Today was like any other day, except Micah decided to trip on a shoe while running to turn off the dvd player and gashed his head into the corner of the tv cabinet. I took a picture of the wound, but it makes me a little queasy, so I won't be showing you. It was about an inch across and about 1/4 inch deep, all the way to the bone. I failed in the reaction area, I was freaking out telling Clint we need to get Micah to the hospital. Crying was involved as well, not so much Micah, but me.
Thankfully I have an awesome friend Janae who was over here at our house in minutes so Clint and I could take Micah to the hospital.

This stitching is an amazing technique, I figure I am good at stitching but I would never trust myself to do this. I tell you, it was really hard watching my little guy go through this.

Micah really did well, he screamed when they gave him numbing shots, but then he just relaxed and held Clint's hand (I couldn't watch, up close at least) and fell asleep. He didn't move at all during the stitching and we were so proud. The doctor's and nurses were amazed because they didn't have to sedate him.

The final product, 3 stitches inside and 8 on the outside. What an event, please let's not do that again. I am not the calm parent at all. Clint was remarkably calm and just enjoyed watching the whole thing, must be a Dad thing.

All better, Micah got some string cheese and he was great. Slap a band-aid on and there you go. I really don't want to have to do anything like this again, but I figure since we have kids, odds are something else will happen in the future, just not the near future I hope.
I feel badly for your little guy. I had skin cancer surgery on my forehead 5 days ago and I was very sore (to the touch) for a day and a half after that...felt like a bad bruise that someone was pressing on (but that was with NOTHING pressing on it). So......he may be a bit out of sorts if he feels the same way as I did tomorrow. It's not easy being a mom at times like this!!!
bless him. glad he is gonna be okay :)
awlll... poor little guy -looks like he was a good sport about it though.
what made me think of you - was this post over at http://katiesquiltsandcrafts.blogspot.com/2009/11/pattern-guru-needed.html
and I told her to come here and take a look at your work - she needs some ideas... and help for these unusual but beautiful fabrics!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Ouchie mama! Looks like he handled it better than you though. ;) I went thru something similar myself years ago and God was so good by having my sister at my house that day. She stayed calm while I went weak in the knees. She stayed at the house with my daughter while I drove my son to the Urgent Care with hubby on his way from work, where he took over. Whew.
Oh Judy, my heart goes out to you. the first time one of your kids hurts themselves like this is always the worst. i went to pieces when my 11 month old baby girl fell and cut her top lip full-thickness to her nose requiring many stitches. over the following years she required 2 other lots of stitches on her face and several on other parts of her, plus the occasional broken bone. i got better at managing my squeemishness and it really helped her to stay calm throughout each ordeal. she is now 18, has many stories to tell aboout he various clutzy incidents (she is still a clutz) and loves to show off her scars. of my two other daughters, each has never had stitches and only broken one bone each - arm and ankle.
as a mother it is distressing every time and our kids need us to somehow stay together and get them through it - then fall apart with your partner or dear friend later. us women are stronger than we know and i know you have grit. all the best and may this be the first and last time you have a rush to the emergency rooms.
head wounds always bleed so much I bet you were freaking out - and I don't blame you one bit. Glad the little guy was a real trooper and he will be proud of the scar he will have. Boys tend to be like that!
Oh the memories! Our daughter was 5 when her brother chased her into the corner of the wall...yup! Off to the ER! We delighted the Doc with a muffled rendition of OKLAHOMA! (I used to sing show tunes with the kids at bedtime!) I bet that doc has NEVER heard that one again!...2nd 'owie' memory. The week our son's case worker from Korea arrived in AZ, he fell and got a HUGE gash right below his eye. I felt like a BAD MOTHER! I was just SURE she was gonna scoop him up and take him BACK! Oklahoma girl is 27 and Eye gash boy is 13...glad those are MEMORIES! Hope your little guy is healing fast...
I'm with you on this one! What I'm saying is I know EXACTLY the ill will you were feeling when your little guy got hurt! I too have been there....it doesn't get easier.
Do you carry your camera everywhere? I'm laughing...can't imagine as you were racing out the door with him that you went back for the camera. Smiling here....hope you are.
Oh, poor little guy! I am glad all is well.
Trust me, you never get used to it. It's always worse on the mom.
Boys are so resiliant, I'm sure Micah will heal very fast. As as he grows up, if he's typical, he will show his battle scars with manly-man pride.
what a trooper! so sorry for the accident...hope he continues to handle the situation with grace!
What a brave little guy! When my daughter was in first grade she wrecked a bike and had 7 stitches in her chin. Something is always happening when you have kids!
oh no, I hope your little guy is doing well this evening.
What a brave young man he is. Glad to see he will be OK
A few years ago my son split the back of his head open . I was really good until we got to the hospital and I heard "please mummy make them stop " I lost it then . You did very , very well , brave mummy !Hope he's ok now , poor thing .
Oh my gosh, I am glad he's o.k. I would have reacted the exact same way as you- it's just a mom thing! :) What a brave little guy♥
So glad little Micah is going to be OK. When my Micah was little (he's 22 now), he was running in the house and hit his foot on the door frame -- only broke his foot in three places! Ouch! Boys will be boys -- yep! All I can say is stay brave Mama Judi!
ouch, poor guy :( that looks like a big cut!
Ouch, I'm sorry, poor baby!, but he's a brave little guy!, he didn't cry! -hugs for you!-
So sorry this happened to your little guy. This happened to us when my son was about 6 years old. He fell on the playground and had a gash right about his eyebrow. I was just like you. The doctor kindly told me to sit out in the waiting room. He obviously had some experience with freaked out Moms. Our daughter ended up getting hurt on a go-kart a few years later. My family just left me in the waiting room to begin with. We can laugh about this now. The kids were fine. It was Mom that needed sedating. :)
Oh, bless his heart and yours too. It is so hard to see your little ones hurt that we often just kind of lose track of the "keep calm and do this" stuff. Boy, 8 stitches if I counted right! He really did a good job of it didn't he? Glad all turned out okay and remember, kids are extra resilient. He will get over it long before you do. Hugs to both of you.
I'm so sorry he had to get stitches in his precious head. Ouch....and I'm sure it hurt Mommy much more because shock probably set in for him.
Aaron broke his arm and it was bent oddly. If there were not a woman present who told me to breathe....I know I would have paniced.
My thoughts are will all of you.
I feel for you and poor little Micah. Times like this are so hard on a mom (kids too!). He gave me a smile with that shirt he has on though! Someday I'll have to tell you about the time I helped stitch up my husband's head, lol!
Micah must be a big boy because he didn't cry when they did the stitches! You go, Micah! I think Mom is the one who needs the hug!..sending some (OOO) to you!
Your right, odds are something else will happen but maybe when he is a teen!
Many Blessings!
Oh man! That is so sad! I cannot believe it. I would have just lost it. Poor little guy (and poor Mom!). I hope he heals quick.
Love you guys!
I love the last picture, a child for whom the worst is over. And, oh, so cute.
It is so tough being a parent, you hurt when you child hurts, you are sad when they are sad and what a relief when things turn out okay.... Yep, it is jusst part of being a parent, not the fun part either!
Awwww poor baby :(
Glad your hubby was there to keep him calm!
What a brave little guy! They're tougher than we are sometimes. Hugs to both of you:)
The one time I had stitches, I screamed when they gave the numbing shot too. I think I may have levitated also. That HURTS.
Glad Micah is okay
Poor baby... that look makes you just want to hug him. I remember the first time I had to make a run to the hospital for stitches. He was two and never cried a bit when they did it. I was a nervous wreck but we made it.
Take care,
Poor Micah! And poor you! When my kids are hurt or sick, I tend to not panic on the outside, but on the inside I am screaming and pulling my hair out! You guys stay safe out there!
I am truly sorry about Micah. He is going to be sore for awhile and will most likely have a scar, hopefully only for a few years. But, he looks like one tuff dude that is able to kick-A_ _ and survive.
I hate to admit this, but I tripped so much as a kid the doctor's said they couldn't stitch up my chin any more. Fortunately my scars are on the underside of my chin, but I do remember that it was a regular occurance as a child (to trip and get hurt). I hope for Micah this is the only time he ever gets hurt and needs stitches!
Hugs to you and to Micah.
So glad he will be ok. I had a similar incident with my daughter when she was 2; she fell and sliced her knee open, needing 6 stitches. We were at my sisters and my BIL is a paramedic - how handy for the inital first aid. I barely held it together, had to have someone drive us to the e.r. and I couldn't watch the stitching at the hospital either. The little punkins keep us on our toes don't they?
Hey I’ve been following your blog for a while now!!! I think that this might be something you would be interested in. Maybe you’d like to participate or just do a little post about it! I’d love to see it be a great book ☺ (P.S. I’m not getting anything for passing the message along!)
Mandy from http://thatssewmandy.blogspot.com
All the info is taken from…
They posted on their blog:
I'm very pleased to organize the first-ever Quilter's Cookbook with recipes from quilters around the world. Everyone is welcome to submit a recipe, a photo of their favourite quilt and a story for inclusion in the Cookbook. The submission deadline is November 28, 2009.
The Quilter's Cookbook will be available for sale as a downloadable PDF file in early December 2009. The price will be determined based on the number of recipes submitted and the number of advertising sponsors.
The Cookbook is being created as a fundraising effort to help off-set some of the costs associated with running the Quilting Gallery site and to fund new community-based features planned for 2010. Please help support the community!
The theme for this Cookbook is "Quick and easy recipes, so we can get back to quilting!".
Awwww poor little fella!!! Congrats to him on the good job at the hosptial. I know how it is with moms when there little ones hurt themselves. It is so scarey and it will happen again. My daughter when she was little was so accident prone that she has 3 scares on her face from falls. Then at the play ground she was walking up the sliding board and fell off the side of it and ended up with a compond fracture in her arm. That was horrible. Seeing the bone on the outside of her arm. And today she is still the same way. More broken bones. And she's 32 years old. And still hurting herself. LOL Hang in there mom.
Awwwww sweetie :( What a thing to have to go through - for ALL of you! My heart goes out to you - my daughter fell in September on a school field trip (which luckily I was on!) and had a visit to the emergency room with a deep cut over her eye. I broke down when I got home - I know how that queasy feeling feels! Hang in there Mom - hopefully this won't happen anytime again!
Hugs from Maine,
Poor little guy I am glad it is all over for him now Extra hugs to him.
Hugs Mary.
Poor little guy - and Mom. It's heartbreaking to watch your little one in pain, and it does not get any better when they are pretty much grown up:-)
Poor little guy! As the mother of 3 boys I can honestly say I know exactly how you felt going thru that! The nurses usually had to escort me out of the room as I was turning a bit green while they did any stitching! It's harder on mommy than the kids! Hope he's back to his old self really soon!
Get well soon!
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