Monday, September 21, 2009

New, New & New!!!!!

I have two new patterns! Yahoo! I have had a fun time putting these two quilts together. The quilts are "Layer Cake" patterns and I love love love them! What do you think?

My baby boy loves to cuddle with quilts and every time I put a quilt down on the floor he jumps right on and gives them a little love.

He also just sits down as soon as I put a quilt on the floor and won't move!

So, what do you think? I am so excited to release these new patterns.

I am so excited for my new patterns that I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway. The above picture is what I am giving away, plus the pattern. I first started putting together "Layers of Love" using Beach House Fabric, but Moda was kind enough to send me some more current fabric and I ended up using it instead. The giveaway includes a honeybun and the fabric squares that I have already cut and the hourglass blocks all put together. You will have all you need to make the quilt, except for some background fabric and a binding.
To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment! For you extra hard working bloggers who want to tell your friends about my giveaway, you get five entries into the giveaway.
Oh, and before I forget, what do you think of my new background? I love it so much. Leelou of Leelou blogs arranged it for me and she did a marvelous job. I will be letting you know more about why I changed my look in a bit, but until then enter the giveaway - you have until Thursday afternoon and I will post the winner on Thursday night! Good luck!


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Purple Quilter Queen said...

Those patterns are just adorable! I'd love to win one. Good job. You little boy is adorable too. Jenn

arlette said...

Please count me in your giveaway! yay! I'm first!

arlette said...

Damn, I wansn't first, lol, well no problem, I LOVE your new background, it's all coloured, it takes my attention, I already blogged about your giveaway

lesthook said...

Layers of Love is very pretty!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Oh my, that fabric is gorgeous and the patterns are fabulous! Thanks for a chance to win your generous giveaway!

MGM word verification is 'blest'...wouldn't I be just that if I were to win this giveaway!

CJ said...

Great new patterns and the blog looks so FRESH!

Sherri said...

Love your new blog look! And the new patterns look so fun! I've decided layer cakes are my favorite Moda pre-cuts! Looking forward to your exciting news too!

Annie Davis said...

I think both of your new patterns are awesome and your baby boy is adorable!

jabeybaby said...

I love the new look! And those patterns are both awesome!!

Alicia said...

I love the layers of love! The new background is pretty spiffy too! I cannot wait to try this one! I blogged about it too!

Barbara in TN said...

Wonderful new patterns - just love them and the fabric is to die for! Would love to win!
Thanks -
Barbara in TN

Anonymous said...

Your patterns are neat! Like these new ones. I'm making 'Craisy Daisy' for my 6 yr. old great-niece. It'll be a surprise and it's gonna look nice when it's done. Making it 20 blocks so it's more like a twin quilt for her to grow in to.

Thanks for having this giveaway; hope I win!

Carol A.

Mishka said...

Love the new patterns, especially layers of love. Fabulous colour choices.


T. Murphy said...

I LOVE the new patterns! Especially the all boxed in one!
I'd love to win!


cabesh said...

I really like the layers of love quilt--so darling. Love the new blog look--will you only make quilts that match it from now on? ;)

Jenny said...

Yes! love the patterns...layers of love looks stunning and all boxed in looks easy! what a great combination! Thanks for the giveaway, Id love to try either quilt!
krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Lee D said...

love love love it and want to win win win it! congrats on the new patterns they are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love the patterns.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Love'um....count me in your give away.....LindaMay

Anonymous said...

And again, your new patterns are absolutely adorable! I *love* what you do each time with these layer cakes and jelly rolls. Please count me in, 'cause I would love to win ^_^

Judy said...

What a cute little guy you have! Enjoy as they grow up way too fast. Your new background looks awesome! I really like the new patterns also. Please enter me in your giveaway.

jhaight said...

I love the all boxed in!!!

Spendlove said...

Thanks Judy for the chance to win such fun patterns and fabric! Love the look on the blog too! Keep creating all the wonderful designs we love! Not sure how it works, but I did forward the message about the giveaway on to friends as well.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Twist, oh twist, oh twist my the right....and to the left....

I've posted a Giveaway Alert on my blog....that's 5 for that one....and one for this put my name in that hat 6 times please :)

Lightening can strike twice, can't it?!!! LOL


Lisa D. said...

Your new patterns are both terrific. I'm always looking for something to use layer cakes. Your baby boy is adorable, too!

Cheri C. said...

Those are great patterns. You do a great job!!! I love your site!

t cash said...

love love the patterns.. the colors are great..and god bless you for the love that you have shown to the little ones in the orphange.i know it let them know that people do care

Anonymous said...

I never did snag me any Beach House so I'd love to take your "UFO" and finish it up...quilting and all! May even consider a PIF afterwards! I'll post you on the side bar (always do) pick me will ya?!!

Amy Sp said...

Such a sweet baby! I love quilts just as much as he does. Thanks for the giveaway!

grandmarockton said...

WHAT a wonderful giveaway the only thing missing is TIME in a bottle to finish with. would love to WIN>

Casey said...

I'd love to win this giveaway!

libertythreads said...

Love your patterns! Please include me in your giveaway.

Nici said...

I LOVE the new patterns!!! Thanks for the great giveaways!!

nici826 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I just posted on my blog about your giveaway!

Dianne said...

How exciting - great giveaway!

Puddles of Grace said...

I love your new layout and the new patterns!!! I have left a note on my blog for my friends!
ps, Welcome back home! Thanks for letting some of us be a part of your trip to Romania!

Jennifer said...

You have the best giveaways - I'm always up for fabric and quilt patterns! Lovely new patterns, by the way. I posted about your giveaway on my blog. I think I need to start blogging more because my previous post was about your previous giveaway :). Heehee.

Katie B said...

Yeah! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm loving your new patterns.

P.S. The background is all kinds of awesome.

Amanda said...

Thanks for the giveaway - I love the beach house fabric!! And, the background is great. I love how the black and white photo at the top really makes the quilting pop.

Betsy said...

I would definetly love to win one of your patterns

Terry said...

Your new patterns are fabulous! I'm off to post on my blog about this so give me the 5 extra chances to win! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

Oh Judi I love the new patterns. What a great giveaway :-) And your new background looks wonderful.

katier825 said...

I love your new patterns! Your quilting is so pretty, I'm always looking forward to seeing your completed projects! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Sherrill said...

Love the new patterns (and your little fellow!). Please count me in and I'll spread the word on my blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

Patsy said...

I love both of the quilts. Would love to be a winner! The Layers of Love is my favorite. The colors are so vibrant. Great Job!

allsewnup said...

Marvelous colours,
Marvelous patterns,
Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous!!!
I'd love to win this so I'm off to post!


Brenda said...

fun fabric, lovely pattern, very sweet and obviously bright kid (after all, he loves mama's quilts!) thanks for the chance to win.

Anne said...

Beatiful! Both quilt and baby :)

Susana said...

What a happy baby boy! Thanks for the giveaway! And the background is great, it would make a great fabric.

Nancy said...

Love both your new patterns! Would love to win your giveaway!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Count me in too! Going to blog about it now as well!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...


linny said...

Wonderful giveaway, love the patterns & the background

allsewnup said...

I've got you on my blog and hope I bettered my chances ;o)


Needled Mom said...

I love the new blog look AND the awesome quilt patterns. Very nice.

Needled Mom said...

I put a note up on my blog regarding your giveaway.

Natys said...

Hey im Natys from argentina, love this giveaway, and the pattern is beautiful. Specialy the boxed one.

free indeed said...

Lucky quilts being loved already! That is a special little guy that loves to cuddle....great pattern and giveaway too@

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful love them both, you do wonderful work.
we are having our second grand baby coming in Febuary and are very excited. Could make one for our Sophies big bed she is in now.
I loved watching your video and had a few tears too,weel done.


Diane H said...

The patterns and fabric are all so lovely! Thanks for putting my name in.

Gene Black said...

Your little boy's love of quilts is wonderful. I think he feels all the love you put into them.

Wow a pre-started quilt will be easy to jump right into. Count me in. I will blog it later and come back and tell you that I did.

Amy C. said...

Love the new patterns. The positive/negative color schemes really appeal to me.

Dandelion Quilts said...

I love your patterns! What a nice blog you have. Punkie Pie sent me this way.

sewfine said...

What an adorable quilt judge you have! ;-) Love the patterns and fabric... hope to win! Also the new website background, so very colorful and cheery!!

dream quilt create said...

Hi Judi,
I really love your new patterns, and I really love the colors and prints you chose too. They are really happy and fresh looking. Little boy sure is cute too!

Asiyah said...

Very cute! Thank you for the giveaway.

isa & marta said...


Lisa said...

Love your give-away! I'm telling about it on my blog too!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I want to make this for my granddaughter Callie. Thank you for the chance to win. Just lovely and inventive!

Barb said...

Oh, I love those patterns! Count me in to win! Thanks for the chance!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I love your quilts and am excited about seeing your new pattern. Kelly sent me from "I Have a Notion".

It would be so exciting to win everything to put a quilt together - all we'd need to do is buy the background fabric and binding. Totally cool!

I really like your new background - Leelou of Leelou blogs did a great job.


Anonymous said...

I am a new quilter and this would be so nice to have everything together--the great pattern and the fabric. I love your blog--thanks.

Carlie said...

I love your new designs and your blog background is really nice. please put my name in for your drawing and I have put it on my blog! Thanks for such a great giveaway~

DeeAnn said...

The new patterns are just awesome and would love to give them a try.
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway, Judi. Your site is fun, and the new look is charming, just like your lil man.

Jane said...

I love the colors, the patterns and the quilting! Hope I win!

Di~ said...

Thank you for a fun chance to win some lovely fabric and pattern. Your new designs are fabulous!

crashta said...

I love that the new ones are made with layer cakes. I am very new to quilting but so glad I found you through etsy! Hope you sell lots of the patterns!

Hand Quilting Nana said...

The patterns are adorable. I love them!!!! Your quilts are fabulous. Please enter me in the giveaway. I never win but this time I might get lucky.

And I will post on my blog.

Lundholm Fam said...

Yeah another giveaway. Please enter me in it. Thanks a bunch. I love the new patterns. I will blog about ya. Have a fantastic week.

ps. love the new look. :)

quiltmom anna said...

Great new pattern Judi- lovely fabrics- you are going to make someone very happy when they win this giveaway.
Thanks for entering my name- Warmest regards,

Lundholm Fam said...

I blogged about your giveaway. YEAH

Erin said...

Such cute patterns! Love them all. Thanks for entering me in the giveaway :)

Erin said...

I blogged about your giveaway too! Thanks :)

Lori said...

Your new patterns are so cute! Your web-site is fun to browse on. Thanks Lori

SewCalGal said...

These are really cute patterns. Look like they'd be fun to make.

What a delightful giveaway. Count me in.

I also blogged about this giveaway on my page for contests & giveaways:


Erin said...

BTW, I love the charity video...that is such a great thing that you do for those kids. Maybe I can get a quilt done for next time :)

Sue Cahill said...

Your little boy is the perfect model to show off your lovely quilt!

I would love to be entered into such a generous giveaway.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Scottish Nanna said...

Love your Quilts Hope to be able to do something like that one day I am still learning Please put me in the draw for your giveaway.
Hugs Mary.


Hi Judi--I love both the quilt and your little boy--and as I know you won;t let me have the "little boy" I guess I will have to win the pattern and goodies instead!!! found you through Puddles of Grace site--but I will be back and I will be ordering from you Web site soon==take care--hugs, just, Di

Deb said...

Would love to win one of your new patterns and the honeybun. Thanks for such wonderful giveaways!

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

I love those patterns. You do such a beautiful job!

- Kristina

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations Judi on two wonderful new patterns.!

Leslie said...

Please put my name in for the drawing....and I'm going to blog about it right now!
Hugs, Leslie

Sarah said...

Deb, above me a few comments, sent me over! I love the quilts and the patterns. :)

Ruth B said...

Great patterns and your little guy is just adorable!! Seriously, couldn't possibly be any cuter. Love the beach house fabrics...someone will be very lucky to win this one!

Barb said...

Of course, I will blog about your giveway...sooo awesome. You little one is adorable...

Robin said...

I love both these patterns....they are great and I would love to win this fabric to make layers of love!!!

Rooster Inn Primitives said...

Just came by your blog. Love those patterns and please enter me nto your give away. I would love to win. Going to post it on my blog also. The more entries the better..Huh.

Oh and stop by my blog i'm also having a give away.


jodi said...

How lucky someone will be to have a jump start on a beautiful quilt with such pretty fabric.

susan said...

Love the "Layers of Love" pattern - and no excuses now to have a UFO with this awesome giveaway!
Susan in NC

Dottie's Daughter said...

Great job on those two patterns

Victoria M. said...

I'd love to have my name entered in the giveaway. Thanks.

Hillary said...

Wow what a great giveaway and how exciting to have Moda send new fabric! How did that happen?! Your patterns are fantastic! Layers of love and all boxed in are both very unique and PRETTY!

Congrats on the new patterns!

Alana said...

What a great giveaway, and your patterns are great! I just found your blog, and am enjoying it!

Joyce said...

Your patterns are so cute. I love to win this giveway! Thanks for the chance.

Reenie said...

Wow...LOVE those patterns! Please enter me in your give away. I did post about it on my blog at

Jeanie said...

Love those patterns !!
Please pick me to win this giveaway :) Thank you !

Your little boy is cuuuuute !!

Barb in Mi said...

Love your new background - and love the patterns you have come up with!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Your son is so cute! Love the patterns too~ ;) Please enter me too! And I like the new look of your blog and your little green fairy.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

Love the quilt patterns. A very generous giveaway. Please count me in...! Your son is adorable. ~Blessings, Karen

Unknown said...

Those are too cute! and just in time for my new grandchild due in May.

Kortnee said...

Those are SO cute! I would love to make one....especially if i don't have to do much cutting, or finding the fabric

scottylover said...

Love those patterns! And I love the fabrics you started out with.

Your son is adorable, BTW!

Sandy A in St. Louis

Gene Black said...

I blogged about it now.

Oh and by the way, I love your new layout.

Gari in AL said...

#116 I was going to comment anyway cuz your quilts are wonderful: light, bright. I really like them.

Vallee said...

I love the look of your your son my cat seems to always gravitate towards a newly laid quilt lol.

Sandy said...

Great fabrics and pattern...would love to win.

Sandy said...

I blogged about this and dared them to come on over!

Miriam said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. Thank you for being so generous!
I love the fabrics you used!!
This is my first visit to your blog and I will be back for a better look. :)

Lizziebeth said...

I love your new patterns! You're quilting on them is great! I hope I win!

Terri said...

Love the patterns!! Generous giveaway too.....It's my 1st time to your blog.....looks very cheery which I love!! I'll be back for I'm off to tell others about you and your giveaway!

Rita said...

Great new patterns! I like both of them.

Sherry said...

Love your new patterns When I need a new pattern I will remember your site. I just have so many now that I have to finish a few first. I think you know what I mean.

Lotta said...

Lovely patterns! And a great giveaway! I'd love to win and if I do make the quilt.
Lotta in Sweden

Dresden Quilter said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. The background is great. It matches with your company name.

Dave and Emily said...

Pick me! Pick me!

sweetbabies00 said...

Great job. The patterns are great and I love the fabrics you used. Your son is so cute playing on the quilts. :)

Greg said...

That quilt is awesome! Thanks for the Give Away... A link back to you has been posted at Flat Out Quilting

Dawn said...

I really like Layers of Love!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Holley said...

I love the new patterns. I can't decide which one I like best.

Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Sandra :) said...

What a fabulous giveaway - thank you for the opportunity!

Andy said...

Cute patterns, Judi! And thanks for the giveaway

jan said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog through 'a few scattered stitches'. I really love the patterns! Good job on the blog background - it is lovely!

-girl from the bush said...

hi, love your patterns, very nice! thanks for the chance of a giveaway. sue

Renee G said...

Love your new patterns. I have a Moda layer cake that is just waiting for the right pattern to inspire me.


Wendyb said...

Hi Judi...have just found you via Barb at did I ever miss you before????
Am adding a message on my blog tonight too, so please enter me in for the extra entries!!
;o) Wendy B

In Awe of Applique said...

your little guy reminds me of my 2 little blonde boys so long ago...even though they are in high school and middle school, they still naptest my quilts for me...some things never change...I will mention you in my blog tomorrow and will become a follower tonight, couldya put my name in the drawing too!? Love your quilts!

Unknown said...

The "All Boxed In" is soooo beautiful. Love the colours and the quilting is magnificent. Well done!

I always wondered what one can do with a layer cake. Now I know.

Jane said...

What a lovely giveaway. Your quilts are delightful, no wonder your little man loves them

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Great patterns! I love All Boxed In!

Joyful Quilter said...

All my quilts are kitty approved, I think baby boy approved is much better. Too cute!

I really like both of your new patterns and of course I'd really like to win. I've added a shout out to my blog.

Martina said...

Great patterns. Love them and the new background is really cute!

Dawn said...

I would love to enter your giveaway.... the quilt is so fab and the fabric gorgeous... I love the beach house range too....I came from Terry's Treasures.. she blogged about it for you!....
Hugs and Blessings
Dawn x

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

I think your blog background is great!.. and your new patterns - WOW. They look wonderful

Maria said...

your design are awesome, I love them. wish me luck

Trudi said...

Congratulations on two fantastic patterns. And a great giveaway! Love those quilts they look so lovely. Please count me in for the giveaway :-) Will Post about it on my blog too!

Simone de Klerk said...

What a wonderful colorful pattern! Congratulations on making and creating something that beautiful!
And your giveaway is just lovely! I will put it on my side bar so many others can admire your wonderful work!
Have a lovely week (O:

Trudi said...

Yep, done a blog entry too! Count me in for those extra chances :-)

Tatkis said...

You are so generous! Please, count me in!
Tatyana from Russia

Lis Harwood said...

Please include me in the giveaway, it's gorgeous. I've put you on my blog too - hooray for the extra five entries :)

quiltsbylee said...

Wonderful giveaway. I will give you a mention in my blog also.

SandyQuilts said...

Adorable baby and quilts too. Please throw me into the pot. thanks.

Sue said...

Love giveaways, love your new patterns and as a grandma your little boy sure is cute.
Love what you are doing in Romania we can all make a difference in our world to make it a better place to live

Lilly said...

Great patterns! They are really beautiful!
Please count me in and thanks a lot.

Anne D said...

Great patterns. Thanks for the giveaway. Love the fabric. Your little boy is adorable

Tricia said...

Great patterns. I love the already constructed blocks too!


Anya said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

ladmquilter said...

Great patterns , wonderful fabric, thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered into this giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :)

Mandy said...

I would LOVE to win this... and I'm sooooo blogging this giveaway now... so 5 extra points for me :)

Marilyn said...

Love those patterns ....thanks for a chance
to win. You did a great job.


Nanci said...

New to your site but would love love love to win this pattern it is too cute for words. Did you say the baby was included? I hope so he's cute as a button!

Egater said...

Ijust found your blog and I like it :)
And background is just lovely
Greetings from Estonia

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new patterns!!!! I just used Beach House to make a table runner for my new DIL...I bet she would LOVE for me to make a matching quilt with your give away goodies!! Please enter my name!!
P.S. glad your trip went well and I really like your new BLog look!! Very Nice!!

Loves to Quilt said...

I Think that your new background is "fun". I did hop over to your website and bought your two new patterns. I can't wait to get started.

Jenny said...

I would love to win on your giveaway, love your blog.

Millie said...

Both patterns are great and I will be sooo happy to win one of them. The new blog background is lovely and so light and "airy"!

Debbie said...

The new patterns are beautiful. Thank you for sponsoring such a nice giveaway. Its been so long since I've done any quilting. I'm sure my rack upstairs is feeling very ignored. Please enter me...

Thank you and take care,

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Great giveaway! I blogged about it here:

I'm a first time visitor and love what you're doing!


Carin said...

Judy, love the new background!
The new patterns are wonderful!
I have my fingers crossed that I will win.
I am posting the info about your giveaway on my blog!

HUGS! Carin

Kami said...

The quilts are lovely great patterns. Thank you for the giveaway. I would definately be inspired to finish it.

Hooked on Quilting said...

Love the pattern! I'm so excited to have a chance to win this giveaway. New baby coming in November!!! Just enough time! Thanks,

Denise in PA said...

The patterns are awesome! I love them. Your little boy is too adorable! Thanks for including me in the giveaway!

Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

I'm a newbie blogger, I just found you from Dotty Jane's blog, and I have just checked out your website. Your patterns and quilts are beautiful! Definitely going to follow...Please enter me in your generous giveaway :-)


sndy1 said...

Such a great giveaway. Your baby is such a cute poser! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Adorable pattern and even more adorable baby! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)

zarina said...

I love the new wall paper. Its feels like Christmas. Putting a black & white photo is a grand idea. (gathering ideas for when I move to a new website hosting service).

Linda T said...

Count me in! I'd love to play with this!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the new patterns!

Stacie said...

Love your new quilt patterns, and the new background is adorable

Vintage Sandy said...

Love your new background and really love all your giving away finers crossed hoping I'm the lucky one!

Joe and Julianne said...

Love the new blog look and really love the new quilt patterns! Pick me :)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

count me in on your give away. I will post about it on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I like both patterns but especially Layers of Love, so how nice to have this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Your new patterns are great! Thanks for the opportunity to win all that beautiful fabric!

Gail (


Oh, oh, ohhhhhhh. Your new patterns are just wonderful. I would love to win your package, but if I do, could you throw in the baby boy? I just want to cuddle HIM! What a doll.

Cassie said...

I love the new patterns!! I have posted on my blog so count me in for more chances. I will take all the chances I can get...crossing my fingers.

Unknown said...

Love both patterns but the baby is so so cute!!! Please enter me in your giveaway!

IandS said...

I always love your patterns!!

Ange Moore said...

Cute bubba!

I also have a little one at home so love the idea of a quilt that is cut out and ready to go! I hope I win.

Kim D. said...

Your little boy is so sweet. I would love to win your wonderful give-away.

I'll add it to the top right side of my blog for the extra 5 points. Thanks so much for your generosity.

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE your new patterns! Your little boy is pretty cute too :)

Danielle said...

Just adorable, thanks for the chance!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your little guy is just adorable! I love the quilts too. :)

Lisa said...

Count me in please!!! yay!!!!! very generous of you!

Lisa said...

I shared with lots of friends!!!!
Thanks for the extra entries!!

Anonymous said...

The patterns are great and the baby is adorable!

Deborah said...

Everything new, everything adorable! The patterns are great. I always appreciate quilters who can do the math and make something new and fresh looking.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ange Moore said...

Oh, and I've blogged about your giveaway too - over at

Doina said...

I like the things you have made and show on your blog! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I will post about it on my blog.

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