Don't you just love these quilt colors? I do, but pink and green is my absolute favorite color combination. I did some flower swirls on this one. It's fun and it's a lot faster than custom work.

More pink and green! I love it. Oh, Brenda- your quilt is done, sorry I haven't called!

Here's some custom quilting for Kathy - I tried to call - twice! But I will hopefully see you Monday? Anyway, I love how this quilt turned out. This was a fun one to quilt because it was custom, but not overwhelmingly custom - does that make sense?

Another shot of this quilt! I love it. So, I was hoping to take the week off for Christmas, but I still have two quilts that I need to get done before we make a trip to see the family. Wish me luck on that!
Oh, my darling friend Emily has a blog, she just started one and you need to check it out. She's doing a cute giveaway, so go tell her I sent you over. You might recognize some of her quilts because I have quilted them for her.
You are so talented, Judi!
I stole your button and put it on my blog for my three readers to see! :)
Fun quilts, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family.
I was driving behind your husband yesterday as we turned from Bluff onto Snow Canyon Pkwy. How do I know? I could see the Green Fairy Logo on the back window!
Truly love your work and those quilts....
I love both quilts, but hafta say that the blue one matches my bedroom (It's done in that fabric grouping)...
Just sayin... I would love that in my stocking... LOL!
Love the pink and green colorway also.. Lovely quilting, hope you get a break soon.
Awesome quilting! Can I have you do some for me!?! Are you in Salt Lake? I'm having trouble with one of the quilters I'm having down here in Alpine. You are amazing!
youll do it,,,,,your just like that,,,,,have a happy holiday,,,,and keep sharing those gorgeous, gorgeous quilt pics coming,,,,,
I love the flower swirls! So cute
The quilts are just lovely! I do love the colours!
Merry Christmas!
The quilts are just lovely! I do love the colours!
Merry Christmas!
love to peek at your latest works, ok, i check often!!!!!!!! Judi, love what you do and thanks for your friendship. I really enjoy seeing your quilting on what people are quilting, both so talented!!!Em
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