Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Jonah, and another Giveaway!!!

Today was my baby's 1st birthday. We had a marvelous day of swimming, going out for lunch and having a huge chocolate cake in celebration of my little guys day. He is such a blessing in our lives and Clint and I love him so much! Not a lot of you know, but we moved to St. George last year, four days after I gave birth to Jonah and started our new life. All in one week we had a baby, moved far away from our whole extended family and started our new business. There were times (a lot of times) that I thought we were crazy and that this move wouldn't work, plus I was emotional from just having Jonah. Crazy times I tell you, but it has been worth it, and with each year that Jonah grows we will have those fun memories and we will be able to know how long we have been in business together.

I wish I had better pictures of the event, I tried to make them look vintage because I like that look, but someday I will have a super cool camera, someday!

So, since it's our son's 1st birthday and the 1st anniversary of our full time business working together I thought it would be fun to give away a present to one of you! That's right, I am giving away a Tranquility layer cake. All you have to do to enter into my giveaway is leave a comment. That will give you one entry, if you would like 5 entries, blog about my giveaway on your own blog. I wish you all luck and you have until Saturday afternoon, I will announce the winner on Saturday night. Take care and good luck!


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arlette said...

Yay!, am I your first?, please count me in your giveaway, I'll blog about it, check me!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday little man! Love you XOXOXOXOX!!

Grandma Gayla!

Fonville Farm said...

Hey! Please count me in! I blogged about it too!

arlette said...

I already blogged about it, sorry I didn't say Happy Birthdayyyyyy to Jonah, God bless him and your family. He's so cute, I love him!

Sherrill said...

Happy birthday, little fella!! And congrats on the anniversary, too. Please enter me in your giveaway and thank you!!

Lotta said...

Happy Birthday! Great cake to have for a first birthday.
Please count me in for the giveaway! It's a lovely layer cake,
Lotta in Sweden

zarina said...

Hugs and kisses for the birthday boy and for yourself for that first milestone to your shop.

cabesh said...

Birthday cakes and layer cakes--doesn't get any better than that.

Amanda said...

Happy birthday!! I'll bet he was a mess with that chocolate cake ;) Thanks for the giveaway!

PVK Devotionals said...

Happy birthday to your little Jonah. You have achieved so much in one year. What an ispiration you are.

Nedra said...

Look at that cake for such a little guy!
Congratulations to all of you on one year!

Sherry said...

Happy birthday Jonah and congratulation to your one year in busness.

Puddles of Grace said...

Happy birthday to Jonah and congrats on the 1 year celebration of your business!
Have you checked out It's a great place to do photo editing for free... although you can pay a small fee to get extras!
Please enter me into the drawing! I also posted a blog!

Merlene Lanier said...

I don't know how you get everything done you do with three kids. Good luck with your business, hope it keeps growing good.

Kaye said...

What a wonderful year for your family! Bless his little heart , a very special first birthday for him. Enjoy every minute of it, they grow sooo fast. Its so nice to be able to celebrate with you

Kortnee said...

It is one of my life goals to make a quilt...maybe this will be my chance!

Teresa's Quilt Stash said...

I love his "WOW is that all mine" when he is looking at the cake. Happy Birthday Jonah!

Cora said...

Congratulations on two great accomplishments!! Happy birthday to little Jonah and may your business thrive for years to come. I will list your blog on my sidebar.

Barb said...

Judi, he is just a little cutie pie. That cake looks scrupmtous....I wish I could get my hand through the computer to have a taste. Congrats on your new business anniversary as well...

Barb said...

I have a post coming out tomorrow with your giveaway....yepeee

mommieof4munchkins said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!!

Martina said...

Congratulations! Thanks for all your sharing. Love your blog. And this layer cake is just great.

szkornelia said...

Happy birthday to your son! Thait is a very good looking cake... :)

And thanks for the nice giveaway. I blogged about it too.

Have a nice day, Kornelia.

Doina said...

Happy birthday to little Jonah! Thanks for the giveaway! I'll blog about it.

rockgranny said...

Happy birthday to Jonah, my DGD Lorena was 13 yesterday.I love summer birthdays with lot of icecreams, juicies etc. etc, but everything is OUTSIDE.
Of course, I'll write about your giveaway on my blog.I'm having a giveaway too, come and see

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Congrats on all the events... St. George is such a beautiful area.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Back again... just blogged about the giveaway!

CJ said...

Happy Birthday Jonah and Happy Anniversary to Green Fairy Quilts!

Linda T said...

Happy Birthday Jonah! Doesn't the first year just fly too quickly? Count me in on your giveaway!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah!!! You cake looks delicious!

Lilly said...

Congrats!!! Happy Birthday to Jonah!!!
And thanks a lot for this great giveaway. I love that layer cake ^^

misselaineous said...

Pop my name in for that Tranquility Layer Cake, please. We can all use some tranquility, I know!! Happy Birthday cute baby boy!, happy business anni, and happy "we're not moving today" day! I'm just doing the 1 comment...don't want to be greedy! Have a great day *elaine*

Anonymous said...

Lots to celebrate! Happy Birthday to Jonah and Happy anniversary to you and Clint on your business. I had to laugh when I read that you moved right after he was born, we seemed to always move when I was morning sick or VERY preg. :) But then again we have 10 kids and there wasn't many months I WASN'T morning sick or preg! :) LOL Thanks for the chance to win a "piece of cake" and join your celebration!

Annie Davis said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah!

QuiltSue said...

Happy birthday to Jonah, and congrats to you and hubby on your business anniversary.

Asiyah said...

Happy birthday little guy! Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your anniversary.

Betsy said...

could you giveaway the cake too? It loos sooooo yummy.
Happy Birthday to your little one.

Gene Black said...

I hope Jonah has many many more happy birthdays, He is an adorable little boy.

I just wish I had been there for some of that cake it looks wonderful.

Take lots of pictures and make lots of memories with Jonah. He will be grown up way too soon.

Kriza said...

happy birthday to your little man and to your business and new house too! I am going to blog about your giveaway in a sec, so please can I have 5 entries and win? :-)

Katie B said...

Happy birthday to your little guy! I have a 2-year-old son, and it's just so much fun.

And congrats on one year!

Tricia said...

Yay! Happy Birthday!

Terry said...

Happy Birthday Jonah! And congrats on your first anniversary too! Thanks for the giveaway...that layer cake looks yummy! :0)

Carla said...

Happy birthday to Jonah! Please count me in on the giveaway.

Jocelyn said...

awww, what a cutie. Happy Birthday to Jonah. And thanks for the great giveaway!

Treasuresofjoy said...
I had to blog about this! The layer cake is perfect and green is my favorite color!
I love the chocolate cake! Happy Birthday Jonah!

onlymehere said...

Happy birthday little one!! I can't believe that you moved four days after having a baby. You're such a brave girl! Please enter me in your give-away bz some day I have to win one somewhere, lol!!

Anne said...

Big cake for a little guy - but he looks like he is up to the task. Happy Birthday! And happy anniversary too! And oh, how I would love some tranquility.

Diana said...

AW! Happy 1st birthday to your little guy! Your cake looks awesome. How fitting that you are giving away a layer cake as a gift!

QuilterLaura said...

What an adorable little guy you have and that is one amazing cake! Brings back boys are 17 and 21! Happy birthday Jonah!

Sara said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah! What a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!

Mandy said...

COngrats on all of your accomplishments!!!! This gieaway is awesome too!! from Thats Sew Mandy

Lelia said...

Time to celebrate! Wonderful giveaway : )

I put up a post here:

Stitches of Life II

Owlmania said...

happy birthday! :)

B. said...

first brithdays are the best! i'm sure you've enjoyed every moment!

Meg said...

What a lot of changes you've undergone in the last year--how wonderful!! I'm sure Tranquility is something you look forward to in your busy lives--a little boy and chocolate cake is the best kind of moment. :) Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway (I adore the Tranquility line and it's becoming harder and harder to find!).

PS--blogged about it, too!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!! What a sweet little guy! thank you for the chnace to win.

Jill L said...

Happy Bday Jonah! Hope I win! tee hee.

HMaas said...

Happy Birthday to your little man - it is crazy what can happen in a year - glad things are working out.

Rochelle said...

Happy birthday to your little guy. Sounds like a busy year. Congrats.

Ruth B said...

Happy birthday Jonah! What a little doll..he looks entirely huggable. Wow...lots of change all at once..and yet you survived. Do we get to see pictures of Jonah diving into that cake?

Ramona-quilter said...

Judi, your Jonah is such a sweetie. Enjoy him, they grow up so fast. I was happy to talk about Jonah's birthday on my blog. And Happy Anniversay to you and hubby on your first year in the biz.

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah! And thanks for the chance to win some yummy fabric. I'll go blog about it now! :-)

Amy Sp said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah! You should have posted pics of him eating the cake! I love those messy baby pics.

Tina said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy. I hope you are enjoying every min. of being a mom, they grow so fast. My baby is getting married tomoarow but it seems like only yesterday he was a little one just like yours.

Susan said...

Oh, what a cute little baby guy! I like your blog, too and your fabric prices look wonderful. I'll be keeping an eye on this blog for sure. And thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!

Is there any cake left? :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, big boy! ^_^ I hope you enjoyed the delicious cake, 'cause it looks yummie!!!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Judi, First of oall, a huge happy birthday wish for Jonah. Wow, one year gone by in the blink of an eye. I hope his day was filled with fun. Now about that cake...boy did you make me hungry for a really good chocolate cake when I saw that picture. Wow!!! Thanks too for the chance at more great fabric in your giveaway and good luck to everyone.

Lundholm Fam said...

Congrats on the one year anniversary of your business and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your boy! That is so exciting. Keep up the good work.
p.s you aren't crazy for doing this, you are amazing

sndy1 said...

Congrats on the one year birthday and business. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lundholm Fam said...

just stoppin' by to mention I blogged about ya. Thanks again

SewCalGal said...

What a big cake for the birthday boy! Great photo!

I have posted about your great give-away (

This is a fun way to celebrate your son's birthday. I'm sure whomever wins will enjoy these fabrics. I know I would.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jonah! That chocolate cake looks delicious and so does the Tranquilty layer cake!

Alicia said...

I would love to win this layer cake. I blogged about it too!

Jossie said...

Doesn't the birthday boy look happy with that huge cake in front of him! You have had a very busy and exciting year. Wish you lots of succes for the coming years.

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Happy Birthday Jonah! He's a sweetie! Best of luck with the business. Great giveaway. I'm going to go blog about it on my blog. - check it out. Jenn

Deb said...

Happy Birthday to your son and Happy 1-yr Anniv to your business! Pls enter me for the layer cake.

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOh! and a giveaway too, I just popped in to see what you've been up to. A lovely birthday wish to that sweet baby!

allsewnup said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!
Please add me to your list for the giveaway...
I'm going to blog right now...


Unknown said...

Happy 1st Birthday Jonah!
I just posted on my blog about your giveaway too!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah! Do you have a picture of him after he ate his cake? :D I love your giveaway!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy First Birthday Green Fairy Quilts and Happy First Birthday Johah! What a generous way to celebrate!

jabeybaby said...

Happy B-day to little Jonah! And congrats to you for your first year in business!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and Happy 1st Anniversary! I so enjoy seeing the beautiful work you do!

I blogged about your giveaway on my blog also!


Dawn N. said...

wow that cake looks amazing! Congrats on your anniversary!

Cheri C. said...

Sounds like it's been a great adventure. Hope the next year will be even better!!

LynninMN said...


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah.

Please enter me in the giveaway. I also blogged about it.


Ruth said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah!! I have a GS named Jonah and he is 14 months old now. My son & DIL moved when he was 1 month old and I know she & you have a lot in common! Plus my DS has been in Iraq for the last 4 months, but is coming home Saturday. Yay!! Please add me to the drawing.

Willa said...

Congratulations on all you have been through in the past year+!!! You have a beautiful shop and a beautiful son. You deserve to be very proud!
Willa Schrlau

T. Murphy said...

Enter me too please!
Alas I don't have a blog so I'll have to hope that one entry will be enough! LOL
I love your work by the way! Simply gorgeous :)
The little one is pretty darn cute too!

free indeed said...

Looks like a HUGE cake for a little boy! But I know it is probably depth perception...would love a layer cake to celebrate with you!

Sheila said...

A layer cake is such a great way to celebrate a birthday. Count me in!

Megan said...

Great blog. Great Quilting,
and your son is adorable!

Gina said...

Glad to have stumbled on to you! HB Jonah:)

The Lively Lady said...

Happy Birthday to the little man and congrats on 1 year in business together! Hugs,
Tracy Lively

Barb said...

Happy birthday, Jonah! And congrats on 1 year in business.

Robin said...

Happy Birthday and Congratulations!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Mishka said...

Wow, moving four days after giving birth must have been horrific.

Lovely give-away.

Quilting Gallery

Linda in Arkansas said...


Wow! What a cake! It looks so yummy. I've really been enjoying your blog. And your quilting is exquiste! Linda

Anne D said...

Happy Birthday and anniversary from hot and muggy Alabama!

AmyH said...

Happy Birthday to the baby!

I love that fabric

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

Happy Birthday to your little one!

Patty said...

Happy birthday to Jonah and I'd like to help him dig into that yummy cake, and happy anniversary to you! I noticed you changed your header on the website. Looks Good.

TZel said...

This is very beautiful fabric- thank you fir the chance!

Patty said...

I left a comment on my blog about your anniversary giveaway.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i'm so glad everything has worked out. happy birthday to your little guy.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Janet L Christian said...

Happy Birthday sweetie -- I would love to make some yo-yo's from that fabric.

Meghann said...

Happy Birthday to your little man:) What a great giveaway to celebrate your 1 year anniversary and baby boy's 1st birthday with us.


Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Happy birthday Jonah and congratulations on making it through your first year!

Barbara said...

How wonderful for you! Your son's 1st birthday and your anniversary for your business. Congratulations on both.

Anonymous said...

I am new to quilting and would love to have a layer cake to try out! Thanks!

Deece said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah!
Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this giveaway.

Wendy said...

Wow, that cake looks yummy! And Jonah is adorable! Happy Birthday little guy! My grandson turned 1 on aug 12th! Great month and year! your work is beautiful by the way!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your little guy and congrats on the anniversary, too. What a year!!! Please enter me in your giveaway and thank you!!

Melody said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!! Such a cute little boy. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and anniversary. Nice site. The best of wishes for success in your business.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Jonah! August is a great month for a Birthday--I should know!!

Carol R. said...

Jonah looks ready to dive into that chocolate cake, lucky boy. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversaries and birthdays.

~Laurie~ said...

Wow - look at all these comments! It's great you have so many readers - congratulations!! Also, you look like you really enjoyed Jonah's 1st birthday - it's such a wonderful memory to keep. I remember my 15 year old son's first birthday like it was just a month ago! We all had so much fun at his party! Here's to many more years to celebrate birthdays! Cheers!!

Carrie E said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and Happy Birthday Jonah! I enjoyed your blog and am looking forward to reading more.

Unknown said...

happy anniversary and happy birthday to Jonah. I just added this as a favorite and can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on both a birthday and one year business Judi, look how far you have come in just one year! Can you just imagine the next 5, 10....your going places girlfriend. Enjoy the ride!!

Edna said...

Happy birthday to Jonah and happy anniversary too! Would love to be entered to win the layer cake fabrics.

PS Great Blog!

Anonymous said...

Your on my side bar for all to see!!

Jenny said...

I just had a baby, too, Judi, and I know how crazy is can be. Happy Birthday to Jonah, and we'll all have to keep buying stuff so that you can get your awesome camera!

Nancy B. said...

How long did the cake last after you took this picture? What a sweet baby! Happy birthday Jonah and many more!!!

Rebecca said...

Happy 1st Birthday to your little man! And thanks for sharing some cake!

Becky said...

Happy birthday to your dear son and your business! You have great inner stregth to endure so many changes at one time. What blessings!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Business to your little guy and to your business!

That cake is just about as big as he is! He's a cutie!

Melissa said...

Happy B-day Jonah!!!
Crazy how everything happens like it does huh...

motgam said...

Happy 1st Birthday Jonah and Happy 1st Anniversary on your busines venture. Pease enter me for the draw.

Emily n fam said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!! And here's too many many more to come!! Isn't this the hardest part of life? Having children and trying to start your own business? Believe me I know all about it! Goodluck you guys!

antique quilter said...

Happy birthday!
enjoy every minute with him, they grow up way too fast

Lynn Brockway said...

Thanks for the opportunity Judi, nice way to celebrate these milestones! Love your blog and quilts.

Carol said...

Awesome chocolate cake. Happy 1st birthday little one. Please enter me in your layer cake drawing. Tranquility is one of my favorites.

Jenny said...

I love your chocolate cake, but a layer cake from Moda is quickly becoming my most favorite cake...I ask for one every special occasion! Thanks for the chance to win it, and Happy Birthday to your precious little man!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Marianne S-M said...

WOW, thanks for the chance to win. Best wishes to Jonah! Happy Anniversary. I've never had a layer cake. Good luck to all!

Bethany said...

Congratulations on one year!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Congrats on your first anniversary and a really cute baby boy. The cake looked scruptious. I do hope you got pics of him digging into it.

Handmade With Love said...

Beautiful baby boy! Congrats on first birthday. Off to post about your give away on my blog.

stitchinpenny said...

Happy Bithday and congratulations.

Mary Burn said...

Jonah is adorable. What a joy he must be to you and your husband. Congratulations on your 1st anniversary and happy birthday to Jonah. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

Jeanie said...

Happy Birthday Little Guy ! and congrats on your 1st year in business ! I've been drooling over those cakes :) Please include me. I blogged about it too !

Anonymous said...

Your little guy is precious! That cake looks good too! Have never seen chocolate applied to frosting like that (in such big chunks!) I hope to place my first order with you soon.

Carol A.

Holley said...

Happy birthday! He looks pleased with the cake.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy. And thanks for the giveaway. If I win, you can contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Nova said...

The first photo is hilarious, he totally wants to attack the pretty cake!

Heidi said...

Happy 1st Birthday! Nothing says happy birthday like some cake!! Gorgeous b'day cake by the way!

Martha said...

What a great occasion! Happy Birthday to your little fellow! Enjoy him, they grow up quickly.

J Barham said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah! Just look at all that lovely chocolate!
I'd like to enter your giveaway of a Layer Cake. I found your blog several weeks ago and have become a follower.

Lucky-1 said...

Gosh 1 years old Happy Birthday Jonah:D

Hug and love him as it'll seem like a blink of the eye and he'll be all gown up.

Diane H said...

Continued blessings to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday to Jonah and your blogging Anniversary ...will place your giveaway on my to be in the draw...Warm Regards Lyn

Sue Cahill said...

I remember the sweetness of my kid's first birthdays and now I am enjoying my grandkids as they go through life.

Enjoy your special boy, he will be all grown up before you know it!

Thanks for sharing such a nice giveaway.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Shelina said...

Wow - 155 comments. You sure are popular! Happy birthday and happy anniversary!

ravenm said...

I love the surprises found in layer cake fabrics. Thank you for the giveaway!

scottylover said...

Congrats on the little guy's birthday. He sure is a cutie!

That chocolate cake looks yummy too! I've always wanted to work with a layer cake of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win one!

Sandy A in St. Louis

PS...your quilting is spectacular!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

That is one super-delicious-looking cake. Drool here.

Jennifer said...

Lovely giveaway! Also, congrats with your son's birthday and one year of having your business - both are amazing milestones. Enjoy!

Please enter me in the giveaway. I also blogged about it - I'll do just about anything for fabric ;).

Renee G said...

Jonah's birthday cake looks fantastic. Only thing better is the layer cake because it lasts longer.

Colleen said...

Happy Birthday!! Congratulations on your business!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa said...

Please count me in and I will blog about the giveaway on my blog!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome little guy! What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance!


Rhondi said...

Someone told me about your giveaway and since I am a quilter I think it would be great to win!!

Tami in Tucson said...

Your little boy is adorable in the pics- and that chocalot (my spelling and speech version of the word) looks yummooo!!!!

Love layer cakes - just waiting for your store to ahve the ones im interested in , and i will be buying away - meanwhile, this one is pretty!!!! please enter me - no blog - so i guess just one entry!!!


Anny said...

You weren't kidding about the size of that cake - its huge! Happy anniversary/birthday

Marit Johanne said...

Oh, I would love to win that layer cake! Happy brithday to your baby, so cute!

Holee said...

Today at one that photo is just a photo, but someday you will pull it out because he is leaving home on his first adventure or to see if your new grandbaby looks like his dad. The years will fly..don't forget to enjoy each day, even those when your little man is sitting in time-out!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday Jonah! He looks so sweet! I love babies.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to an adorable little boy. That chocolate cakes looks to die for! And the layer cake too!

Explicit Academia said...

Happy, belated, birthday Jonah. I love the way he's looking at that cake, I'd be drooling too--oh, I am!

Well, here's for entering the giveaway! Fingers crossed!


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Happy birthday Jonah! I'm headed off to blog abt it too. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway prize! :-)

Kim said...

Happy Birthday, what a yummy looking cake!

Dresden Quilter said...

Happy Birthday Jonah and congratulations on your first year in business.

SheilaC said...

Your son is adorable!! I bet he had fun with that cake :-)

I would love to enter the give away


Kami said...

That looks like such a pretty layer cake, how much fun would it be to create something with it. And I absolutely love the beautiful job quilting that you did in the post below. The echo quilting and feathers are just beautiful.

ladmquilter said...

Happy Birthday. Count Me In.

tessahjake said...

I would love to be entered in your give-away. I have a button to your bog and will bog about it too.
Joanna Stokinger (ps baby quilt for Romania on its way!!)

miss~nance said...

Happy Birthday Jonah.

Please enter me in your wonderful goveaway.


Vickie E said...

I just blogged your giveaway!

Jen and Daz said...

Happy birthday to your little guy, and congrats on your anniversary! What a fun and busy time!

Nancy said...

Happy birthday Jonah!! I hope you enjoyed that cake as much as your smile says you may have!!!

And congrats on the anniversary... isn't blogging a hoot?

Going to add you to my reader list... what a lovely blog!!


Stacey said...

blogged, thanks

isa & marta said...


isa & marta said...

Ahora que encontre su pagina me he hecho su seguidora para poder aprender de usted.
Llevo el aviso de su sorteo y tambien el boton con su logo.

Dandelion Quilts said...

Happy Birthday, Jonah! You look so cute with that big cake, big guy! I also blogged about your giveaway.

meems said...

Wow, Can't believe Jonah is that old..Time flies, love everything you do PudiJ. Take care and pick me!!

Martha said...

Happy Birthday to Jonah! Love the giveaway - thanks.

Christi Gast said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!

Cathy M said...

Happy birthday and anniversary. You were very brave to move 4 days after giving birth. I moved the day after Christmas and that was crazy enough...

marilyn said...

I feel your pain. I moved 4 days after my daughter was born and boy was that tough. The physical act of having to pack thing up while trying to recover from giving birth almost killed me, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and look how strong you are now! Your quilting inspires me to try new things. Thanks for sharing.

dotti white said...

Judi...your little Jonah is just so precious! It looks like you had a wonderful day and yeah, for you, to be celebrating a full year of many new things!

Carin said...

First happy first birthday!

Second please enter me in the drawing, I am blogging about your give away as well.

ikkinlala said...

Happy (belated) birthday to Jonah!

Harley Dee said...

I just found your blog. Glad I did! Hope you had a wonderful day on Jonah's birthday. And Happy 1 year anniversary :)

ellsworth family said...

Count me in, and congrats on all the one-year celebrations!

Joe and Julianne said...

Love your blog and lover your quilts and patterns even more! PICK ME :)

jdnrob said...

Hope I'm not too late.

Please include me in the drawing for your wonderful materials.

Joan Robertson

Desertdebbe said...

I'm in for the drawing but that picture of the baby looking at the cake is just the sweetest thing ever.

How adorable!!


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