Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Quilting Life... Giveaway and Book Tour

A Quilting Life

It is my turn for Sherri's Book Tour.  I met Sherri about 3 years ago when she had me quilt for her.  I looked back at some of the quilting I did for her and I really can not believe it has been three years.  The quilting I did three years ago is so different from what I do now.
Sherri is a very talented person and I am so glad that I have been blessed to know her.  She has pieced quilts for me, and I have quilted for her - now she has a book out and I will have one out soon.  I am so happy for anyone to succeed, but it is even more rewarding when it is someone you know personally.

A Quilting Life: Creating a Handmade Home is a special book.  Sherri has made cute projects that any quilter at any level would love to put together.  The photography in this book is fantastic as well. Also, I am a little attached to her book because of the fact that my quilting is in this book - and it is the first time that my quilting has been published in a book. So, when I opened her book and saw this page I gasped and got the biggest grin on my face.....
This is the project, "Pinwheel Picnic" and a CLOSE UP of my quilting is the center fold of the Table and Contents page.  So cool.

 This darling quilt can be found on page 50 in Sherri's book.

And, here it is! So cute!

So, Sherri asked to have me share some tips on having a handmade home, including some organizational tips to share with you all.  Well, I had to laugh a little at myself because I am so not organized.  Sometimes I think my brain will explode because of all that is going on inside my head with all the projects and things that I want to do - my family can testify to that.  As far as having my quilting things organized - well, I literally wait until my Mom comes to town and she reorganizes my threads and my cutting board area, not to mention she cleans out my fridge.  Thanks Mom - you coming soon?

The only thing that has helped me stay organized enough to accomplish what I want to with quilting is to be on a schedule.  It isn't always perfect, especially with our kids throwing the schedule off. But, the days where I quilt from 6-7 am, 1-3 pm, and 7:30-8:30 pm are the days that keep me on track.  I throw in as much piecing as I can during that time too.

So, one last picture - and this is proof that I am so not organized - this is the only picture I could find of about ten pictures I took of Sherri's quilt before I sent it back to her.  I have no idea where they ended up and I have spent the last two hours trying to find them on my computer.

   Anyway, the quilting is simple but fun.  I did a lot of ruler work on this quilt with quite a bit of reference marking. I used a white thread for the white fabric and I used a silver metallic thread for the colors.  It really was fun to quilt and the pattern is so fun. 

So, do you want a copy of this book?  Here is your chance to win a copy - just leave one comment telling me how you make your home a handmade home. Good luck! 

You will have more opportunities to win Sherri's book. Stop by Lissa's blog tomorrow.


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Gemini Jen NZ said...

Congratulations on being in print again! A testament to your wonderful work! I am slowly making my home a haven of handmade... I have cross-stitch pictures, some quilts, wallhangings, Christmas decorations, husband hasn't yet told me it's getting too much to handle (yet!) Our winter has just started, a good chance to get projects finished. Best wishes, Jenny

DeborahGun said...

your quilting is amazing - congratulations for being featured in what looks like a fantastic book. So far my home doesn't look too handmade as I usually give away what I make, but I want to work on changing that a bit :-)

*Cornelia* said...

im always so in love with your quilting work - really amazing,
I try to make my home handmade,but its slowly, some cushions, table runners, wall hangings, and quilts for the kids, we have already, and cross stitch pictures

Gill said...

Your quilting is stunning!
When I was first married money was tight so my home was handmade through necessity - these days it's through choice!

Barbara M. said...

Hi! I usually make quilts or pillows for others and I haven't enough evidences in my home of my big passion, but if you look inside my cabinet where I try to store all my fabrics, threads and other stuff you can believe that!! Barbara from Italy

Shauna said...

Thanks for the chance. I have tried to add touches everywhere from homemade pillows on the sofa, to quilts on the bed. To me it is the little things that make me happy

Mary said...

So many things for the home you can make with the sewing machine and/or a little bit of fabric! I have made pillows, recovered furniture, altered ready-made drapes to fit, made curtains, drapery swags, bed dust ruffles, crib ruffles, bumper pads for cribs, diaper bags, hot pads, trivets, table runners, children's puppet theaters, backpacks, leggo sacks, bed tents, table tents, costumes, school banners, clothing, slippers, hats, scarves. Not to mention purses, totes, wall hangings, Advent calenders, couch throws and quilts.

Joan and Kevin said...

I make quilts, pillows and hooked rugs for my handmade home. Thanks for the giveaway!

Donna said...

Sherri's book would be a welcome addition to my home. I use wall quilts, throws and candle mats, etc. for a homemade home.

Sandy said...

I've always loved making things. There is just something so satisfying about making something from scratch to share with the people you love!! I Sewed my daughters dresses when she was little, made wooden puzzles with my scroll saw, did cross stitch, knit and crocheted, canned fruit, made relish and salsa (yum) and now quilting (the best for last!!)

Pauline said...

How do I make my home a hand made home? By decorating with only beautiful items made by people, not mass made by machines. Of course some of my quilts and hand made are visible, along with paintings from friends and many items made by my daughters and other members of my family. So, I'm always on the look out for new projects, and I'm sure to find them in "A Quilting Life."

Mary said...

I absolutely love your quilting! Glad it has found it's way into this book! I make my home handmade with quilts and pillows.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Just Sew Sue said...

I spy some Bonnie & Camille. :) I have a large quilt hanging in our stair well. In theory we rotate the quilts, in practice it rarely happens.

Unknown said...

Judi, your quilting is fabulous! You do such an incredible job! And yes, it is so neat that it is in Sherri's book. I try to make our home a handmade home by having both finished and UNFINISHED projects all around! I am in the process of teaching 3 young girls (14, 14, and 12) to piece quilts and our "classroom" is in my basement. I have several vintage machines set up for them to use so sewing machines abound in my home! I'd LOVE to win Sherri's book----I've been drooling over it ever since she announced it. Thanks for the chance!

Lesley said...

Your quilting is amazing! It certainly compliments Sherri's stunning quilt. What a duo you are! As to how my home is a quilting home, as I sit in my quilting chair in the livingroom, I can count 11 quilted items from wall hangings to cuddle quilts to doll quilts surrounding me. What a great day for more quilting! Thanks for the chance!

Lisa England said...

I have many handmade things decorating my house -- wallhangings, bed quilts, window treatments, pillows, etc. Making it yourself is the best way I know to get exactly what you want. Looks like a great book, thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great book. My home is scattered around with homemade quilts, cushions, wall hangings, my own renovated furniture and 101 other items.

Sharon said...

I like to have pieces mixed in with store bought. Pillows, quilts, curtains, towel accents just to name a few make a home feel cozy.

goodmoodyogagirl said...

So happy for you to be published,, twice!!
I like to have quilts & table runners everywhere I can & little touches @ the holidays. Mugs rugs are great too!

Sandy said...

Beautiful quilting, as always!=) I use quilts throughout our house. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Will Cook for Shoes said...

My home is a handmade home because I've done so many of the renovations myself, and then finished it with crafty touches to personalize it and make it *me*. I think this is just such a great book!


vanpardoe said...

Love your quilting...
I like my quilts around the house and my husband does wood work...
Thanks for the chance to win.

KeyQuilter said...

Years ago I had a few small quilts on the wall. I still have 1 in my studio that's a Bible verse in embroidery and appliqué. The rest are lap quilts and bed quilts and dog quilts! LOL

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Gorgeous quilting on those pinwheeels!! I try to have handmade things in every room. Pictures that the niece and nephews have made, sewn things and handcrafted items from artisans.

JudyCinNC said...

I have table toppers on stands and runners displayed and quilts everywhere needed. Love home made and value you it as a treasure for sure. I have always greatly admired your quilting. Judy C in NC

Linda said...

Our home is blessed to have my Mom's framed embroidery and some of the artwork that used to hang on the walls of her home, my grandkids' handiwork, and my Granny's quilts. I also love to redo and refinish thrift store items for our home.

Gina said...

Quilts, table runners and wall hangings are my favorite things to make for home, although most wind up as gifts!

Sarah C. said...

To make my home a handmade home, I add custom touches to all our hand me down furniture. I love re-painting found objects to suit my style, not to mention the handmade quilts draped over every couch and chair ready for snuggling!

Karen said...

I bought an antique scroll piece many years ago and my dad helped me make it into a quilt hanger for my living room. I change the quilts out seasonally.

Brenda said...

Thanks for a chance. Our home has a lot of homemade items out on display...things the kids have made and things that I have made. We have quilts out to be used.

Diane said...

homemade at my house is decorating with my quilts-displayed on the walls, throw pillows on the sofa and I have 2 custom curio end tables my dad made me that I have quilts folded inside. I also finally made my own window curtains this spring.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Sherri's book

B Greene said...

I have quilts scattered here and there, but I seem to decorate mostly with piles of fabric and works in progress :-) I like it!!!!

Marci said...

Love your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to receive the book! Our handmade home is lived in--for real--some days cleaner, more organized than others. :o>

Fernanda said...

Wonderful work as always. Thanks for the chance to win. My home has a few homemade things lying around - table runners, needlepoint hanging on the walls, pillows, afghans, and slowly adding quilts.

Unknown said...
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Kate C said...

Looks like a great book- and how neat to see your quilting in print!

We live in an old farmhouse full of handmade things, lots of quilts, furniture my husband builds, and I sew all the curtains, etc. I also have a bunch of antique linens that are hand made that we love to use.

Joyce said...

Love your quilting!!
Our home is definitely filled with handmade -- my husband has built most of our furniture and every room has quilts, wool appliqued pictures and pillows. Add a few hand painted pictures. Let's just say - there is no doubt that a woodworker and a quilter live in our home!

Vicki in MN said...

As always your quilting is gorgeous!
That's an easy question to answer-by having lots of things I make in my home, from quilts,runners, wall hangings, pillows, valances, to just little things sittin around on shelves or tables.

Mtntop Quilter said...

For the longest time I gave everything away to friends and family so their homes were handmade. Then I would look around my house and be disappointed that I didn't have anything. I started making two of everything so I would have one too. Mostly tablerunners right now. Starting to look pretty nice I have to say.

DebrafromMD said...

I have always liked to make things, but have given away the bulk of my efforts. I am working on adding quilts, cross stitched pictures, sewn pillows and curtains to my own decor. My pantry tells a different story however. It is full of stuff that I have put up. Most of our food is made from scratch because I love to cook almost as much as I love to quilt.

Renee said...

Well, a lot of quilts are hanging on the walls! Everything is currently fairly organized while the house is on the market, but some days it is still chaos!

Anya said...

Looks like a great book! I have quilts hanging on walls and railings all over the house. Thanks for the chance!

Rebecca said...

Yes, yes, yes I want this book. Thanks for a chance! Just love to hear your work is prominently displayed in a book. Most of my handmade work has been given away. But I have my Mom's quilts, crochet, knitting, and needlepoint scattered. Plus I am lucky enough to have a dress my grandmother made for my mom when she was a baby as well as a slip she made for her when she was older handing in my sewing room. (note: Mom cut the sleeves off the dress to make doll clothes when she first started to learn to sew as a child!!)

quilting/fitness said...

I love it beautiful as always
I have crocheted blankets from a friend quilts over couch fso I don't have dog hair on it recovered stools and pillows

Krysta said...

I totally believe in a handmade home! If I can make it, I am making it! I just made some couch pillows, table runners, I want to make curtains.

Congrats on your quilting being in the cook. I think you do amazing work. I am trying to get myself to a long arm class that my LQS offers, so I am especially inspired by your blog! THanks for the chance to win!

Nancy said...

We don't have access to the same types of stores here in Congo that I was used to in the states. I have learned to make my own rugs, curtains, table clothes, and clothing in addition to my quilting hobby.

Jaime P said...

I've recently gotten a vacation house and it's been fun filling it with quilts, woven rugs and knitted blankets! I'm playing with fiber guilt free!

Deb said...

That book looks like it would be a great one to have and I just love your quilting on it (as all the quilting that you do!).

I make my home homemade by making quilts and stitching reproduction samplers. I've also made curtains, afghans too, but quilts and samplers are my first love of things to make.

pcflamingo said...

It mostly shows up at Christmas - my tree has primarily handmade ornaments ... knit, crocheted, hand-painted wooden ornaments, paper pieced fabric ornaments - anything that is kitty-proof! No breakable ornaments allowed! Then there are the holiday wall hangings, too.

Paula said...

Such amazing quilting! Wow!

I'm renewing my love for sewing (used to sew for my now grown kids). I have a granddaughter due in six weeks. I made her a few small items already and I'm looking forward to doing lots more sewing/quilting for her.

Heather said...

My home is just filled with handmade items, quilts of course, but also pillows , wall hangings, upholstered items, curtains and stuffed toys! I love handmade.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I make my home a handmade house by painting my bedroom a beach island surrounded by sand dunes, surf and sky with a skylight/gazebo roof on the sky/ceiling with clouds. I have pillow shams all over with beach/island prints. I have tons of quilts that need finishing and some are on the couch to cat proof the upholstery. Hope I win!

Unknown said...

I make my home a handmade home by having quilts on every bed and on some chairs throughout the house. I also knit, so we have knitted afghans for warmth and comfort. Finally, I use knitted dishcloths in the kitchen and handmade placemats and napkins! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

Gloria said...

Cushions and throws on sofas and quilts on beds, make our home handmade.

But every bed has at least two quilts - the spare bed has 10! - and so I am starting to make arty quilts too.

Auntie Pami said...

My home is not very hand made right now, living with paint cans, boxes and unfinished projects, but is like to have our new home, our forever home more hand made.

Anonymous said...

Toss mats...napkins...embroidered towels

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your blog! I have quilts all over the house and love homemade pillows. I'd love to win Sherri's book.

ruth50 said...

Table runners, pillows and lap quilts are decorating my home. Your quilting is beautiful.

Willa said...

mostly my homemade is original art. mine and others. mostly watercolors but also some quilts by a departed friend.

i love your quilting!

Unknown said...

Your quilting and Sherrie's just doesn't get any better than this!!! I try to incorporate something handmade in every room, even if it's just a simple pillow or doilie :) I'd a copy of Sherri's book and can't wait for yours!

Joyce said...

I am very lucky to have a husband who doesn't mind having my homemade treasures on every available surface and even on the walls. His idea of decorating is white walls and a couple of pieces of furniture...and nothing else. And that can be found in our house....absolutely nowhere!

Brenna said...

Lovely book! My home is not as handmade as I'd like yet, but I'm working on it! Quilts, pillows, little touches here and there.

Lee Ann L. said...

I move last summer and am decorating the home from scratch. Most of my current pictures are cross stitch as I used to do that. I am thinking about getting back into cross stitch. The beds have quilts. I plan to make more quilts or quilt blocks to hang on the wall.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Thanks to you and Sherri for the giveaway...I would love this book! And your quilting is always an inspiration!
My homemade home includes lots of quilts and throws, lots of tote bags (one for every need!) , stuffed toys, and hand made p.j.'s for my grand daughter!

Unknown said...

Beautiful job, Judi. I look forward to seeing your book.

nuria said...

I love to made handmade things for my home,curtains,pillows,cross stitched alphabets,quilts!!! And i love pinwheel quilts as the one in the book and your increíble quilting( imposible for me).
Congratulations for your work.

Andra Gayle said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great book! I have quilts everywhere in my home and, in most cases, they are functional but there are a few on the walls. My sewing mess is all over the house though so that counts too!

do_the_beach said...

I use quilts and throw pillows to soften and warm things up around the house. We also had some of my husband's photography professionally framed and that is on the wall in my living room. A very personal touch for us! Love the book! Good luck everybody!

Sally said...

I have quilts on the walls, over the chairs and sofa and hanging on the railings. Actually they are everywhere lol. I change them with the seasons which I'm sure my husband loves because he has to get out the ladder.

Nicole Christoffersen said...

Oh! That quilt is darling! I hope I win one of these books!!! I'm able to create a handmade home by doing the same thing you do...schedule quilting time! If I don't, everything else will take over!

Karla said...

You're quilting is stunning!

I am always sewing or crafting something for my home. I get my ideas from shops, magazines and the internet. So much fun!!

Becky_Sharp said...

I love making things for my home. Towels, clothes, curtains, pillows, quilts...I love seeing my work sitting out and being used!

kellsgal said...

Your quilting is stunning. I have quilts of course, some crochet and recovered the dining room chairs. Thanks so much for sharing.

Bailey said...

I have my kids artwork all over the house and piles of quilts for them to use.

longlake7 said...

I try to make quilts for the "themes" that everyone is into such as trains, soccer, etc. Then I make "special" holiday bed linens, table linens, etc. Seasonal is fun for the table and quilts on rocking chairs and on the sofa to cover up and enjoy.
Little things but they add a smile.

Mo_Chride said...

Love your quilting. My handmade home consists of my adventures in quilting, my children's artwork,as many handmade by others things as I can get rather than mass produced and as much handmade food rather than convenience food as I can manage with a five and eight year old and a husband that has to travel a whole lot for his business.

Unknown said...

I usually give away my needlework, but lately I have been redecorating and keeping some.

Eileen said...

Just wanted to say that my quilts and knitted afghans are all around my home. And my mom just doesn't understand it ... to her, handmade equates to homemade, and she would just rather go out and buy something ~ homemaid means you can't afford storemade ...

Barbietee said...

wow....your quilting is amazing. I look forward to your book too! and there really is no way like quilting to make a home a homemade home...I love the way just a little throw or toss cushion can make such a difference...I also love how just a runner thrown over a door or across a table adds such homeyness too

KMSC said...

I love displaying hand made items from my mother (crocheted, knitted, hardanger), my MIL and daughter(counted cross stitched pictures) and me (bed quilts, wall hangings and table runners). Congrats on having your quilting published; it's beautiful!

Cathy and Paul @One Creative Couple said...

My home has paintings, needlework and sewing all through it that was done by both my husband and I. I love your quilting and the quilt you did in her book is gorgeous.

sandra said...

Luv your quilting! I try and add as many handmade things to decorate my home. Thanks for the giveaway ... would luv to win a copy of the book!

Lynette said...

In the beginning,(first married), handmade/homemade is all you can afford! Somewhere along the way it becomes "what makes a house a home"! Homemade is the love we share with family and friends!
Thanks for the give-away!

Missy Shay said...

The quilting looks great! I try to always keep a project by my sewing, available for whenever I have a chance to sit down and work on it!

terriquilts said...

How cool to be published and a close-up of your quilting to boot! Love it! I have quilts all over the house; in baskets, hanging on an old ladder, on beds, the walls, etc. Thanks for a chance to win Sherri's book, looks like a great one

Colleen said...

Quilts, cross stitch pictures, embroidered towels and napkins, cushions, holiday decorations, bread, pie, cake and cookies.

Nedra said...

It put a smile on my face when I saw that you had quilted one of Sherri's quilts for her first book :) So fun to know you two worked together and created this beauty.
Count me in!

Jacqueline said...

Your quilting should be published. It is too amazing for words. Congrat's..

Anonymous said...

My home truly is handmade - from the 1880's. My art work is on the walls, dolls I've made sit on all the cabinets, and my quilts are everywhere!

Sherry said...

Your quilting if just fabulous! It is exciting to see people succeed in doing what they love. I have worked to make my home a Homemade home for many years. I make most of my curtains from fabric I find on sale or even garage sales. I have made many cross stitch and embroidery projects and now am adding quilts to the mix.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Decorate everywhere with quilts--I can never have too many!

Heartsdesire said...

Beautiful, beautiful quilting, would love to win this book. Most of my handmade decorating involves quilts: on the beds, on the back of the chesterfield, small ones on the wall.

Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

There are a few handmade things in my house like a quilt om my bed or the pillows on the couch.

Cindy said...

Fantastic quilting! Your work is "beyond beautiful", a true tribute in Sherri's book!

Our home is a "homemade home" for sure. My "thing" to make it feel "homemade" is to change out my wall quilt hangings per the season and/or holiday. Hubby loves this idea - he says it saves him on painting because I always change the "color" with the "changing of the quilts"...LOL

CLS said...

I make my home a handmade home by having quilts in almost every room to snuggle under.

Amber @ fromtheseeds said...

So fun - what a cozy looking book. Thanks for the chance - oxo!

Gayle said...

gorgeous quilting you do! I make mine a homemade home by having quilts on every bed - and on the walls - and on the couch - and making window treatments and hooking rugs and generally doing everything I can to decorate our home with things I make with my hands.

Unknown said...

Wow your quilting is amazing.
Love it.
I make my home handmade by decorating with quilts both made by myself and my mil. They are hanging and on beds,tables,and recliners. I also have cross-stitched items on the wall and for a time I was into some wood crafts and those are there also but to top it off. My home is a log cabin built by my Dad. So we have always been a home-made family making homes.

Julie said...

I don't really have a handmade home, but eventually!! Thanks for the chance!

Carolyn said...

This book looks wonderful, I'd love to do a few more projects for my home. Your quilting, as always, is exquisite!

Meredith said...

Your quilting is amazing! I am trying to have a handmade home with quilts and table runners. I need to make some pillows!!

Frances Meredith said...

I asked my husband the question 'how do I make our house a handmade home'? He quickly reminded me that we had actually built our homemade home (with a large workroom included)! So after all the manual work of building and painting, I then moved onto dressing the windows, and in the past two years I have made 10 sets of curtains and blinds. After a hard days work it was great to snuggle up under my hand stitched butterfly quilt. I am gradually getting more time for my patchwork and quilting now.
Love your work, Judi!

CathyK said...

Basically my home is a handmade home via myself making quilts and my sister making crafty decor items for me! Thank you for the chance!

Trish said...

First of all, your quilting is gorgeous!! I try to make my home a handmade home by making homemade laundry soap, bath soap, etc. What I can't make, I buy local. I'm just starting on my quilting journey, so I hope to add quilts of my own to the ones given to me by my grandma.

Kathy said...

I basically have quilts and pillows I have made for decor, plus I don't take shortcuts in baking.. A more handmade look and smell gives me a sense of accomplishment!

Maxine said...

I make pillows for the beds, sofas, and chairs (indoor and outdoor patio chairs).

Unknown said...

Your quilting is magnificent! How do I make my home handmade? I love to do needlework, lots of cross-stitch and embroidery. Homemade pillows, bedding, window treatments - I also love to custom paint the walls. Our home is one of kind to be sure!

Janelle said...

Lots of quilts (of course) and cookies. Home made are the best!

Unknown said...

Your quilting is beautiful! Well, I fall into that terribly unorganized category. BUT I can always find time to create...for other people. My homemade home is full of homemade for friends and family. One of these days it will be for me. Thanks for a chance!

Anonymous said...

I love homemade gifts of any sort - cards, pictures, quilts - so I put them on prominent display in my home as soon as I receive one. Congratulations on your quilting being published! I think your work is gorgeous.

Jane said...

I'm afraid it's mostly in my mind! I think about all the things I'd like to make for my home, but they don't get done very often!

Anonymous said...


Heather said...

Beautiful photos of your amazing quilting! I love to make all of the beds with a white duvet and handquilted quilts folded at the foot. Also, a good majority of the wall decorations are elaborate cross stitching, paintings or hand made memorabilia from our travels. So homey....

Angie Burrett said...

Your quilting is just so beautiful - I wish I lived nearby and could bring my quilts to you! A handmade home - well I guess every bed has at least one patchwork quilt on it! - and quilts hang over banisters, on the back of sofas and chairs - patchwork cushions in abundance for inside on cold days, and for the chairs on the porch on warmer days. and so on until every surface has something handmade with love! This book looks so good - I do hope I am one of the lucky ones!

Tammy said...

Your work is fabulous by the way. I lov emakeing my home a "home made home" I yty to llways incorporate home made decor items into each season in my home. I sew and quilt and craft. And recycle and reuse as much as possible. I encourage my childrens creativity. I set my daughter up a art table and painting area in my studio room. So anytime she wants she can go and paint and draw to her hearts content and play with fabric too. I also try and display quilts in my home as well as any kind of homemade items I can make. Thanks for the chance to enter your book giveaway.

Laura said...

Thanks for the chance to win the book - it looks fantastic. I have quilts, pillows, table runners, and wall hangings that I have made. I change them with the seasons and for holidays. Love the way it looks!

sandy said...

Congratulations on being in print. I love to surround my home in homemade "stuff" that either I have made or others have made.


Firstly Congrats to you, its gorgeous. It keeps the eye moving. I make homemade for my grandkids and keep it at my home, it makes it a special time when they are here and they ask for "their personalized quilt.:) "

Wendy said...

I display my quilts on the back of my couch, draped over the rocker and in an antique, glass fronted cabinet...and lately I've been stitching up pillows to coordinate with the quilts. Other homemade stuff - well bread of course, and cross stitched projects on the walls...

caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

Catskill Quilter said...

Your quilting is fabulous! Having a hamdmade home to me means displaying handcrafted items that I and members of my family have made.

Helen said...

I would love to win this book. I have been a fan of your quilting for some time. I make my home homemade by hanging my quilts that I have made, along with some heirloom qults that both my husband's and my grandmother have made.

Joyce Carter said...

WOW! What gorgeous quilting! It is really breathtaking. I make my home handmade by displaying quilts on the beds and other small items on the walls and in the kitchen. Thanks for a great giveaway. I would love to win Sherri's book.

Lynn W said...

Lots and lots of doilies, afghans, poster sized cross stitch wall hangings, pillows and tons of quilts! Does putting in custom flooring count?

Kathryn said...

I always have a homemade quilt on the beds, and one at the sofa for a nap. Great showcase of your wonderful quilting.

Wendy said...

I make as much as I can...because I like to and it feels so good to say, "yes, I made that!"
Mom always did it that way and I guess she set the example for us girls.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Fantastic quilting on Sherri's quilt Judi!! You amaze me still...I need to keep more of what I make. I either sell it or give it away. S'pose we could change that?????

Donna said...

Handmade quilts, handmade soap, handmade rhubarb crisp! Love the book!

Donna said...

Handmade quilts, handmade soap, handmade rhubarb crisp! Love the book!

Tamie said...

Lovely quilting! I am a major DYIer and that is my contribution to a handmade home. Thanks for participating in the tour.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I am just awed by your quilting! You must have a whole lot of patience! I love decorating our home with things I've made~ from quilts to potholders, its all fun. Thanks for the chance!

corina said...

Your quilting is second to none! I always have 3 or 4 quilts draped over furniture in various parts of the house, as well as a couple of wallhangings. I like to change them out for the different seasons. The book would definitely be an asset to my quilting library!!!

Kimberly said...

I make my home a homemade home...just by doing it. It was out of a desire for quilts in my home and a tight budget (that's still there) that made me begin my quilting journey. It's become a small - but large enough - business that's kept me at home with my kids, and now they're in the "craft sale/market" business with me. We wouldn't have it any other way!

Jolynn said...

I love decorating my home with handemade items that I have sewn or made. It means so much more to me if I, or someone close to me made it. I like to surround myself with things I love and that have meaning to me, so I am not one to run out and buy the latest Euro decor.

Paula said...

Stunning quilting. For me a homemade home is about putting my own stamp on things and displaying the family's creations. I make my own curtains and cushions, quilts for the children, cross stitch pictures on the wall. My boys create all sorts of artwork I proudly display. My husband too is creative and contributes to the decor.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome book and congratulations for having your quilting showcased in it! My home is filled with the little, colorful vintage things that I find to uses in unusual ways that make me smile when I see them (of course my husband considers it "clutter")and of course the curtains, quilts and other fiber art that I have created over the years from quilts to curtains.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgive the poor sentence structure in my post above. I got distracted by the hubs!

Nita said...

I have a couple of quilts on the back of the couch for snuggling under in the evenings :)

Diane Kelsey said...

Congratulations on your quilting being published in a book, I'm sure that it wont be the last. I love to make snuggly quilts and home accessories for the home, especialyy at Christmas time.

Vicki H said...

I have crocheted doilies and afghans my mom has made in several rooms. There are at least two quilts in the bedrooms and living room to curl up under.

Emily said...

I've made a handmade home by refinishing a lot of the furniture pieces I have found thrifting, sewing my own pillows, and also doing my own art pieces! I love being crafty, so most of my work is what we use every day :)

Unknown said...

I love to make my curtains! Especially kitchen or dining room curtains :)

Ramona said...

Thanks for the chance to win Sherri's book. It looks fabulous. I am trying to add more homemade touches around here with some table runners and wall hangings. It is fun to change them out with the seasons.

Learn How To Make Quilts said...

My hand made home is me making my own curtains for my house, all the blankets we use, table runners, cooking. I like my things to have my own touch to it. It saves money, and to me makes it so much more beautiful. Even buying a bed frame on craigslist and painting and distressing it myself ect...

Pattie Crum said...

Your quilting is beautiful, it makes me want to try to try more quilting stitches. I always have at least one quilt or table runner on display at home. I like the feeling it gives a home.

kc said...

I love decorating my home with homemade things. From coasters, to placemats, to wall hangings to throws, they all make a home cozy.

tpott said...

Congratulations! It must be the must amazing feeling to see your quilting in print. I love to sprinkle a little quiltiness in every room.

barbara woods said...

love the quilt's and craft's she does, thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, Thanks for a chance to win Sherri's book. Your quilting is absolutely amazing!! I give my house that home made look by hanging lots of wall hangings pertaining to the season in as many rooms as possible. I have one wall devoted to a full size quilt. It gives it that warm and comfy feeling, especially in winter!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

My home is homemade by displaying all my sewing, some small quilts, table runners, cushions, kitchen towels... The sweet smell from the kitchen...

Theresa said...

Your quilting on the pinwheel quilt is lovely! I also appreciate that you shared your time blocks where you fit in quilting during the day - I am going to try to create my own chunks of time this summer.

As far as a handmade home goes - it might be the quilts I made for my sons that I get to tuck them under each night or the handmade dolls I made my daughter that I end up picking up in various spots around the house.

Hanke said...

I love to make things for my home, sewing and quilting. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Susan said...

I was born crafty as my Mom has been doing needlework, sewing, crocheting since she was born. Almost every room has something hand crafted... I just love it!

Thanks for the chance to win this great book!! :)

Terri in BC said...

Your post got me thinking and I realized that I have decorated every bedroom in my homes with handmade bedding, quilts and window treatments since I was a newly-wed so many years ago. My latest finish was a quilt, bedding and curtains for my granddaughter who is turning two. This is the second set I made for her, the first was all her nursery bedding!Thanks for helping me bring back fond memories!

KT said...

How I make it homemade? hmm I have made sure there are pictures of family everywhere, there is always some kind of project laying around, and I tried my hand at scrapbooking so we have a lot of homemade albums.

Sherry VF said...

Weel, we have several homemade quilts on our beds as well as lap quilts. I make most of our throw pillows and some drapes--usually out of drapery material. I paint pots and make flower arrangements. I even make homemade meals!

Sonya said...

Over the years, I have tried to make my home a handmade one by not being afraid to try things! I have sewn curtains and pillows, repainted furniture, done some decorative painting here and there, and most recently I have learned to quilt. Nothing beats creating something with your own hands! I love your quilting! This pattern is too cute! I love pinwheels!

Katie Cohagen said...

I have stacks of quilts everywhere; our living room, all the bedrooms and the basement too! I think it gives people the vibe that they can come in, put their feet up and get comfortable which is exactly what we do!

Three Baggy P's said...

My home smells, feels and looks handmade...because we do so much of that. I'm hoping I have passed on these things to my daughters who will soon have their own homes=)

Laurel said...

I've always enjoyed crafting in a number of ways so my home has handcrafted quilts, pillows, and window coverings as while as hand painted items. My younger family and now my grandchildren wear some of my handmade clothing, especially hand smocked items for special occasions. I always love your quilting!

elletaylor said...

My home is handmade with quilts and pillows piled around. I try to make homemade food for dinner most nights of the week too!! What do I have to do to get one of my quilts quilted by you?? It would be an honor!

Sandy said...

Gorgeous quilting on Sherri's quilt. My house has a handmade flavor because first of all it has a "lived in" feel. Grandkids in and out. My stitcheries are on the wall and quilts to cuddle with.

QuiltKorner said...

Your quilting is so pretty. I try to have lots of table runners and pillows around that are home made. And decorate the seasons with appropriate themes. Koye

Conlill said...

Hi Judy, This looks like a beautiful book. I always love looking at your quilting no matter where it is. Congratulations to both you & Sherri for your books, Excellent!!!

Jocelyn said...

The book looks fabulous, and the quilting is amazing!! It's fun to add a little bit of special handmade things. Some were made by my mother and mother in love. I do use quilts around my home to make it a handmade home. We change the quilts during the holiday seasons.

Jan Baker said...

My home Is homemade because it has things I love and people I love in it.

Conlill said...

I've always been a handmade person
making my own curtains cushions etc and now quilts', it's what I love!!

Janarama said...

I have little touches of homemade in my home ... kitchen towels, little quilts, patio drapes, coasters, hot pads, table topper, etc.

Your quilting is stunning!.

Cori said...

Your quilting is wonderful, I like how it adds to the design of the quilt. I love handmade anything, it means love

Material Mary said...

Beautiful quilting. How exciting to have some quilts in print...

Lissia said...

How fun! I wish I could quilt like you...someday, maybe! LOL I recently moved and I'm working on alot of re-doing of work furniture. Bought a fun mirror, sanded it down and painted it a beautiful purple for my daughter. Re-doing my sons headboard, red, his pick :) Bought a neat desk for $20 that I'm going to sand down and work on painting navy blue. I'm also in the process of making a quilt for my daughters bed using the Quick Curve Ruler and the BOM Jenny offered...she's done with it and I think I have 4 or 5 blocks made! LOL Oh well, everything in time!

Cecilia said...

I like to use quilted table runners for the different seasons and I'm working on quilts for the beds in my house. Your quilting is gorgeous! I am learning to free motion quilt on my home machine and I hope to be able to quilt pretty designs like you one day. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Sherri's book.

~Laurie~ said...

I've been hanging quilts on the walls here in our home - it makes it feel cozy and I can change them up when I want to! Fingers crossed I win this terrific book :)

Julie said...

Love place mats and pillows and of course, quilts

annerd said...

I love to make table runners, because of the size. Bigger projects all have a stay in the UFO stack. The result is that I always have homemade tbalerunners out.

Thanks for the lovely sneak peak in the book and the giveaway!

Grandmasewnsew said...

I make my home a handmade home by using fabrics as much as possible to express myself in my home. I love to transform "found" objects into decorations and use my child's and now grandchildren's artwork, often having them help me with a project. I'm also working on making all rooms as neutral as practical or possible to let the fabrics create the mood.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being in print once more. You do such wonderful work, you are an inspiration to me. What a wonderful book. I make my home a handmade home by making quilts for the kids, making pillow cases, and making table toppers and runners for the house. I also do some small clothing items for the kids. I am always fixing or sewing something for someone.

Polly said...

This is so wonderful to find such great new blogs and websites to buy fabric etc. I'm thrilled to have found you and will follow you. This grandmas home is homemade because of homemade food and handmade quilts thrown over beds, chairs and couches. Quilting fulfills me.

Fiona said...

congrats and as usual your quilting is just outstanding...
my home is becoming more and more handmade with them 'practice' quilts and a variety of mini hanging quilts...

Laura said...

i'm slowly learning and making quilts to enjoy a handmake home

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love everything that is handmade because I like to support all the crafters and quilters, etc.
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

Julia said...

Love your quilting on that quilt! I try to make my home "handmade" by making curtains, pillows, and quilts!

sue said...

I guess I try to make my home "handmade" by using my quilts, cross stitch framed pictures, some embroidered items my mother made and items I find at estate sales and garage sales. I love your quilting and your blog.. You are just fantastic!

Michele T said...

I love to have placemats, table runners, pillows, quilts, wallhangings, and curtains that are homemade by me all over my home!

Angela said...

I try to do a little crafting/sewing/knitting everyday.

mary said...

I love to sew and have things that I have made on display--quilting, crossstitch, curtains, etc. You did a terrific job quilting Sherri's quilt.

Katie said...

Your quilting is awesome! Congratulations on your new book. I have quilty wall hangings and quilts on beds to cozy up our home!

suemac said...

Love the quilting. That fabric is so fresh looking and the quilting just accents it.

Sewgirl said...

I like to cook most of our meals at home. My kids know that dinner is a family time, spent eating a good (sometimes great), homecooked meal.

The quilting in that photo is just beautiful! My goal is to do that one day!

Kathy H said...

Congratulations on this wonderful book. Your quilting is just beautiful. I have a handmade home with our wall hangings, throws and bed quilts. I love to have different looks for the different seasons.

Sharon said...

What a fun looking book. My home is handmade with quilts on every bed, several walls, and anywhere else I can find to put them!

Melissa said...

I love that quilt and your quilting is what makes it really eye-popping! My home is handmade with pillows, wall hangings, paintings, and decorative items that were made by me or a family member. I like having unique things that you just can't buy in a store.

Unknown said...

Your quilting is gorgeous! I make my home handmade with pillows. I love how quickly I can whip up new ones when I need a change of scenery.

Joan said...

Love your quilting, Judi! I have my quilts everywhere, on beds, hanging on walls and displayed on racks. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Sherri's book!!

Christine M said...

The walls in our lounge/kitchen/dining room are covered in quilts, small and large, and many framed cross stitch pictures. In fact, we are starting to run out of wall space! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Vivian said...

Let's see. My home is filled with quilts, pillows, and doilies. Oh, and a few afghans. I love looking at your quilting for ideas.

Unknown said...

I make my home a handmade home by having everything that surrounds me being things that I love; not the trends, not the "proper" things, but the family things passed down, the handmade things from my grandparents, parents, and myself and my husband. I love my home.

Jennifer said...

Looks like a great book and great quilting. One of my favorite handmade items around my home is the kid's artwork, which decorates the kitchen area!

Jackie said...

Love this book, really need it to help me make my home more "homey"... Thanks for the chance.

ThreadCatcher said...

Wonderful book. My home has needlepoint, cross stitch and quilting projects scattered around, showing the various crafts that have caught my attention over the years.

Kristy said...

Our home is a reflection of who we are and what we love. My husband does woodworking. I quilt, cross stitch, paint, and quilt. We are happy to add to our home's decor.

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