Thursday, September 7, 2017

Progressive Detail Quilting iquilt class now available for download!

Today is the day my "Progressive Detail Quilting" has become available over at iquilt.  Hooray for good news!  I filmed this class a little under a year ago, so I am happy to say that it is now available

This class goes over the "progressive detail" of quilting for one project, but 3 different - or progressive ways - to quilt them.  The quilt design is available with your class purchase in the download materials.  The above quilt is the "finale" as it is the most detailed project in the class.  Don't worry, you can do this - I walk you through the easier versions of this project and you will have the confidence at the end to attempt this gorgeous design.

Like my classes before, I hope you will have the confidence to try new things, get out of your comfort zone and have a lot of fun with my designs.

The quilting texture is just amazing.  I really look forward to seeing all of your projects as your share them on iquilt. You can purchase the class, Progressive Detail Quilting,  here.

Judi's iquilt class
Also, if you haven't had a chance to take my "Fabulous Background Designs for Applique" class, the link is here. This is also a wonderful class.

Thanks, as always for your support!  I really hope you enjoy the classes. 


Marlene said...

I'm so happy this class is finally happening-I been checking constantly over the last few months!! Off to watch ot now. Have loved all your classes Judi.

Karen M said...

I was so thrilled when I got the email about your newest iquilt class. I am already subscribed and have started watching. I have learned so much from your classes. Process as well as product. So worth the money. Thanks so much, Judi.

Unknown said...

Off to watch ot now. Have loved all your classes Judi.


Kristen King said...

Can your directions be used for a domestic machine, or are they mainly for longarm quilting?

Barb said...

I am so glad you did this....your quilting is amazing...