So, last Wednesday I headed north up to Salt Lake. I managed to fit over 40 quilts in the trunk of my lime green mustang. It was filled to the brim, but at least it holds what's important!

The drive was incredible. Of course I had to get a picture of the clouds. You might call me slightly obsessed when it comes to clouds. ;-)

I was able to stay with my parents and it was extra special on Wednesday because it was my birthday. I have always given my dad a hard time because he wasn't able to be at my birth. He was stuck in Fresno, California on a job and didn't catch a flight in time. He was with me this day and I feel so blessed to have him and my mom as my parents. I love them so much!
I didn't find out until later that Clint let you all know about my birthday with a silly paint and crop picture - you'll see what I mean. It made me laugh. Thank you for all the birthday wishes!

And, because I love my sister, I have to share this picture feed from Instagram (@judiakagreenfairy) She stole the picture of me and my parents, cropped me out and talked about how she loves our parents. We had a good laugh after I almost killed her ;-) - it was too funny that she cropped me out of my own picture - not only that, it was a horrible crop job.

So after a night of hanging out with family I had my first class at HMQS on Thursday morning. This is me with my first class. I couldn't ask for a better group of ladies in each of my six classes. They were incredibly patient with me as I worked on my nerves and by the time I taught my third class, I felt a lot better. I can not thank you all enough for coming out to my classes. But, I hope you know that I am so grateful to all of you! Thank you!

One of the best parts of this show was being able to bring my daughter Lili with me. She was able to play with her best cousin Maggi and they had a fabulous time together. Lili learned how to text on my phone this trip - she had a lot of fun texting Clint while we were driving up and gave him the play by play, literally.
Above we are in front of my Solar Flares quilt.

It is still so surreal to see my picture anywhere, but a full page in a show catalog is always noteworthy. Being the Featured Artist for the show is quite incredible and I am honored to have been asked.

I dressed up with heels and all for the trunk show and had a fabulous time talking about my quilting journey and showing off the quilts I have put together.

This quilt is the back of my Serendipity quilt and I still love it as much today as when I finished it 3 years ago.

It was fun running into Amber of Gigi's Thimble.
She is a doll and I wish I would have had more time to talk to her.

I had 15 quilts in the exhibit hall as well and it was so fun to walk around the exhibit and listen to peoples comments about my quilts. I was like a fly on the wall just absorbing it all in. Too fun!
Three days of teaching and presenting a trunk show was fun, but exhausting. I am so glad I had the opportunity to go and I can't thank you all enough for coming out and seeing me.

Lili and I headed out early Sunday morning to get back in time for church. It didn't go as planned. I can not believe the snow storm we had to drive through. Many prayers were said as we traveled and slipped in our car and saw several slide offs and rollovers. One semi decided there was no reason to stay behind and drove past us and made it so I couldn't see anything for at least 8 seconds by splashing snow on my windshield. It was the longest 8 seconds of my life. I kept singing in my head, Carrie Underwood's song - Jesus, Take The Wheel.

I felt a little safer when we were stopped completely, but we ended up being delayed for an hour and a half. I am just grateful to God that we were blessed to get home to my boys safely.

And what's better than a rainbow unicorn shirt as a Mother's Day gift from your husband? Well, I can tell you we had a good laugh. Love that man.

I was also surprised with fruit trees planted in our yard. It makes me feel more at home. My dad has tons of fruit trees and we always had fresh fruit to pick straight from the tree. I can not wait until these trees are producing a lot of fruit. It was also very nice to get back to warm weather! I love St George!
I only have one more quick trip for Schoolhouse at Quilt Market to make this week in Pittsburgh, then I won't have to leave again until September for Australia. It has been a crazy spring, but it has been so fun. I am excited for summer to be here. I am also excited to getting back to my quilting machine.
Judi, your quilts on display were amazing. I have loved watching your talent blossom. Congrats on everything...you deserve it! Especially love the unicorn shirt. :)
What an amazing collection of quilts you brought! I'm glad you showed some of your earlier work so we could see the progression. Your secondary design class was wonderful! Yes, we don't work for free!
One day... One day. Maybe I'll make it to the show next year, or catch you when your next book comes out at quilt market!
It was so fun to meet you! I especially loved your Custom Quilting class. I got some great ideas that I'll be able to use.
I'm glad you got home safely, that sounds so scary!
Wow, a bit of every weather there! Amazing quilts and I can't wait to see you when you come to Adelaide in October. Hoping to learn a lot!
I took my friend down to the show for her first time. We came to your quilts and because I had read your book I was able to tell all about the quilts and how you do your quilting. I so wished that I could have met you and had you sign my book. I have followed you for 3 years. I saw your dragonfly 3 years ago on YouTube and that got me so excited to quilt. You were the one that started my obsession.
First of all I'm bummed that I missed seeing you for your birthday...that never happens any more. Second of all the story of the semi passing you reminded me of your fear of semis coming up behind you wanting to eat your car. Last of all, you are just simply amazing! So happy to see you become a super talented and gifted women. Love you!
It's so wonderful getting to see you start your career as a quilting teacher. I taught school for 37 years so I have a special place in my heart for those who share their expertise with others.
Hello Judi, wow that shirt is just fabulous, ha ha!
I so enjoyed this post, thank you for all the gorgeous quilt shots and the amazing snow pics!!!
It was very fun to see your trunk show. You were very genuine and real, and I thought it was sweet when you got a little emotional talking about your family. You did a great job!
I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your show. I love the back of your Serendipity Quilt.
sounds like you had an amazing time - when you take your quilts with you for a show like that you might want to try how Bonnie Hunter does it - she has several large duffel bags that she packs her quilts in and she can get a lot in them - might be easier to carry one bag or two bags than loose quilts?
You have your mother's lovely smile. Welcome back.
I had no doubt you would do well! That snow storm was incredible....our #2 son was in it as he traveled westward in his semi (bound for CA). The 45mph speed even felt excessive at most times (he txted). Your backyard is gorgeous and will give you years of pleasure I'm sure!!! The best in Pittsburgh! Hugs.................
I love the pic of your green Mustang filled with quilts - so fun! Sounds like you had a great time. Love to see you come teach here in Oregon sometime!!
I LOVE IT that the Green Fairy drives a green Mustang quilt-mobile!! :-)
Wish I could have been there for your class. I am enjoying your book in the meantime. Glad you had fun at the show!
I love all of your quilting, have always been a big fan, BUT I really love your shoes! They look great on the stage.
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