet/sewing/quilting). :)
Josephine. Reds and browns are my favorite colors. I am content to hole up in my sewing room and just do what strikes my mood for the day.
I love the new giggles range, such fun happy colours!
AsAs for keeping myself content, it all comes down to routine, doing the stuff that has to be done and making time to sew. I need to balance the thinking and buying better with the actual doing as I have so many more quilts planned and bought for than actually made!
Thanks for the chance to win!
they are all gorgeous but I think I like Lush Uptown best.
I've always felt content in my home, maybe, more than that, incredibly grateful. Just remembering the many people who have so much less than me always works!
I like Honeysweet by Figtree. Now how I destress? Well I got rid of my very stressful job..I was lucky I could do that I know. That has helped tremendously. Also I need to take your advice and stop comparing what I get done to others and ENJOY the quilting process...slowly working towards that again.
Love Barcelona and who can go wrong with Kate Spain. Whenever I get antsy or dissatisfied with things, I stop and think about how lucky I really am compared to a lot of people I know and even more that I don't know.
Love the Modascapes and Sunnyside! Yumm-o!
It would be Joy & Josephine for me...due to the calming taupes in both that lend warmth & a place for the eye to rest. This was a good lesson that you shared...cathartic for you & just what I needed to hear.
I love them all but find myself drawn to Sweet Serenade.
Finding a balance can be tricky, for sure! Exercise, enough sleep, and moderation help me. That includes anything electronic, food, and even people!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I am not sure if you are accepting international entries, but I love Sweet Serenade and Modascapes. I am on a disabled pension so I don't go out much anymore. What makes me happy is my fabric stash and growing things here at home, especially spinach and tomatoes. Good luck to everyone. xx debbie
I love/ me those French General reds...so my favorite line is Josephine.
Thanks for the chance.
Hmmm...staying content...well, as a military family, we move around every 2-3 years. To say content, I get rid of all of the excess. Every season we go through clothes and sort out things to donate. Every year, the garage and storage boxes get a good overhaul and each time we move, I leave things in the boxes that don't need to come back into the new house and take all the excess to the local "good Samaritan" resource center.
Content & happy for me is a new normal since becoming an empty nester....
After a good workout, it's time in the studio, time in the garden, an evening cocktail with the hubs.
Life is good.
I am lusting after the Sunnyside fabric. I am more content with my house when everything is put away and I just deep cleaned. No major redecorating maybe some new towels or even fresh flowers helps me restrain myself from a major redo.
Good points. For me, I have to avoid open houses....they always depress me!
Love sunny side. Many thanks for the giveaway!
Now I covet your camera...... lol. Kate
I think my favorite is Lush Uptown :)
I love the Sunnyside! I stay content at home, buy decorating in my own style, starting a fun quilting project, or just disappearing into the garden to weed. Things always look better after that:)
To saty content at home I like sewing, or sleeping! :)
I would pick Sunnyside!
I find that counting my blessings and reminding myself how absolutely blessed I am helps me keep things in perspective. God has blessed me more than I deserve!
Judi I love plush uptown. As the years go by you will come to terms that you are already doing what makes you happy. Helping families in Romania and raising 3 beautiful boys is the biggest challenge you are undertaking and you are doing it well. Everything else is just a fraction of your stress. You will so love teaching!
Sunnyside is my favorite and I would love to whip something up with it!
To feel content I just have to sit back and count my blessings! It also helps to realize that what you see on social media isn't necessarily the whole story.
So my favorite new line(s) are Sunnyside and High Street. I couldn't choose just one.
I love the Fall season and Lush Uptown just sings that to me.
Oh Judy, I think so many people can relate to what you are saying! I sure can! Pinterest & the like are so comforting in all the dreamy stuff we see, but we can't have all we see, finding joy & peace in what we have is the trick!
Thanks for the chance to win, I have just this minute placed a small order with you, so if by some miracle I win your yummy giveaway, you can pop it in with my order!! :-)
Sometimes I just need to remind myself how lucky I am to have what I have. I am getting better at this as I get older. My house makes me content. It is small and plain; more than many other houses, but it is ours and I do love it. I don't want things quite so much as I did when I was younger. I try to remind myself that I can like and admire something without really wanting to have it. Thanks Judi, for a great topic.
I would love to win. I'm surprised to believe that you are ever discontent with your level of productivity or talent. Even online I would have a struggle to find any long arm quilting that even compares to yours. Wow! If even you, one of the finest long-arm quilters whose work I've seen(and I've seen the best of show at several Houston quilt festivals) can be left wanting, that really goes to show you that no one is immune to the risk of desiring, even when their talents abound and abound...
I don't do Pinterest or all those others - I live in a 300+ yrs old house, love handmade items from generations of craftsmen/women, and simplicity of that lifestyle. Modern, bright, bold is fun to play with, but tradition has a stronghold.
I love anything by Kate Spain so I'll be hanging to get my hands on Sunnyside.
I'm reducing my social media time - when my toddler was being told to 'hang on a minute' so I could read some random crap on Facebook, I realised I was doing the wrong thing.
It's easy to get caught up in it but I know I'll be glad I've eased right up.
Enjoy your new 'boundaries' :-)
I must be starting to think of the Holidays...I'm loving Joy Batiks!
Of the new lines, Lush Uptown is my FAVORITE! I wish I had some of it!!
My LQS only seems to carry dreary looking homespuns. Blech.
At home I like to sew, stitch or just sit on the patio with a beverage looking at the scenery and listening to the world around me.
I wish I knew how to not covet. I have a quote up that says, "Comparison is the thief of Joy". That sorta helps to keep it in check.
Best wishes!!!
I do like the colors of Collection for a Cause..just lovely.
I feel the same way as you, even thought my kids are older and on their own pretty much. Between working, managing my husband's books for his business, and keeping up with the house and camp, I don't have as much time to sew. Sewing went from being relaxing to another stress- over projects that need to be finished.
i haven't even posted on my own blog in 3 months. Sometimes you just have to step back and adjust priorities, I guess.
I love Sunnyside, but Sweet Serenade would be a close second! Love your photo. Thanks for the chance!
I love your colors maybe because I lean towards the same ones. I went ahead to October because right now I'm feeling kind of fally. I love Vin du Jour...just enough red to beef up the browns.
When I get wound up and nothing is good or finished or even started I put everything down and sew something for someone in need, like pillow cases for cancer kids or doll clothes, nothing that has a dead line or needs to be perfect but something I know will fill someones heart with a little smile. Usually that gives my mind a break and then I can get back to work.
I know exactly what you mean, there aren't enough hours in the day most days and when you are bombarded with what everyone else is doing, it is hard to stay grounded. Remember your children are only small once~ enjoy each day and plan your days around them. Wishing you good luck!
modascapes is my current favorite. Thank you for a chance to win!
I am really liking Barcelona which is odd because it is not what I am usually drawn to. All the new lines are lovely.
After being sick for two weeks (and still a little sick), I stay content doing the little things.
My favorite is sunnyside but since that feels like cheating, I will say lush uptown!
This Sunnyside is my favorite! I've been "coveting" it for months, since I first saw it on Kate Spain's website. So glad it's finally released!
Anyhow... this post is so timely! Just this week I rejoined the world of facebook after a 3-year hiatus, for exactly the reasons you named! I found that everyone seemed to always just be putting their best foot forward, and it made me feel awful. Like, where are the other mothers of young kids who regret having just yelled at them? Oh no, they don't exist in the virtual world. At least not in MY social networks. And yes, I just can't seem to find the time to crank out nearly as many quilts as many others do. Sigh...
Okay... to wrap it up: I'm reminded this week of the beast that is social networking, and I really need to figure out a schedule that will work for me to manage it. I'm thinking that maybe I'll stay "unplugged" and "offline" anytime other than naptime and bedtime (for the kids). But if I want to surf then, it'll cut into sewing time! We'll see how this works out....
Thanks for the thoughtful post and for the giveaway! :)
It's so easy to fall into the coveting and over committing traps! I am constantly feeling the same as you. It helps to just take a step back and take a breath and realize sometimes you have to say no or delay those things so you can focus on others :)
You are SO right about what social media can do. I am such a dork--I am the most content when I am at home (or in my garden), it's when I am out there with all the other crazies that gets me crazy.
I love Lush Uptown and Sunnyside (anything that Katie Spain's)!!
My favorite from you new lines is Giggles, but Kate Spain's Sunny side is beautiful! It's hard not to want everything that you see. I'm from the generation where we had to start small and work hard for what we wanted. Just knowing that I "earned it" is sweet.
I like all the new lines for various reasons, but the one that most lifts me up is Sunnyside.
I have to say, I'm holding out for a big fat quarter bundle of Scrumptios!! It is amazing how when you retire, you are busier than when I worked! I now demand for myself at least 4 afternoons a week to sew, quilt and craft. That just makes me happier with everyone and everything else!
I usually read a book, quilt, or play a game with the hubby and kids to help myself out of the gloom... it helps to remember what really makes me happy... speaking of which LOVING that Sunnyside, so bright and pretty! Thanks for all you do, I love what you have done with your bed!
Hi Judi....the quilt your Mom made you is beautiful!!! I love so many things in your shop; but Lush Uptown has my vote tonight...lol
I enjoyed reading your post - so true about social media and comparing ourselves to everyone else! My favorite fabric in your shop is Giggles (such happy fabric) but I've also had my eye on High Street. I keep myself content by using fabrics I love and making the projects I want to make (and not using or making what everyone else is just to be part if the "in" crowd).
I am very content at home doing anything with sewing and quilting..hand quilting that is. I am learning to machine quilt...not relaxing yet....lol. If I get stressed or not so happy with things; I take a tea and sit outside in the gardens.....peaceful; listen to the birds or watch the goldfish in the pond....thanks for such a giveaway
I like the new Honeysweet fabric by Fig Tree. I am still learning to be content in my home. I think it's more about focusing on what I do have instead of what I don't have. Reading home blogs makes me discontent until one of the blogs shared that the pictures she shows are meant to look good and you don't see the things out of place right next to where the picture was taken. Kind of like my perspective. It all depends on the angle. What am I focusing on?
I not only live alone, but I live a fairly solitary life. I like splashes of color here and there--red in the kitchen, bright pink in the bedroom, greens and browns in the living room with a touch of blue here and a touch of yellow there. I have my internet to stay in touch with those far away, a telephone to talk with my son every day and a kitty to keep me company. Works for me :)
Sunnyside, definitely - would love to win it!
Your post made me smile because I read your blog and others like it, and I want to quilt like you! I just got my longarm a month ago and keep reminding myself it will take time, but I will get there. If I spend less time on Facebook I will have more time to spend reaching my quilting goals.
I love Honeysweet by Fig Tree it's warm and sunny and cozy! I look around my home and am inspired by the simplicity of it. It's not big or fancy or new, it's the home that my hubby and I created over 31 years of marriage. I love the simple colors and Furnature that is well loved by our dogs. It inspires me everyday and I feel like its all the little things I change that keep it nice and homie and cozy for my family.
how do you spell GORGEOUS?! as for the happiness scale, anything quilty is happiness for me, it occupies my mind and distracts me from worrying about bills, kids, and loneliness. my blog friends truly are a comfort! and as for my fav new line in your shop, HIGH STREET!
It's a toss-up between High Street and Sunnyside! I guess if I win ;o) Sunnyside, I could always by High Street. Thanks for the opportunity!
High Street is pretty cool. I just play with my cats and dogs and that is always uplifting. They make me smile every day.
i moved a year and half into my dream house and I have decided to decorate my way, for our family. it doesn't work for everyone else but it works for us. do what you like. :)
Thank you so much Judi for a chance at the give-away. I love French General so I would have to say I love "Josephine".
mgw070 at shaw dot ca
I stay happy but focusing on gratitude every day. No matter how bad a day might feel, I can always find something to be grateful for.
I don't need fluff, fancy, bells, baubles to be happy in my home. I'm happy to have my "home" with my men (hubby, sons x 2)& that's all it takes. Just about every evening we're here together, relaxing, talking, whatever...it doesn't get any better than that!
mgw070 at shaw dot ca
It's a tie between Sunnyside & High Street. It's always exciting to see the new lines, Thanks for the opportunity.
I love Lush Uptown. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Modascape is sure catching my eye. :)
I've learned as I've gotten older that the only one I seem to compete against is myself. Life is too short. In the end, it's all "stuff". I have a loving husband and we're still healthy. What more do we need.
Knowing that Christ is LORD and that I have so much compared to what many others have--how blessed I am, is what helps me to not covet!
Oh, and my favourite new arrival is Sunnyside! Such pretty colors :)
So hard to pick a favorite. I think the new Fig Tree, Honeysweet; or the new Zen Chic. I have a recently developed Zen Chic obsession. I think one of the best things I can do to stay happy where I am is keep a regular schedule. Sounds nuts, eh? But if I'm eating properly, getting enough sleep, getting some exercise, and taking time for fun I feel better equipped to deal with the ups and downs of daily life and keep my balance with it.
I find I gain more contentment when I start to clean out stuff and declutter. In turn around, there's less stuff to make messes in the house! :)
Barcelona looks like a fun collection.
I love all things Kate Spain, so I'd have to say Sunnyside is my favorite. I stay content by thinking about the blessings in my life - a healthy family, well behaved children that do well in school, and the opportunity to only work part-time so I can volunteer at our schools.
It's a tie between Honeysweet and Sunnyside. The others are beautiful too, but these are my favorites. I don't know why, but 'things' have never been important to me. I have a wonderful husband that does the grocery shopping and makes dinner every night. That's the best!
Happy to be MamaJo to 5 grandchildren 5 years and under. What a ride! Career woman for 25 year and now I have the best job ever, taking care of these lovely grandchildren on our family farm.
I love the Sunny Side. There is one always, and you are not the first to get caught up in the Covet thing. We all do it at one time or another. So happy you found your way out. It can be hard to do!
Enjoy the weekend!
Joy batiks are nice, but then again, I'm thinking Christmas since last month.
Well, I totally love Sunnyside (which is why I'm entering to win your generous give away!), but I am also coveting (hee hee) the newest from Lily Ashbury: Highstreet!
My favourite of the new fabric lines is Honeysweet by Fig Tree. So soft and pretty. We really do live in a society that tells us what we are supposed to want and how we are supposed to behave. It is difficult to be true to yourself. I try to stay true to myself by staying positive and take a minute everyday to write down 10 things I am thankful for. Some days it's hard to find 10, lol! But it makes me really think about it. And I say thank you to God for at least one thing everyday too.
I loved your post about listening to what you love, not what others are doing - and that is how I also stay happy in my own home. I decorate with the colors that make my heart soar, and I open up the windows and let in the fresh air and the smell of the pines and the gorgeous weather. I also take time to enjoy the little corners of my home that we designed for relaxation - especially our front porch with its comfy porch chairs and views.
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Joy Batiks.
Is all about priorities. Good, better, and best things to do with our time. Also Sister Beck had that wonderful talk about doing the essential things fist before anything else like scriptures and prayer, then add in the necessary and then add in the Nice. I have to keep reminding myself to go back to that over and over again to maintain a good sense of balance and contentment and to realize what's really important. Oh, and a good media fast is generally good for my health, too! :)
My favorite line is Giggles. I stay content by gardening. Thank you for a chance to win.
I love the colors inBarcelona. I'm a great believer in a good book to calm my mind.
Judi, thank you so much for the post today. I stay content in my home by praying and thanking God for all the blessings I have. It is all from Him, and I am so blessed. Thank you again for the post and for the opportunity.
My favorite is Josephine.
To combat "quilt envy", I remind myself I make the best quilts I can today, and they are "gifts for generations yet unborn." They will outlive me and will represent me to the future. That's good enough.
It's a toss up between Sunnyside and Honeysweet!
I stay content and happy by getting enough sleep! Things are always smoother on enough sleep. Oh, and delicious sweet coffee always helps :)
Judy, I think honey sweet by figtree quilts is really pretty. I check your blog often and I think you are wise beyond your years. You love your family and know what is really important in life. Also your quilting is just beautiful! I wish I could see it in person but it would be a long trip. Keep up the good work. God bless, Cindy h.
I really love Barcelona but winning some Sunnyside would have me shouting ole'
Love Sunnyside! Its not my "normal" thing and I'd love to let loose and play a bit. Modascapes is really right up my alley!
Lush Uptown... love love love that line.
I just remind myself that my position was chosen for me by our heavenly father and that everything that I have is because of him and I ermind myself that I could be worse off. And nothing clears the head like a great workout..
My favorite line is SunnySide. I love the bright colors and designs!
I stay content by focusing what is best for my family and myself. Easier said than done, but like you, I try not to compare my life, my likes, and my self to others. I have an amazing life, I just have to take the time to see it sometimes!
I am adding to my comment, because as an older hopefully wiser women l have been though the same feelings. I did not have social network, but had school and chruch activities. I keep comparing myself to others, they are skinny and put together, their house is cleaner, they are canning more, sewing more. I also ,worked full time and did not feel I was a good mom, wife or woman. I was up a 4:30 , bed at midnight trying to be perfect. What stop me was when I realized my oldest was graduating from school, where the time go? I was working for what? Things, stupid, things. I simplified my life and I am happy. Bless you and go at your pace.
I love Collection for a Cause Love and Giggles. Two totally different designs and styles, but they both make me smile.
Sandy A
I think Sunnyside is my favorite new line - although I can't wait for Potluck to hit the shelves!
Sunnyside is my favorite of the the new lines. I had breast cancer in 2005 at the time my son was 6 yrs old, you'd be surprised how things change in an instant. I look at life much differently now. I look at all I have instead of what I want right now. I look at my now 14 yr old son and thank God for everyday good or bad. Everyday is a bonus, I've been privileged to see him grow this far and I'm determined to see his children. I have a great life cancer and all, it could always be worse. Toni Anne ;->
I have been a fan of Sunnyside since ai saw pictures of it from the spring market. Thanks for the chance to win! Mrsrachelsbooth at gmail dot com
I feel the most content when I take a little time for me. Unlike you, I don't have kids, it is just hubby and me. I still have to work to take time to do what I love because I find myself putting the needs of others before mine most of the time. When I start to stress, I just slow down, grab a book or magazine and read, or escape to the sewing room! :P
Sandy A
Wow.... Thanks you for being so honest with us! I think that for me, contentment comes from my faith and family. They both keep me grounded.....
Mrsrachelsbooth at gmail dot come
Getting outside for a walk or bike ride helps clear my mind, gives me time to think and makes my body happy too.
I totally get to feeling the same way sometimes to. There is so much I want to do and be and not enough time and is it who I really want to be anyway?
Giggles is my favorite
Sweet Serenade is lovely.
Contentment comes from within. Getting older helps I think. You can't help being competitive when you are young it's the way we women are made up. I stay content knowing that I'm accomplishing something when I finish a project whether it be a small swap quilt or a large bed quilt. It's a different season for me. You will be fine you are just normal. ;) well very very talented but normal.
I've never been the jealous sort. I think sometimes I'm too happy with what I have. I still have things from 20 years ago on my walls and we've only lived here 13. Yep old things came with me. Some of my neighbors have redecorated 3 or 4 times or more. I normally buy things I really like and like them forever.
Sunnyside, Giggles and Joy Batiks are my favorites. Couldn't pick just one. If I get too stressed I like to go sit outside and read for a bit to take my mind off of things.
I love the Midwinter Reds by Minnick and Simpson and plan on buying the Fat Quarter Bundle next month!
Sunnyside- love the colors.
And----you're NOT alone!
High Street by Lily Ashbury is definately my favourite.
I try to balance out the frustration (obligations, things i don't want to, need to's and want to's) with the things that make me happy. So when things go crazy i turn to cooking, eating and sewing.
Giggles eu amo
De uma maneira geral estou satisfeita com a minha casa,mas...mudanças são necessárias de vez em guando,...Mudo as cortinas sempre que o dinheiro dá,acho que é uma renovada e tanto
Opts, I guess my second chance to win was supposed to be a separate comment! What makes me happy is doing what makes me happy....playing with my pretty scraps of fabric!
When I spend a lot of time on social media, especially blogs and Pinterest, I begin to covet and feel inadequate. When I pull back, I find myself more content with my own life and deciding what I like, instead of being told what I like, or feeling pressured to like something. I take a break from blogs and banned myself from Pinterest entirely. Besides, Pinterest is all a lie anyway. Just staged photoshoots! Good luck <3
Fresh serenade is my favorite.
Sometimes you need to walk away to get some perspective.
I like lush uptown most. Great new lines!
This sunny side collection, as well as Barcelona by zen chic are my favorites
Josephine would be my first choice.
I love the moda scapes - sticking with colors I love - earthy!
I stay content by spending time in prayer and reading the Bible, hanging with family and of course, time in the studio.
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