I must confess - I have been using the same pins for a long time. I hate to buy straight pins - they happen to be in the same "I hate to buy" category as toilet paper, laundry soap, tissue.............etc. In fact, I don't think I even bought these - most of these pins are taken from my Mom's stash, and I got some from my Grandma when she gave me her sewing machine. Anyway - I have finally cleaned up the not so straight pins and they are in the garbage - Mom would be proud!

Here's my fresh new batch of straight pins, but I am not sure how long they will last as "straight pins" since I like to sew through them on my quilt projects. It's a very bad habit of mine and I maybe should consider changing that...........ummmm....... I probably won't.

I love these roses my honey gave me - they are sitting so nicely on my cutting table and they scream happiness!
I do the same thing with pins. I don't buy them only because it's not something I think to put on my list ever. When I shop, I am pretty much on the lookout for fabric or pattern books, pins never cross my mind.
I sewed over mine for years (30+) and I knew better. Last year I didn't remove a pin and was sewing on my computerized machine; it jammed and made the most horrible noise! It wrecked my machine and the estimated cost for repairs was more than $500! I had to sell it as is, I didn't have the money to have it fixed. I don't normally like to comment with such a dismal reply, but I just thought others might really want to think carefully before sewing over pins, especially on computerized machines!
I was going to say that sewing through pins is bad for your machine needles, it blunts them and then they snag fabric. I'm guessing you'd hate to buy new machine needles as much as you hate to buy pins! But breaking a computerised sewing machine is a much worse fate!
I was also warned to NEVER sew over pins with a computerized machine.
I buy very fine glass headed pins. They are a little more expensive, but once you use them you will never go back to the regular ones. The finer pins are so much easier to push through the fabric.
I guess all is said in the two post before me, it can be very costly to you.....it can throw the whole timing out on your machine
Happy sewing
Your pins look just like mine. I have corsage pins are better for machine quilting. They are thicker. I have been meaning to pick some up but haven't yet.
I have a terrible habit of sewing through straight pins too! I throw them away when I do it though (and put in a new needle in the machine, LOL.
Funny story - I left my pins at my LQS after a class. So, I had some spares at home...like maybe a dozen :). So I ask hubby to grab me some pins while he's getting milk. You know, like a small thing of like maybe 100? Yeah, he comes home with a package of 400. Oh my gosh, lol. Sometimes men shouldn't be left to their own devices, LOL. Needless to say, I have lots of pins.
I have to buy new pins every couple of years because I destroy them!
I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one that stitches over my pins and has a large pile of bent pins :) Good to know :)
Those are particularly gorgeous roses. :) He did good. ;D
Tiny bit ... smidgen only ... jealous (okay whoppin' hugely!!) over your beautiful roses ... Lucky you, wonderful husband you have there! As for the pins, I so rarely use them for anything, only when asbolutely necessary. I once ran over one and bent it straight into the feed dogs ... I never sew over pins anymore. :)
I learned the hard way that even with the skinniest pins, if you go zooming over them the needle in your machine can punch the pin down into the innards of your machine. Then only the fixit guy can fix it. So if I must sew over a pin to keep something in the right place, I sew really really s l o w l y. And hold my breath.
I too sew over my pins but as I am doing it I think "I really shouldn't be sewing over this pin" Now that, my blogging friend, is pathetic!!
I love my pins when they get a curve from use - it makes them easier to use next time!
I have a similar collection of pins, mine are bent like that from loading quilts onto my longarm. I've recently put redsnappers on my machine and I've upgraded to new pins for the odd time when I need them for piecing.
I'm also trying really hard to break the habit of sewing over pins, I love my domestic machine too much to risk hurting her :)
Beautiful Roses, you lucky girl!
I'm thinking ... you were in desperate need of new pins!! LOL.. just look at those.. well deserving.. giggle. And look how pretty those new ones are :) How nice they look laying in their new home.. doesn't it feel nice to treat yourself to something special.. (the little things that make us happy!)
LOL to the pins!
Those roses are beautiful and my fav!
Oh my; guess I better get rid of my pins...they look just like those one...the roses are beautiful
I ALWAYS sew over my pins and have never had a problem. I guess my old mechanical Singer can handle it! No new computerized fancy machine for me! And I don't even slow down!
Those roses are just gorgeous!
The roses are beautiful!
Hmmm...found some of my straight pins today looking exactly like that and threw them away...couldn't be because I also sew through pins on seams? LOL
Have you seen the new gadget that lines up your pins like balls in the bowling alley and dispenses them? Crazy!
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