Saturday, February 21, 2009

Giveaway! I love my quilted bags, do you want one?

So, to show you how versatile my "Quilted Bag" pattern is, I have put together these five bags. I am going to be giving away one of them.

I really love this red, black and check. The picture does not do it justice. It is so cute.

Who doesn't like black and white? I told you I had a quilted bag for every pair of shoes.

Brown and pink floral. The fabric is of course Moda from the Posh by Chez Moi line. I will be giving this one away because it is my personal favorite.

My pink and white bag is a fun one too and it is my daughters favorite.
I have been holding and hoarding these bags, I love them and I want to keep them all to myself. But to save me from my greedy self I am going to part with one.

Giveaway guidelines!

So, do you want the Posh Quilted Bag? Leave a comment, tell me your favorite bag and who sent you then leave your email if you don't have a blog for 1 entry into my giveaway.

Want 2 entries? Blog about this post on your blog.

5 entries? Snag my button from the right and put it somewhere lovely, make sure to tell me you did it. (Just copy the code and paste it in your blog).

I am giving away my Posh bag to one of you lucky persons through a random drawing. And...

I have one more bonus! To the person that gives me the most referrals through their blog I am going to give them a quilt bag kit to make the bag of their choice. (When you tell your friends, make sure to tell them, to tell me, you sent them). Included in the kit is my "Quilted Bag" pattern, the fabric for the bag including the lining so you can quilt it yourself.

Good luck! You have until midnight Friday, February 27th.


Stacey said...

my fave is the one you are giving away. i added your button and am off to post about it. thanks!!

B. said...

The green one for sure! I've been reading for blog for a few months now, and really love it.

Have a great day, and wish me luck!

Stacey said...

oops, to make it easy my email is (I was the first comment)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

My favorite is the black and white bag. I came to your blog directly - I have you on my blog reader. I will add a mention of you on my blog.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My favorite bag is the pink and white one. So cute and so springy. No one sent me to your blog, I have been a fan for quite some time. Enjoying it as always.

jabeybaby said...

Hi Judi, I'm gonna try again for one of these fantastic bags. I love the green one!! Oh and I wrote a little something about your giveaway on my blog.

ikkinlala said...

My favourite by far is the green one, and I got here from Stacey's blog.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Mary Ann said...

Oh, Judy, these bags are beautiful!!! I'd love to win the pink and white one, but seeing as it's your daughter's fav, I'd choose the pink/brown one instead!!
All the best!
Mary Ann
PS Karenfae sent me!!! ;o)

Stitched With Prayer said...

Wow, I'm really going to have to set up a blog...I will only get one entry, though no one sent me, I have your blog on my favorites and I check it every single day because I enjoy it so much. As for my favorite bag, they are all beautiful. hmmmmm.....the red, black and check and the black and white really speak to me....I guess if I won, you would have to just surprise me with one of those two, though I would certainly be delighted beyond all measure to have any of them. Thanks Judi. Hey, are you going to show us the shoes, that go with your bags? ***wink***

Jen said...

Ummmm I want the Pink and white one! Bad. Real Bad. I am going to have to do some "sweet talkin"
I would love your quilted bag! I will blog about it!

Barb said...

I found out from quilts...etc. And I am going to do all three. I love the black and white one.

My internet is making things hard so give me some time to post and take your button. Thanks.

sphinx63 said...

My favorite is the green one. Very pretty bags! Thanks for sharing one with us! No one sent me, I was just looking thru random blogs.

Sue Cahill said...

I came over here from Luv to Knit N Sew, I am so glad she sent me!!!

I love all the bags but especially the pink, my favorite color.

Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely bag.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Carlotta said...

My favorite is the brown and pink floral. I have added your button on my blog and blogged about it. Thanks for the chance.

Missy said...

Hmm...I love them all, but I think my favorite is the black and white one. Your quilting is gorgeous!

I'm stealing your button right now, and then I'll be blogging about it.

Sara said...

Oh, Stacy at Luv2knit sent me over to tell your that I just love the black and white one...

Thanks for entering me in your contest.

antique quilter said...

all the bags are wonderful

hard to chose my favorite

I have to go with yours, the brown and pink floral
how wonderful it would be to win this tote bag and be able to use to tote my hand applique projects with me all the time
I found your blog thru Karen at Quilts,etc.
I will subscribe to your blog right now!
Love what I see so far!
Thanks for a great giveaway

Dawn said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! I already follow you through bloglines...does that count??

Dawn said...

I forgot to tell you my favorite...oops! Posh. Thanks again!!

Carla said...

They are all pretty! I like the green one. I came over from

Diane H said...

Hi, Love the red black & check bag.
I follow you. Love the machine quilting you did on the previous post, beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Poo Judi! I did that last time...they ran over to you and ruined my chances for winning! Great job on the always you do spectacular work.

onlymehere said...

I love these bags. My blog is currently private and I don't have my sewing one quite up and running that will be public so here's my email. I just have to say that I totally love these bags. I'll be doing a post about it next week if I can get the public sewing one finished but I'll let you know when I did so you can check it out! Cindy

Gari in AL said...

I love your black and white bag (and all the others, too) as it would go great with my B&W jacket. No one sent me, I read your blog every time you post.

Tammy said...

Hi Judi, I have to say I love that brown and pink floral, all of them are so beautiful - hard to pick just one that stands out!!
I heard about your from Karen at Quilts....etc.

Dawn Heese said...

Love all the bags. I am a bag freak, pink and brown is my fave. Added your code to my blog. It posted a link but no cute button like you have.Will post a blog tomorrow.

Linda said...

I want one! LOL They are just adorable!
I have you on my feed list so got here since I had time to check the updates.
Love em all - the fabrics are all scrumptious!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win one!! The Pink, the red, the B&W, anyone!! So pretty.
'Found' you through Karen, Quilt...etc
I am putting a link on my blog
Gina UK/BR

Chantie said...

I love your giveaway, and the Posh bag is definitely my fave! You have a fun blog; I've had you bookmarked for a while; thanks for the entry! Chantie

mainiax said...

I love the green bag Lately everything I have been getting lately is green maybel I just cant wait for the green of spring.. I was sent over from


Terri said...

Yay I love bags. I already saw a lot of my readers here but hopefully I can send you more. I just love the pink and white one. Would be a great diaper bag.
I am already a follower, I have blogged it for you, as well as added the button to my blog, in a wonderful spot to. Thanks and good luck to everyone

Terri said...

sorry here is the link

Kat said...

I love the green one, very pretty, looks very stylish.

I came over from

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I love the one you're giving away - gorgeous fabrics for a beautiful bag!
I found out through Carlotta of Mahogany Blue.
I've posted about your giveaway on my blog. :-)

martimez said...

My favourite is brown and pink floral.I d'like it.
Márta from Hungary

I will post about your giveaway on my blog

zazálea said...

I would have he green one, it is wonderful....
I came here from Martimez'blog, you can read her comment above me...
I will write about your giwe away-action on my blog.

Gene Black said...

I love the green one. It has real panache!

Terri at Sew-Fantastic sent me here.

Natalija said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vanessa said...

I love the brown and pink! I am visiting from Elefantz.

Natalija said...

Hi Judi :) I hope it's opened worldwide.
So, let's start:
1) My favourite one is black and white. It's very simple, but that's what so special about it.
I came from the blog of DianeH. She is your follower.
2)I already posted about your giveaway.
3) Put your button on my sidebar.

So, let's cross the fingers :)

stitchsavesnine (at) yahoo (dot) com

Elizanikó said...

The brown and pink floral bag is very nice ! I love this bag !

Ida13 said...

My favourite is the pink and brown floral bag. I love all of these bags.I'd like to win one...


I love the black and red with checks!
I don't remember how I got here, but I'm sure glad I did. I've grabbed your button and will follow you.
What a lovely blog, and webpage.

Márti said...

I like all of them, my favorites are the pink and the white.
I have read about this game on Martimez blog.
I have also put the giveaway to my site.

Thanks very much!!!

Ruth B said...

My fav is the black and white. Awesome. I was sent to you from elefanz. Now I have to go back and read your blog!
ruthrberke at yahoo dot com

Maria said...

The green bag is my favorit, wunderfull!

Annette said...

I'm here from Jenny's Elefantz Blog. So hard to decide because they are all great but would probably go with the pink and brown. Lovely!

Leslie said...

I sent myself since I follow your blog daily!! It was a hard decision but I'm a sucker for black and white.... so I choose the black and white one. Soo cute! Ohh and I added your button to my blog.

Louann said...

I love the red and black bag. I blogged about it and put your button up! I found the give away from being a follower to your blog!

Kriza said...

My favourite is the green one, and the one you are giving away.
Keeping my fingers crossed... :-)

Kriza said...

sorry, I forgot: I came from the "Mahagony Blue" blog.

Karin said...

My Daily Project (Lou Ann) sent me over... I like the pink and white bag best-- I think! (it's hard to pick a favorite)

karin56381 (at)

Katie said...

Yea! I have another chance to win a cute bag from you! I love the brown and pink floral one. Actually, the green one as well. You are on my sidebar,and I sent myself. I am posting this giveaway on my blog, and I'm putting your button under my I am a quilter photo so please give me 7 extra entries.

Toystory said...

Red, black and check is my favorite, Karin sent me....

meems said...

hey I want them all, they are all my favorites, but I think I would choose the black and white one for sure. Loves

Colette said...

Dear Judi,
They are all wonderful.
I like the green one.
Colette from Hungary.

Kat Bryan said...

I actually like all the bags but since I have to pick a favorite, I'll say the B&W. with the green a close second.

Karin sent me.

Kat Bryan said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog here

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I've already entered the draw, Judi, but forgot to mention I am Jenny from Elefantz and some lovely ladies have entered from my blog post.

Jucus said...

All your works are great! Once in my life I would like to learn patchwork - this is a beautiful hobby!
Hugs from Hungary: Judit

Rebecca said...

They are all so cute, but I'd go with the black and white for me! Love your work:)
my email is

aeljot said...

Your works are so beautiful.
And for me the best is black and white bag.

Kate/Massachusetts said...

Louann sent me! I love all your bags but the red/black check is my most favorite! They are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win one of your bags!

dfuller55 at verizon dot net

Mark and Niki said...

Super cute totes!!! What a perfect size too!! I love the brown and green tote.

Jen at allthingsribbon sent me!

jodi said...

So I just added your button to my blog.

jodi said...

For some reason my original post isn't showing up. i like the green bag and blogged about the giv away for you. I check your blog every few days.

Sally said...

I love the black and white one and also the red and black one! Cute!
jandsthornley AT yahoo DOT com

Rosa said...

the green oneBut all are cute!
this is my first comment here.

Unknown said...

My favorite bag is gotta be the black and white! You are very talented...if only I could have some of that!
I did snag one of your buttons as well.
Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I totally forgot my e-mail address...


Kendall and Lee'sa said...

I love the bags! I heard about the contest from all things ribbon.

CaryManda said...

my fave is the black and white! Love it!

CaryManda said...

I got here from! i forgot to say! And, I put your button on my blog! :)

Kendall and Lee'sa said...

I blogged about your contest. Thanks for the opportunity, they are all so cute!

Yoyo said...

I was referred by Aeljot and I'm so happy she did. Your bags are all beautiful but I would love to win the black and white one. I'll be posting about you this evening. Hope you have a minute to pass by Dragon My Needle and have a look. Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.

Cserny Cherry Ildikó said...

I like all of them, my favorites are the brown and pink floral.
I have read about this game on Marti blog.
I have also put the giveaway to my site.

Thank you so much!!!

Anek73 said...

My favorite bag is red, black and check - these are mine colours :)

I write note about this on my blog - htpp://

On this blog is also Your banner :)

I have read about this on

:) :) :)

2und2Kids said...

The green bag is great, you're in my blog
Love Simona

mariah said...

All your works are great!
My favorite bag is the pink and white one. So cute and so springy.
Thank you so much!!!

Ellen said...

I love patchwork but only do small handmade items. Love your totebags especially the red and black checkered one. I came here thro' Cherry's blog and would like to be in the giveaway draw.


nutmegg said...

my favorite one is....I can't make up my mind they are all great...I have snagged your button...I got to know about you from "dragon my needle blog" I am going now to let all I know about you on my blog...

Colleen Lunt said...

What a fun thing. I like the black and white one. You have a cool site.

My Army Brats and Me said...

Pink for me-fighting breast cancer! Came over from Carlotta's blog:)

Julie said...

Julie in Oregon - I'd have to say that I really like the Posh bag the best, but they are all cute. Jodi Glesan recommended on her blog - so give her an extra check.

Elfie said...

The green bag is my personal favourite, but they are all gorgeous. I've taken yur button to my blog.

Elfie said...

I was here a minute ago but forgot to say yoyo sent me here from Dragen my Needle.

Unknown said...

Love, love, love the green bag!!! Reminds me of spring and summer and my garden!!! I found out about the givaway from your blog.

annalene said...

so cute! these would make adorable book bags for school... my favorite is the pink and white, it looks so soft. (i found the contest through your blog).

norcsella said...

Dear Judi,

I like all of them, my favorites are the green one.
I have read about this game on Marti blog.
I have also put the giveaway to my site.

Nóri from Hungary

Cristie :) said...

So I can't really say that it would be fare to get ANOTHER one of your amazing works of art but I will let you know that I'm going to blog about it and I've posted the "button" to live forever on my blog. I wish you all the luck with your wonderful business!
P.S. I do love the pink one! :)

Jittina said...

Terri at Sew-fantastic sends me.

I love the one you're giving away the best and than the green one.

But they are all lovely.



Agneta quilts said...

I absolutely ADORE the bag in red/black and checkers! Although it is kind of fall colors, I would make one just about the same - that is if I won the pattern! :O)
Can you tell me the name of the company that carries that checkered fabric, please?

Agneta in Sweden

tessahjake said...

I love your bags! And the Butterfly mania quilt is to die for. My fave bag is the pink & white. I read about you on Jodi's blog (jodisjewels) and I put a post about your giveaway on your blog and I added your button. Thanks so much
-and i love the story about how you got the name for your business.

Sam said...

I love the green one. So pretty. I was referred from luv2knitluv2sew. The first comment is her's.

makana said...

Hey there. I your button on my I wish I could quilt as well as you. I love the flight of the fairy pattern. I like all of the bags! They are all so nice.

makana said...

oh i forgot, i also put it on my family blog. I hope it helps you get more traffic and business :)

MegJill said...

Hi! Megan H. here. I really love the brown and pink floral bag. It is adorable! I'm not sure how I found you because it was a while ago. I think through someones blog, but not sure which blog!
Thanks for the giveaway!

brenda said...

They are all great but I would have to say the brown and pink one is my fav.


Hunszil said...

All bags very beautiful :)!
I was not able to decide it for a long time, onto which one let me pass it my vote...:) but
the black and white bag is győzőtt!
I amounted to it the game call my blog, I hope for it Fortuna beside me ál :)
Salvation: Szilvi- from Budapest, Hungary

Babra said...

This giveaway is fantastic! I actually love all of the bags:D but my favourites are the green and the Posh ones.
I came here from Norcsella's blog!

Shannon said...

All your bags are terifiic, I found your blog through luv2knit-sew. I have always loved the Moda Posh line, I would love to win that bag! e-mail

judygr64 said...

I love the bags. The brown and pink floral is my favorite. Karin sent me. Thanks.


Kari said...

I absolutely love the pink and white bag!

Teresa Young said...

So hard to choose a fave - but the brown & pink one you are giving away will do just fine!
I was referred from Kat Bryan's blog.

shauna said...

I love bags! And I really love the brown and pink floral bag you've made. I've been reading your blog for a short while and love it.

CrochetnQuilt said...

I really like the black and white bag. But the pink and white bag would make a great gift for me to share. Thanks for the giveaway!

I found your site from Karen at

Vangie said...

I found your site through ELEFANZ blog. My favorite is the one you are giving away, although the green one is a close second. My email is

Sofie said...

Hello, my favourite is the black and white. I post it on my blog ( and my mail address is zssari at gmail dot com
Az I found you website through Cherry's blog (

Loretta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Loretta said...

I love all your bags. The Black and white one and the green one are my favourites.

I have done a little bit of quilting and after seeing all your beautiful quilts, I know I want to do more.

I found your site through Yoyo's Blog - Dragon My Needle.

I have added your button and will post about this shortly.

onlymehere said...

I swear I left a comment here but I don't see it now. I like the black and white bag best and I sent myself! I don't remember now how I found you but I've been here a ton getting ideas! My name is Cindy and my email is

Deb said...

The brown and pink floral is my favorite! I came over via Terri at Sew-Fantastic. Thanks!
debgiro at wildblue dot net

The Hagle's said...

I like the green one, it is so pretty. I came via All Thins Ribbon. I also put your button on my page & posted a blog about your giveaway.

Deanna said...

hope i'm not too late to enter!

love all the bags but i think the green and black two are my favs


Kaye said...

I love the pink and brown one. I saw your buton on Linda G's. I am putting your button on my blog and telling all my b log buddies to do the same. I Like the store site and would like to follow this blog.Good Luck and Happy Quilting

Canarella said...

Loce your bags would be honored to have win any....and just went to your web site love love love the quilt patterns I will be back ...well thank you and have a good weekend Im glad I came about your blog simplicity...Lani..grabbing the button now...

Kata said...

Dear Judi,
They are all beautiful,but my favourites are the green and pink.
Kate from Hungary

I came here from Martimez blog!