So, I have been wanting to share this quilt forever! I finished it in the summer and I had to wait to blog about the whole quilt. This quilt is designed by Kimberly Einmo and quilted by me. The name of the quilt is Fire and Ice and was recently showcased in AQS Quilt Week in Des Moines. Good news, it received the viewer choice award. I can hardly contain my excitement! I have never been part of a viewer choice award and I really think that is the best award out there! You can read all about the award here. The pattern for Fire and Ice will also be featured in the next edition of BEST MODERN QUILTS, due to be published in January, 2014 - So exciting! Be sure to watch for that.

It has been such a pleasure to get to know Kimberly Einmo, we have become fast friends and I am so excited that I have been able to collaborate on several of her quilts. I am still waiting to share one other quilt that I have finished for her. I can't wait for that one.

Kimberly let me do my thing on the quilt. I had the best time coming up with the quilting design. It came to me almost immediately. It was funny because I convinced myself that it wasn't going to be so detailed that it would take a long time. Boy, was I wrong ;-) It was a time crunch quilt, so it was a little stressful during the process.

I couldn't be more happy with the results though.

There is something about quilting texture that makes me so giddy. Thanks for letting me share this with you! Have a fabulous week!
I saw your quilt at the Des Moines AQS show. I recognized your quilting style even before I read your name. Just beautiful!!
Simply gorgeous. Love the quilting.
Beautiful!! No wonder you are giddy. What a talent you have.
Your work is both elegant and exquisite!
Красиво и гармонично
Not only is the quilt beautiful in itself but your quilting is just breathtaking.. Love it!
Another Amazing quilt.. just beautiful. Your quilting is truly a gift for all to be inspired by. Thank you for sharing. One day I hope to have you quilt one for me...
Judi, I am so excited when I see that you have a new post. I love the quilting on this quilt, as I do on all your quilts. I have had your book on pre-order with Amazon since it was first announced, and can hardly wait to get it. Thank you for taking the time to post pictures of your amazing quilting that inspires us all.
Judi, I am so excited when I see that you have a new post. I love the quilting on this quilt, as I do on all your quilts. I have had your book on pre-order with Amazon since it was first announced, and can hardly wait to get it. Thank you for taking the time to post pictures of your amazing quilting that inspires us all.
Absolutely beautiful! Love your quilting design so much! Thanks for sharing.
Oh my stars! This is gorgeous!! How many hours this must have taken. Your stitches are so perfect and precise. Stunning
Beautiful quilt, beautiful quilting! Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous! Just gorgeous!!!!
Absolutely beautiful!
You inspire me!
Love this quilt and the quilting. The precision of your work is amazing, the results are just stunning. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!
You and Kimberly make a great team and you are my favorite quilter.
P E R F E C T I O N!! It' s amazing! Barbara
Congratulations on your award!! You absolutely deserve this because of your unsurpassed perfection in quilting!
Thank you for sharing in detail the beauty of your work!!
Your quilting is fantastic...I saw it in person in DM and am not surprised it won viewer's choice!
Just beautiful....wonderful quilting and a real show stopper. Congrats and well deserved.
Wow, that is such beautiful quilting! Would love to see one of your quilted delights in person one day.
Another superb quilting job! You have the straightest lines that I've ever seen. So beautiful...!
Your quilting blows me away. I see a large negative space and cannot envision anything to put in it. You have such design talent. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful quilt with us.
Your quilting is amazing. This quilt wouldn't be the same without it.
Gorgeous quilt! You are a fabulous artist.
You are SO very talented. It's just breathtaking! It does make you giddy and swoon a little, doesn't it? That's probably why you are so good at it! Amazing.
Absolutely stunning!! I love how much you have added to the design with your quilting. Just amazing.
Another gorgeous job quilting! I've not been much of a fan of modern quilts but they are growing on me. Especially when I see them quilted. It makes them shine.
This is EXQUISITE, Judy! This is the kind of contemporary quilt that just sticks its tongue out at those who sneer at the modern aesthetic and claim it's "less than" traditional quiltmaking. Seriously -- I think what traditionalists most object to in modern quilting is the sense that skill and mastery are no longer relevant, that "beginner" quilts are all modern quilting has to offer. Yet all of that "blank" space is perfect for showcasing truly masterful machine quilting that can be lost on more traditional quilts, and this quilt also reminds me that the universally beloved Amish quilts were similar in so many ways to what modern quilters are doing, and that the Amish style was also particularly well-suited to breathtaking quilting design. So despite modern tools and equipment, I feel like this particular quilt shows a connection between Amish tradition of strong graphic piecing designs and intricate quilting with the modern quilt movement, and I know that it will inspire both modern and traditional quilters to rethink the limits of their craft and stretch themselves artistically. Did I mention I like this quilt? ;-) This one and the kaleidoscope/pinwheel one (with the white background full of fabulous quilting) are my favorites of all the ones you've shown so far. Is this book actually out yet?
drop dead gorgeous - so inspiring - I keep going back and looking and analyzing and figuring out you quilting design - some day!
WOW!! as usual, knock my socks off. I love to see how you come up with dividing the quilt into quilting sections, Does that even make sense? Congratulations on the ribbon. Cannot wait for your book to come out, you have had the worst time with it, I hope you explain how to do things like you do in your videos and here on your blog. Beautiful work please keep sharing.
The quilting on this piece is really what sets it apart! Excellent work!
Beautiful and amazing quilting!!!
Beautiful quilt and awesome quilting. Great Job!!!
Absolutely exquisite!
Absolutely exquisite!
This is simply breathtaking! It's a lovely top but the quilting takes it from perfectly pretty to nothing short of a work of art, amazing!!
Just fabulous!!
Exquisite! I have to try something in your style! I am totally smitten!
Wow!! totally impressed, will really be buying your book now :)
Another stunning quilting job. I'm constantly amazed by your work.
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