Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time for a Tutorial: Bow-Tie Style.

Choose two colors for your bow tie quilt block. One square of each color will make two finished blocks. We are going to make a 4 1/2 inch bow tie block.

Step 1: Cut out a 5 1/2 inch square of each color.
Step 2: Draw an X from corner to corner on the wrong side of one color of the squares.

Step 3: Place the green and pink 5 1/2 inch squares right sides
together and sew a 1/4 inch seam along both sides of one line.
Step 4: Press the seams! This is very important, don't forget to press.

Step 5: Cut along both lines.

You will get four sections.
Step 6: Press seams to pink side of fabric.

They will look like this.

Step 7: Match up seam allowances and pin sections right sides together.

Step 8: Sew along edge using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. (I don't recommend sewing over the needles like shown, but you know your own machine! Sew across them at your own risk:)

Step 9: Open up the seam intersection and press seams to green fabric.
Click here for my flat seams tutorial.

Use some starch, it's great because it flattens the block and makes it easier for trimming.

Step 10: Use your ruler and match up the diagonal line to the 45 degree
angle, then trim the block to 4 1/2 inches.

Here you go! A fun and easy way to make the bow tie block. Was this helpful? I hope so.

We have added a new project page on our website. Check it out here.

Have a simply marvelous day.


onlymehere said...

I loved this tutorial. I have a bow tie quilt on my list of quilts I want to try! Cindy

tessahjake said...

I'd love to see blocks of these put together... will you have a finished product - or was this just for the tutorial??? Thanks I might just give this a try :)

Teresa's Quilt Stash said...

Thank you for the flatten seam tutorial. I am going to try to start doing that.
p.s. luv your site

Barb said...

Thanks for the turorial....
I don't know if you have been by my blog, I know you are so busy but...I got my package in record time and I love my materials....thanks so much....your shope is awesome!!

Carlotta said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I will have to try this out when I get the others on the board finished.
~Tootles for now!

The Sproutz Store said...

Great tutorial. I LOVE the fabric. Soiree is one of my favs!

Gayle said...

I always thought that block was called broken dishes!

Nanette Merrill said...

I'll have to remember this tute. Often I get emails from quilters wanting to know tutorials and projects for starters. Nice job.

Kay in NJ said...

Beautifully done tutorial - photos and directions are really well written, Judy. And, I've been a teacher for nearly 40 years, so I know good directions when I see them. In our neck of the woods, this block goes by the name Hourglass.
Kay in NJ
PS Love that "homepage" beautiful quilt.