So - pirate hat - lots of Vaseline and lotion and he is healing nicely. I trimmed his nails short too! Thank you, Thank you to everyone who had a solution for me. I have come to realize that he gets his habits from me, hate to admit it, but I didn't realize it until I blogged about his picking problem.

Okay - my kids - I love these little people. I finally have a picture of them all together. I just haven't done that yet, and I am sad that I haven't. I spent a lot of time the last few months being so worried about getting my book projects done that I didn't spend as much time with them as I should have. I really regret that. I am now back on my schedule of only working while they sleep and it makes me so much happier. I need these little munchkins and I hope they know how much I love them!

The whole family - sometimes I can't believe that there are six of us - where does the time go?
Now, time to get a real photographer and get some real family pictures taken.
Your family is beautiful! I'm sure it feels good to have your schedule back to normal.
Beautiful little family. Yes we all need schedules. Enjoy them while they are young - they grow up so fast - yes, they really do.
Beautiful family picture! Glad your followers were able to give you advice about what to do.
You all look just beautiful! Well, OK, some of you look beautiful, and the rest of you look handsome! LOL Wonderful to have a picture of the whole crew, isn't it? Glad things are back to normal!
Jacque at Lilypadquilting
You have an awesome family! I can just see those boys now... terrorizing all of their sisters boyfriends and giving them the 3rd degree. lol
Yay for healing! You have a beautiful family.
What a lovely family you have there, Judi! Generous, loving families like yours are such a blessing to the world!
Glad you're back in your groove too!
be sure to tell his dr of the allergy to bandaid/bandaid adhesive...
a great dermotologist recommended hypoallergenic moisturizing lotion is AQUAPHOR. it is a miracle cream. it does not stain like vaseline can.
it used to be available only by prescription but about 10 yrs ago (yeah I know -- that is ages ago) it went OTC. Yeah! It is available at Sam's Club pharmacy at great prices or grocery stores or pharmacies.
I'm allergic to bandaids too. I've found that the white paper tape works great. If you want a non-allergic lotion I have a recipe for making your own. 24 oz of lotion only costs about $3!
What a good looking family! I'm so glad you figured out the problem. These kids don't know what wrong sometimes and can't tell us. What a good mom you are!
Lovely family pics. Were you going somewhere special?
What a beautiful family!! Picture perfect!! Enjoy...because they grow up WAY too quickly!!
I'm glad we were some help to you. Bringing up kids isn't easy at all. You have a wonderful looking family :)
Thank you so much for sharing yourself and your family with us.
Oh my gosh, who would have thought he was allergic to the adhesives. Poor thing. I'm glad you finally figured it out. You have a lovely family! Cherish every moment.
Beautiful family photo as you are! Glad you found a solution.
Time sure does fly.
What a lovely family!
You all look so pretty together. :) I'm really upset at myself that I didn't get professional family portraits done this summer. Too late now - I'll have to get it done WITHOUT FAIL when the girls are home for Christmas!!
Where does time go??? I don't know, but I wish I did or at least that I knew how to slow it down. You have a lovely little family.
What a beautiful family!
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