Okay, so this is my bed before. I wanted to share this with you because I love it. My mom made this quilt and the pillows for me and I have loved them for two years now. But, every now and again a change is in need. I'll explain. I have spent the last couple months stressing over a few things, mostly quilting and designing and all the hopes and dreams that come with this job. Also, add teaching into the mix for next year and I find that I have been a little stressed because of the planning I have to do now.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.
So, what do I do? I stalk Instagram, Facebook and blogs (all things quilty) out there and I become a little obsessed - maybe too much. I find myself taking on more projects, I amp up my goals and I drive myself crazy trying to accomplish more than I need to. And, then I make a critical mistake. I start comparing myself to others. Which of course leads to coveting. Pretty sure I know why one of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not covet." It really is so dangerous because you start to be unhappy with what you have. Tell me you do this too and that I am not the only one that has fallen into the trap of discontentment. So, I pull back - thank heavens for family who are patient and can help me realize the source of all my crazy.

So, I went to the store. Bound and determined to have a "trendy" new bed spread - colors and all, but you know what I found out? I went with the colors I love. I am drawn to earthy colors and I always have been. The white fluffy bedspread I wanted became cream, flat and quilted - the turquoise pillows became green. Instead of changing out my rusty orange drapes, I got pillows to compliment them. It was a change that I needed for the moment, but I realized I wanted the colors I love, not what Pinterest shows me are "in."

That is when I realized that the last couple months of comparing myself to others has made me so unhappy. We are all so different and thank heavens for that. We don't have to love the same things and have the same colors in our houses. It is funny how Social Networking is so awesome, yet - it can make you jealous of everyone else. So, I have decided that I will stop it! I will cut back on the time I spend on Social Networks (it was bad, darn smart phone) and I will realize that what I have is all I need. I will stay true to myself and what I love and not worry about others who seem to be accomplishing so much more than me.
So, that means I am back on my schedule. I got off it and boy, that always gets me in a bind. It has changed a bit, but I am completely mom in the morning. I even started exercising today. I think I need that. Since I will have three kids in school, and one that naps - I will only work 3 hours in the afternoon during nap time and one hour after bedtime. 4 hours - that is it. Oh, and that means more time in the evening with Clint, so happy about that.
So, if you find yourself being unhappy with what you have - take a step back, or a break from comparing and realize that each one of us has different talents, abilities and we are all amazing in our own way. I really believe that, I just sometimes lose sight of it. So, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It really helps to talk about it. Anyway - to thank you for reading, especially this long post - I would like to give away a beautiful fat quarter bundle to one of you.

Sunnyside by Kate Spain for Moda. It is beautiful. It is one of the new lines we have in the shop and I can not think of anything more fun than cutting into this line and making beautiful quilt tops. I want one of you to be able to do just that.

Oh, and the new camera - totally awesome. Still learning, but can you see how amazing having a "close up" setting is? I love playing with my camera and hope to be really good someday. All in good time.
So, two chances to win. Tell me your favorite new line in our shop, then tell me how you stay content and happy in your own home.
Thanks everyone! Good luck.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 634 of 634I love Giggles. That looks like such a fun bundle of fabric.
To stay content I turn to my family and friends when I become to crazy about others and what they are doing. My husband and best supporter is a wonderful person at bringing me back to my center.
This is my new favorite line! I just love it. Thanks for the giveaway. Contentment is a difficult battle sometimes. I am always amazed that whenever I do change something or get something new, that excitement is so fleeting. It usually makes me realize it is rarely the "stuff" that makes us truly happy. Great post!
Lush Uptown is my favorite. As for contentment...gratitude...being thankful. You're so right, comparison is a contentment killer.
Angie =)
Every new line is my favorite. My kids are grown, but my grandson comes over every morning before school. (He walks to school from my house.) He comes into my sewing room before school and is able to play games on the computer while I sew blocks together. We get to visit before he goes to school and I go to work. Lunch hour is for errands and evenings are for family, friends or whatever comes up.
I love your sunnyside line. After 66 years, I have learned to be content in any situation and place. Look for the blessings, don't compare myself and improve my own talents.
My hands-down favourite is Bluebird Park (October) and of the new releases I like Honeysweet. As far as being happy in your own home, I'm totally with you on how Instagram and pinterest and all those make you want and want and want. Turning them off or limiting them helps. So does rearranging the furniture, planning a fun date night out with your husband or trying a new recipe. I have found, this summer, that doing one new thing a week, however small, has made a huge difference in my outlook. I watched a movie at the beach, learned to cook vegan dishes my steak-loving husband will eat and signed up for Yoga. Nothing major, but a couple of changes have made me see my home and my family through fresh eyes :) best wishes. And thanks for the giveaway!
Aspen Frost fat quarter bundle is really sweet!
I too am prone to coveting. I try to limit the wishing and just enjoy the creativity of others. And purposefully limit time on pinterest and realtor.com (my hubby's a pastor and we live in a parsonage, but I'd love to have our own house - someday Lord willing).
In our home, we take things one day at a time. Don't get me wrong, our calendar is crowded and we have our routines, but if it is not somethings' time to be worried about, it doesn't get its turn until it is its time.
Your post is very true and wise. Thank you.
My daughter would love the new Giggles line. I'm drawn to Modascapes :)
I love Honeysweet. Those are my colors! I try to stay content by remembering that I could have it so much worse, and have, in fact, had it so much worse. I love your new white quilt, it'll help you clear the caos in your head before you go to bed.
We all compare. But after comparing someone gets depressed and thinks that he has all bad. And someone has the courage to go your own way. Benefit is usually the latter.
I am happy in my home, which I'm trying to arrange so that was convenient to me and my family.
Sunnyside and Giggles are my favorites.
I really like the colors in High Street. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm divorced and a single mom living with my parents and all my siblings (since I'm the oldest). So when I start getting frustrated with life in general, I just remember that I'm so lucky to have my family to help take care of me and my little girl and it could be so much worse. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Sunnyside or Barcelona are my favorite new lines in your shop.
I try to focus on those that are directly in front of me, my family, and not care as much about keeping up with those that aren't the ones living here with me. Watching my kids do nice things for each other helps.
High street, love the fun colors and the floral pattern. True wisdom in your post, sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Love your blog.
I like Sunnyside.
I stay connect listening to music on my ipod.
I love this line by Kate Spade - I just bought a Sunnyside
charm pack about a week ago and would love to have the fat quarters to go with it.
I keep myself happy on my sewing room invisioning all the beautiful quilts I want to make.
I love this line by Kate Spade - I just bought a Sunnyside
charm pack about a week ago and would love to have the fat quarters to go with it.
I keep myself happy on my sewing room invisioning all the beautiful quilts I want to make.
Sunny side is my favourite.
I find that being thankful for all the good things in my life helps to keep me grounded.
I really enjoyed reading your blog. You reminded me that what I like may not be what's trendy but it makes me happy. Thanks
Thank you for your honesty about coveting. This is something that I battle with also. Thankful that the Lord gave us his Word to keep me rooted and grounded in Him. I also like the Sunny Side collection, it is on my wish list! Thank you for the chance to win!
I love Honeysweet line...lovely colors!
I stay content by spending time crocheting and happy to see my children wrap with my handmade quilts:)
I actually love Sunnyside the most!
I try to take a step away from social media to have some serious me-time and to be able to listen to myself without the influences facebook, instagram, pinterest, music, TV, smartphone etc. It's very important for my own sanity to shut everything else out for at least half an hour a day. After that I feel so refreshed.
My favorite is Sunnyside. Color makes me happy, that's why I quilt!
Thank-you for opening your heart to us Judi! Most young mothers feel this way and it passes, just like diapers and potty training! The trick is recognizing what you are going through and how to get over it. You'll be fine!
My fixes for this, exactly what you are doing(plus a little chocolate) Tammy
They are all so pretty, but I am really liking the new line "Honey Sweet" by Fig tree..all her lines are just beautiful! :) As far as beign CONTENT..:) Well I think we all have to deal with that at some point in our lives if we are honest. A special verse I think about often and have shared with my children MANY times is 2 Corinthians 10:12 "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." I heard a long time ago that contentment is "realizing that God has already given me everything I need for my happiness". Knowing this keeps covetousness from stealing my joy in the everyday living. We are definitley happier when we enjoy where we are right now! :) BTW, Your room looks beautiful in YOUR colors! :)
Would it feel like cheating if I said Sunnyside is my favorite? Okay, it may be tied with Lush, but that's a take two, so it's almost not new, right? Anyway, thanks for the reminder/advice. I'm embarrassed how much I needed that right now. And thanks for the opportunity. Maybe if I compared myself more in the generosity department instead of the stuff/accomplishments department I'd be happier and healthier!
I try not to compare to others. There's always someone with more money, happier, prettier or more succesful than I am. I try to remind myself I'm very liucky for being so healthy, havieng a job (I was unemployed 1.5 years ago), and that my family and friends are helthy and happy too.
Terrific giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
I love Sweet Serenade, Honey Sweet and Josephine! So many beautiful lines!!!
Terrific giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
Josephine by French General is my favorite. I'm partial to Kaari Meng's fabrics. :)
I have to admit that I find myself suffering discontentment from time to time (especially after reading and seeing things on the internet), and have to remind myself to count my blessings. Our home is small and humble, yet is the most peaceful, comfortable place in earth for me. My husband and I are very intentional about making it a home full of love, respect, and God's Word. It is a place where our kids are always welcome, safe and loved.
You know, I kind of find the opposite -- maybe that's the town I live in, or the industry I work in (high end interior design) -- but I find myself slipping into the coveting trap when I drive past ritzy neighborhoods or flip through Architectural Digest magazine, or watching shows like Million Dollar Decorators on TV. The blogs I read, especially the quilty ones, tend to pull me back down to earth and refocus me on what really matters. Also, going to church every Sunday morning. There's nothing like a good sermon and my favorite hymns to snap me out of the coveting syndrome and set me back on track again!
I actually love them all but the Giggles is my favorite. I stay content by spending time with my family and quilting.
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