Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Quiltmaker's Blog Tour and Giveaway!


I was so thrilled to have my block chosen to be a part of Quiltmaker's 100 blocks volume 5 magazine edition. So exciting! Today is my day of the blog tour - be sure to check out the tour for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.  You will have your chance to win 1 of 3 copies here, so read on!


I snapped a quick picture of my original block way back when, so sorry about the picture background - had I thought about it, I would have gotten a better picture. Anyway - my block is called Road Block - it has a lot of piecing in it, but it is so fun to put together! 


I was so surprised to see my block and my name - or at least Green Fairy Quilts on the cover. What an honor! You can find my block and instructions on how to make it on page 64 of the magazine.


Here is another version of my block that I pieced this last week - I had this idea of a bright, rainbow type quilt and I think it turned out fun. 


Here's the block in a simple row by row setting. I think I like it!


Then, this crazy idea came to me to make a bigger block - so, I doubled the size of my original 12 inch block to get a finished 24 inch block. Then, I added some borders. I am so happy with how this block turned out. 
It was funny as I searched through my stash of fabric to make these sample blocks only to realize that I pretty much gave everything in my fabric stash to my mother - I hope she's happy - so I had to run to the quilt store for some fabric.  This fabric line screamed at me as I walked by, so I bought some yardage of each piece in the line they carried.  The line is called "Bright Owl" by Alice Kennedy for Timeless Treasures Fabrics. 


Being the super optimist, I figured I would get 3 different bigger blocks to show you, but wouldn't you know it - I didn't get to the third one. In the meantime, I realized that I just need to make 6 of these blocks to get a super cute quilt. So, that's what I am going to do, eventually!


Here's the rest of the blocks all cut up and ready to go. I can't wait to finish this quilt, but I have some quilting to get done first. 

So, how about a giveaway?  Quiltmaker is giving away 1 copy of the magazine to my readers and I am throwing in 2 extra copies.  So, just leave me a comment telling me what project you are working on.   Simple as that! Good luck!    


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Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on having a block in the '100' (and cover girl)! Love the little owls. Currently working on a string block quilt.

Kathy MacKie said...

I am working on a red and white quilt of churn dash blocks all different sizes and it has been a lot of fun, thanks for the giveaway.

sherry said...

congrats on your block...you must be over the moon...

Fiona said...

awesome block... congrats on having it included...., today I am working on sewing together some selvages for pincushions...

Janet said...

I am working on a graduation quilt for my DD who has finished five years of university as of last week! It is a blue and green log cabin pattern in a sunshine and shadow design. It has red bits here and there to add some zing. Congratulations on having a block in the magazine!

Jen said...

Congrats - it's a wonderful block! I just got home from retreat, and am working on Bunny Hill's "Le Jardin" for ME!

Anita said...

I love your block and all the awesome variations! I'm working on a 9-patch pizzazz quilt...very easy :)

Miriam said...

Congratulations on having your block included Judi.

At the moment I am working on Kaffe Fassett's Bordered Diamonds quilt. Doing the quilting now.

Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Quiltjane said...

Congratulations Judi. Fantastic block. So many possibilities with fabrics. I would love a copy of this magazine. I have to order from OS.

Martina said...

Really a lovely block! Thanks for the give away!

Jill said...

What a fun block! Right now, I'm working on a red and white melon quilt, but I can see other projects being inspired by the blocks in the magazine!

Miss Beau Jangles said...

I was just wondering how to get hold of a copy! Beautiful block btw x

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Love the block. I am finishing off a quilt for my mum for mother's day

Pepe said...

I'm working on Some kind of wonderful by Hatched and patched and on Henrietta Whiskers by Bunny Hill!

Just Sew Sue said...

Love your block design. I'm working on Cmaille's Hopscotch design in Ruby.

Teresa F. said...

Your block is awesome. I'll have to make one for me. currently I'm working on Summer day Schnibbles and I'm looking for a good Double Wedding Ring pattern. If you know one please send me a post.

Leeanne said...

Cool block!
I am working on customers quilts, but get to do a bit of my hand sewing in the evenings.

Sunnybec said...

Love that block!!! I am working on two things at the moment, quilting a quilt for my Sister in Law's 65th birthday and when I need a rest from that I am doing some applique. Thanks for the giveaway.

Bron @ Stop That Owl said...

Today I just finished a paper pieced mug rug for a swap; now back to my HST quilt.

mary mahoo said...

Congratulations on your block! No quilting going on here this week (maybe month?). I'm working on my Tova tunic, a minkee blanket for my daughter's new home and summer clothes for the grandbaby. Thanks for the chance to win.

BendingPins.com said...

Congratulations on having your block selected for the magazine, how thilling!

I'd love to say I'm working on something but I'm leaving on vacation in 10 days so I'm not starting anything new.

Thanks for the chance to win, I'll keep my eye on email!

CJ said...

Great block! Currently I am trying to finish up MY Etchings quilt (I will actually keep this one!!) and get started on a quick quilt using Fig & Plum...all before I get started on bridesmaid dresses (using Urban Cowgirl).

Unknown said...

You're published..what a great honor it must be! Congratulations :)

I'm working on a circus quilt for a friend's baby due in August.

Thanks for the chance.
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

You're published..what a great honor it must be! Congratulations :)

I'm working on a circus quilt for a friend's baby due in August.

Thanks for the chance.
shel704 at aol dot com

Debbie B Sam said...

Congrats!! Wohoo :) I love all of your block fabric choices...but that rainbow one is awesome....

I would love to win a copy, thanks!

I'm working on a pezzy quilt for my son following a Moda Bake Shop tut.

robin said...

I'm drooling over this book and all the possibilities!

Deb said...

I love this block, Judy. I am doing bee blocks at the mo.

Gramma Quilter said...

Awesome to have your block in that magazine eh!
I so love the idea of making a block bigger and using only a small number of blocks to make a quilt.
I am working on a scrappy string quilt to give to a friend.
As always, grateful for the things you share.

justacraftymother said...

i am going crazy making placemats for a open house craft fair that my mother and I are doing. thank you for the give away!!

Jennifer said...

Cute block, and I like the idea of doing it in a bigger size. I am working on a comfort quilt for my aunt right now, along with about 6 other projects!

Lisa England said...

Yesterday I finished piecing and quilting a baby quilt for a family friend and his wife who are expecting their first baby. Today I plan to bind it. Then on to another project!

Michele said...

The owls are way cute :) I'm working on a quilt for my daughter - but the applique shape provided for a sitting cat just looks wrong, so we're fiddling around with finding a better silhouette.

Mike Pearson said...

I'm working on a queen sized quilt for my Aunt. It's scrappy yet coordinated and all squares :)

Sharon said...

Congratulations on your block being chosen! Right now I am working on a wedding present for one of my daughter's best friends.

Michelle said...

I am currently working on a Dresden Plate. Thanks for the giveaway!

kt said...

Love seeing your block made up in different fabrics! I think the owl one is my favorite. I am currently working on quilts for my kids--one down, 2 to go. Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda in TX said...

I'm working on a super easy, super cute quilt made with a a Summersville layer cake. I had forgotten how much fun layer cake quilts are. Am going to make a boy's quilt out of the second Summersville cake next. They will both be Linus quilts. Like your new block and love the colors!

Ruth said...

Your block is awesome! I don't know how you can think up a block design! I am working on a quilt titled "Everyday Best" (I'm not home right now, so I can't remember the designer. It is all finished except for quilting and binding and I plan to enter it in a quilt show this summer. I would LOVE to win the book!

Fernanda said...

Beautiful! I am completely inspired. Right now I am working on bowtie placemats. Thought I'd do a smaller project, more manageable. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lori said...

I'm working on several projects. One is 2" scrappy postage stamps.

dwright33055 said...

Your block is awesome, love the larger version specially if need a quick quilt....thanks for a chance to win.....

Gene Black said...

I am working on a Tumbler quilt that I am using all stash fabrics on.

cynthia said...

I am finished a Liberty Fields quilt from Material Obsession.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm seem to be working on BOMs right now. Trying to get them caught up as well as a Christmas quilt that just needs several borders!

Jeanie said...

Cute block.... I really like the bigger version! I'm working on a mini quilt for a friend. Thanks for the magazine giveaway!

Mouster1 said...

Congratulations! Your block s adorable especially in that cute owl print. Thanks for sharing and for this giveaway.m I'm currently working on a baby quilt.

Ellyn said...

cute block! congrats! I just finished up 65 lime green & gray blocks for a swap & next week when I get the others I am going to put them into several lap sized quilts for friends who are ill.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Terrific block. That will make a great quilt. I'm working on a queen size quilt. made with 4" blocks.

Jacqueline said...

Congrat's to you..and well deserved.
I am working on 3 quilts right now, hand quilting a civil war, finishing up the binding on a 4th of July wall hanging, and still piecing an all neutral quilt for my first grandchild that gets married.. (seeing as how the oldest is 15 I hope to have plenty of time to get it done). Thanks for a chance at your giveaway. jleibfried@aol.com

Grandma M said...

Hi Judy,
I'm working on a Christmas quilt for my daughter. Thanks for the chance to win the book. I'm also admiring the quilting on the piece behind your samples.

Kate C said...

Congratulations on your great block! I am currently cutting out a quilt I designed myself on EQ7- a first!

drmithome said...

Congratulations on your block. I am having fun doing the Zakka Style Sew Along

Larissa said...

Looks fantastic Judy!!! And congratulations on the honour! I am currently working on a few stitchery projects, a number of swap blocks and a quilt to be donated to a serving soldier over in the Middle East.

Unknown said...

I am loving this...am currently making quilted totes as I am just getting back into sewing after six months in Florida travelling around.

Vickie said...

Congratulations Judi! I love your block,and your blog. :D Your quilts have inspired me to learn to machine quilt. I'm learning to stipple on 2 baby quilts right now. My sewing machine's throat is only 6" wide, so this process is very challenging for me. The recipients of the quilts may look at them and say, that's ok, you can keep it. LOL, but we all have to start somewhere.....right?

janet chrzanowski said...

Making a quilt for my mom for mothers day this year. Almost done. janet

corina said...

Congratulations! Love your block! I'm working on curve pieced wallhanging using earthtone batiks.

pinsandneedles said...

congratulations on your featured block. I really like this one! I just finished up 3 baby quilts and my scrappy picnic quilt is sandwiched and ready for quilting. Thanks!

Patti said...

How exciting to have your block not only in the magazine, but on the cover. Way cool. I am working on a number of projects, but I am quilting a baby quilt for a shower on Sat. So I need to get it finished quickly.

Debbie said...

I am just finished the Sylvia Wedding Quilt 140 blocks Whew!

This is a super block.

Sarah Craig said...

Great block, Judi! I especially love it with the owls....

I'm working on ministry quilts (of course) and also on getting ready to move all the ministry supplies from my house into our new space at church!

Dee said...

Love this block in the pure colors = yummm

Lori S said...

Congrats on your block. I am working on binding a few small projects. Not my favorite job! Thanks for the chance to win!

Vicki in MN said...

You are a very creative person!
I am working on many projects, table runners, quilts, and purses LOL

Barbara Black said...

Congratulations! I am working on a navy and red pineapple quilt for quilts of valor.

Gill said...

Congratulations! a great block1
At the moment I'm making a charity quilt for 'Siblings Together' here in the UK

Terri said...

Congratulations on being in the magazine! Right now I'm working on a patriotic "flag" quilt as a gift for a friend who will retire from the Navy after 35 years of service.

Lee Ann L. said...

I'm working on a mug rug. Truth? I'm working on gathering energy to start packing soon! We'll be closing on a house within the next couple of weeks and I haven't even started packing! LOL. So much to do in so little time.

Thank you for showcasing your block!

DebrafromMD said...

I'm currently working on two different guild mystery quilts. This looks like a wonderful issue of blocks to have.

Melinda said...

I am ever so slowly quilting something up for a new baby! I need to get on the ball, she's due soon!

Becky in VA said...


I'm finishing up the blocks for a large log cabin quilt.

Robin said...

Congrats on being in the book and on the cover. I love your block. I just finished a large quilted messenger bag for my daughter- 20 x 15 with tons of pockets. now to make a quilt for my bed.

Anya said...

Congratulations and thanks for the chance! I'm currently working on quilting my Jane Stickle quilt!

Marga (MarPie) said...

It is great to be in a magazine isn't it! Your block is great and thanks for the two extra magazines. I am working on several things but mostly on the house-quilt.

Kind regards,

JoyceT said...

I would love a copy of the magazine with your block in it. I think your machine quilting is the best I see on the internet. I follow your blog with Google Reader. Keep up the good work.

Wivi said...

I'm making a scrap quilt.

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm finishing up a little boy quilt. It's fun since it's different colors than I usually work with. Love your block, thank you.

Bailey said...

I am quilting my fish quilt. I hope to get it done with in the next week.

janice said...

I am making a baby quilt that I designed. It's an alphabet quilt with machine appliqued letters and a pieced border.

Patti said...

A very cool block. I just finished quilting a queen sized quilt and need to put the binding on and a label. I am so happy to almost be done.

Christa Marcotte said...

As always - great colors and a really beautiful job!

Christa Marcotte said...

As always - great colors and a really beautiful job!

Kathy H said...

Right now I am working on a flag table runner, thinking ahead for the 4th of July. Hoping to get it done before a holiday for a change. I love your block, especially in all the rainbow colors. Thanks for showing it in different colorways too. I always like to see blocks made in different colors. Congratulations on being in the magazine.

Tammy Jones said...

I'm working on a scotty dog quilt for my granddaughter's big-girl bed. :)

Josie McRazie said...

I just got done working on a HST quilt (top done YA) and did up LOTS o pincushions! Now what to do??? I have to find a new project!! :)

B Greene said...

I really love your block - congratulations on being included in 100 Blocks!! I am currently (still!) working on a quilt for my niece's wedding. I have been procrastinating because I am afraid I will mess it up :-( I will have to bite the bullet and start quilting it very soon!

Cheryl said...

I am working on my granny squares quilt

JudyCinNC said...

Congratulations to you - wonderful to have a block there and on the cover. Currently getting ready for a UFO completion of Cherrywood Ribbons - a kit that is approximately two years old - think it's time. I love your block. Judy C

Jocelyn said...

Right now I am working on a pink string quilt that I started a couple of months ago. I'd love to get it finished and quilted.

Lynn said...

Great block! I just started a quilt for our king sized bed...FINALLY using the Central Park fabrics I bought so long ago!

Pinspot said...

The cover! Good for you!
Today I'm making a fabric bracelet fora friend who is moving.

Unknown said...

So exciting to see your work all published and stuff, very exciting. I am suppose to be making a double Irish chain for a friend but keep putting it off, I could totally have the thing finished in two days but it just doesn't sound that fun to me.

Staci said...

How much fun! I love your block!
What am I working on? Lots! Binding on one quilt, assembling a top for another, working on blocks for another, and just cut out two more quilts, and Farmers Wife Sampler and Bee blocks in between. I have the attention span of a gnat for I usually have about 5 things going at any one time!

BengalPup said...

I am finishing up an Amish sample type quilt!

Kelsey said...

I'm working on a scrappy double wedding ring quilt!

The Gad-A-Bout Gal said...

I like the larger version of your block done in the owl fabric. Today I am piecing backs for a couple of quilts I will be quilting.

Mary said...

What a great block. Lots of possibilities. I am working on a mini hexagon quilt. Hand piecing the hexagons. Great evening project.

babiesdoc said...

what a nice block!
I am currently working on a yo yo

and hopefully soon will be binding my latest quilt == It should be back from the long arm quilter this week

the gathering girls said...

love your block! right now I am working on a star quilt!

Amy M. said...

I am working on a quilt for my nephew using space, stars, planet, etc fabric. It is fansastic.

Sis-O said...

Judi-you rock! I am as usual being ADHD and working on many quilty projects and finishing NONE! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book. Thank you for the giveaway.

Wanda said...

I am working on finishing up several quilts for our upcoming quilt show next week....so not ready!

Barb N said...

Love the owl block! Right now I'm working on quilting a large laptop quilt made from Moda's Ruby line.

Donna Joy said...

Thanks for getting your block in the new quiltmaker 100 blocks book. I need to learn how to increase the size of blocks from12" to 24", would love to get my hands on the new 100 blocks issue 5.

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations, Judi. It is a terrific block.

I am working on my NY Beauty blocks today.

Helen said...

How exciting and to be on the cover as well! I'm working on a "make me smile" fairy quilt. At times, you just get one of those projects that make you smile as you are creating them.

Diana said...

Congrats on being on the COVER of the magazine! I'm currently working on a fusible flower applique wall quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

Pat S. said...

Love your creative block! I'm working on a spring applique wallhanging. Thanks "sew much" for this chance to win!!

Jennifer said...

I'm working on a really large applique king/queen quilt now. I plan to enter it in our guild show in September. I really like your fun block in the owl prints. Such a happy block. Thanks

Joyce Carter said...

WOW! Very impressive block. I am currently working on a Sunbonnet Sue baby quilt. Congratulations and thank you so much for the giveaway.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

I'm working on a trek quilt for my daughter. No matter what I do, I can't quite figure out how to quilt it ...

cj said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl!
Do you mean what projects? Ha Ha.
I have a Tula Pink LOVE quilt pieced that I need to get quilted. I'm piecing a flannel puppy quilt. I have a kaleidoscope quilt started. the list goes on and on. :)

vwlady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy B said...

Your block is FANTASTIC! I am just starting a Dear Jane quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway! The blog tour is great, I am really enjoying it!

vwlady said...

Congrats!!! I've just finished a king One Block Wonder quilt top. Thanks for the chance!

Emily said...

Your block looks like a lot of fun! I'm working on a raw edge applique quilt for my son.

~Kris~ said...

I am working on a Jillily designed table cover.

Victoria M. said...

Nice block. Congratulations on being chosen for the 100 Blocks. I'm currently working on a baby quilt.

Rebecca said...

I am loving seeingall the blocks in different colors!!!
my project right now is a pair of quilts for a him and her to curl up in on the couch

Kay Ahr said...

Love the idea of making the block bigger. Just one block with some borders would make a great baby quilt! Could I make the block 36"?

Polly said...

Congrats! Your block is stunning! Love the little border within the block! Cute!! I just finished my Schnibble qwuilt for the month of April and am starting a wall quilt for my quest room! Thank you for the chance to win the magazine!

Barbara said...

Working on a doll quilt for a friend, among other things. Love your block.

Michelle Jensen said...

I am working on two baby quilts. I have been making a lot of them lately. Thanks for the giveaway and I like your fabrics you picked they are super cute.

Becky said...

Congratulations! Happy to see your block in 100 Blocks Vol.5 !!!! Love the idea to making this one really big. Have a fabulous day!

Heather said...

Right now I'm working on a king sized sampler quilt for my mother in law that has a giant patchwork Texas in the middle. Paper piecing some bluebonnet and TCU pillows as well.

LizA. said...

Im working on a shower curtain in purple & gray based on Elizabeth Hartman's Sparkle Punch.

Jill said...

I am working on a quilt using Sarah Vedeler hearts.

Kasia said...

Congrats! I saw your name on the cover when I was reading another blog yesterday! It's a versatile block. I am currently a pretty nephew quilter but am addicted to both the blogs and quilting. I'm racing time with my project....I'm 37weeks preggos and almost to the quilting phase of Jenny Pedigo's curved ruler runner pattern that comes with it! I love curves and was intimidated but after some practice, I think I got it! It's a gift for my mom, her birthday is right around mother's day.....but baby girl might come first....wish me luck!

Judith said...

I love your beautiful pattern and fabrics...I am now trying to finish up my 5-yard quilt which I started 2-years ago. It is coming along. Congrats on your publish block and thank you for sharing...Judith, Texas

DuAnne said...

Congratulations! I am sure we will see much more of you in the near future in some of the best mags! I am currently working on a quilt for my granddaughter's 18th Birthday! Thanks for the chance to win.

WoolenSails said...

What a fun block to use all types of fabrics and some fussy cutting. Right now I am make Jefferson Davis' daughters quilt for the summer.


Andrea said...

I am working on a swoon quilt and a plethora of baby gifts.

thegoose said...

I love your block. It looks so different in different fabrics!
I'm currently interrupting a small hand quilting project to make party flags (bunting) as party favors for 50 little kids for DS's bday party this weekend. Why why why!?!

Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com said...

I'm working on a couple of BOM quilts ....trying to keep up to one block a month for each project. Also working on the Skill Builder Sampler.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on having a block in the magazine and a lovely block it is as well.
Currently I'm working on the Bunny Hill BOM 'Henrieta Whiskers'.
Thank you for a chance to win.
Dutch hugs

Madeline said...

what project am I working on? I usually have half a dozen going at the same time. But evenings, I am hand quilting a scrappy Ohio star quilt. Days, I am making a string quilt for my hubby for birthday.

Sharon S said...

Do I have to name just one? I'm close to finishing a big sampler from 2010 & always have an American Hero Quilt in the works. Congrats on being a "Cover Girl"!

DianeY said...

I'm working on not starting anything new, which is really hard! I have a huge quilt basted & ready to quilt, another ready to be basted & quilted & one that needs a backing as well. Busy days ahead

Penny from S.C. said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for a little guy at church - he was born 3-4 months early but he's growing every day. Just celebrated his 1st birthday and cute as can be. Thanks

marie said...

Working on finishing a graduation quilt, a mystery quilt and some UFO's, hopefully they will all get done this weekend.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a great block!! I am working on a Red White and Blue String quilt for a Quilt of Valor

Purl Buttons said...

I really like the bright colors and the simple geometric design.

Shabby Pati said...

Love your block. I am working on using up some of my stash to make room for some new fabric (of course). Your block would really get me going on this project!

Love your quilting and patterns.

Delores said...

I'm trying to finish some free motion quilting on a tablecloth.
Would love to win the magazine!

Estie said...

Working a project called Radiance...uses half square triangles...should be pretty dramatic with black and bright colors. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Nancy Sue said...

Congrats on your block :) I'm working on portable handwork. Mugrugs. It seems that it's the ending of winter/spring sessions with my son's activities, so for the past 2 weeks, it's been a different chauffeur schedule. It should slow down here shortly, so I can get bigger chunks at the sewing machine and cutting table, but until then....I grab and go! Thank you for participating in the blog hop, and congrats again!

Diann said...

Currently working on 'Tis the Season by Natalie Bird.

Janelle said...

I actually just finished a quilt using the Reunion fabric, so now on to binding and also piecing a new quilt out of batiks.

Sallie said...

I'm working on the binding of a rag bull's eye quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love your store and your site. I have directed many people to view it :) Nice Block, congrats on making the cut for the 100 Blocks book!

Terremt said...

Right now am doing 3 block of the months, a bird applique, a butterfly, and craftsy block of the month. Thanks for the give away, hope I win. Thanks.

Ella said...

I'm working on finishing a quilt in the My Precious QAL on flickr.

Esther said...

Congratulations Judi, what a fun block, and I love the idea of the larger blocks. Currently I am working on a quilt made from silk ties, and enjoying the challenge.

Sandy D said...

I have Vintage Kansas Star block of the Month, Love Letters and Merry,Merry Snowmen on the go.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a neat block and congrats on making the cover!!

Shanon said...

Congrats on a very cute and versatile block. Currently I am working on a sparkle punch block or at least that is what I want to be working on. Tomorrow I take my last exam for spring classes so not much sewing has been happening.

Krista said...

I could list several as I have too many irons in the fire! So I will tell you that I picked up the outer border and backing for a 1600 quilt in black & whites. I added a solid red for the inner border to give it a punch and the outer border has tiny lines of red in it that just dance! Thank you for the chance to win. Love your blog!

Krista said...

I could list several as I have too many irons in the fire! So I will tell you that I picked up the outer border and backing for a 1600 quilt in black & whites. I added a solid red for the inner border to give it a punch and the outer border has tiny lines of red in it that just dance! Thank you for the chance to win. Love your blog!

VickiT said...

What a great block. Congratulations on being in this next 100 Blocks Issue 5. How fun and exciting too.

Right now I am playing catchup with other things after some family things took us away from the house for a few days. Once done I will be working on making lots of baby things for my Granddaughter who is 2 1/2 months old. I have blankets, burp cloths, bibs, and hopefully a quilt to get done for her in the next couple of weeks.

Sandra said...

If by some chance and I have luck on my side and win a copy of this creative magazine, I want to make Road Block quilt. It is darn cute. After you see all of the blocks and all the layouts, you get into the quilting mood and want to make all of them. This is good. Since this is pieced, I know I can make this quilt and be so excited with the end result. I can do this. Thank you for giving us all a chance to win.

Sandi T.

Jeanne said...

Yesterday I just finished a HUGE king quilt that is Civil war fabrics and lots of details in the piecing (fancy back too) and today I am going through my stash trying to decide what to work on next. This is the fun part for me...finding a new project! I can't decide. I have too many projects to choose from. I have so many that I have already cut out and ready to be sewn and others with patterns and fabric all together and I am overwhelmed by it all. But by the end of the day I will choose one to work on. Thanks for the chance to win to win. First time on your blog. I am an avid member of The Quilting Board and read about your blog and your block. I love your block. Even if I don't win, I will buy this magazine just so I can do your block. It looks like it's not too difficult, which is what I like about it. Thanks again, Jeanne

Annie said...

There's so much to like here at your blog - your block, the owl fabric, the idea of doing double-sized blocks, and the intriguing picture/post from April 27! I'm working on two projects: Amish with a Twist BOM, and Craftsy BOM.

Funola said...

5 baby quilts - eegads, it's like there's been something in the water. All my friends decided to have 1st babies at the same time!

Karen said...

Congrats on getting your block in volume 5. I'm working on a wall hanging for me and helping my 18 year old daughter make a t-shirt quilt for her best friend.

Connie said...

Just sew cute!

Kristen said...

Honestly, I am working on testing blocks for Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 6 right now! It's been keeping me busy and when I'm done there is a wallhanging made from blocks of high heeled shoes from a previous 100 Blocks edition I want to get back to working on!

Congratulations on the cover spot and thanks for the chance to win a copy of Volume 5!

Cecilia said...
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Cecilia said...

Congratulations on having your block on the cover and in the magazine. I am currently working on a pineapple quilt for my newest granddaughter. I love your block in the solids and the owl fabric. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of volume 5.

Carrie P. said...

What a fabulous block. Congrats!

Diane Wagner said...

I really like your block and the endless design possibilities it presents. Currently I'm working on finishing a baby quilt and binding some placemats. Your block would make great placemats and tablemat.

bingo~bonnie said...

Great block Judi! I love the little owls in one of your samples you made up. Also congrats on being part of the 100 Blocks magazine!! So exciting!

I'm currently working on catching up with the SOWalong for the Farmer's Wife blocks online. Also another group project BOM with my quilt friends at the HGTV message board. :)

Love from Indiana! ~bonnie

Silent Scrapper said...

Currently trying to finish making a bedcover (not sure if she wants bedspread or comforter size) for my niece. It it is appliqued blocks with sashes and a wide border on the outside. It's going to look awesome when it's done. The funny thing is, I've just begun quilting the last two years, so I'm still a newbie! Would love to have this particular magazine!

Jenn Scott said...

Congrats on making the magazine and the *cover*! Too many projects in the works over here to be honest. ;) I can lump them all into the "gift" catagory - Mother's day, Birthdays, Weddings, House-Warming, etc, etc, etc.

Malia said...

That's Awesome! I have half of the pieces cut out for Camille Roskelly's Hopscotch pattern. They may have been sitting on my table for the last month. So I just need to finish and actually sew it together...

ritainalaska said...

great block! eye catching, looks good on the cover! i am finally working my little twister quilt for my dggs due in june and an online mystery quilt.

Barbara O. said...

Your block is fantastic!
I'm working on two identical boys' quilts (save for their letters) from my sons, and as a handsewing project I've - of course - hexies going on.

Linda said...

Your block is amazing! I love the larger sizing. Thanks!

Petit Design Co. said...

Nice block Judi! I love the other 2 larger blocks you made.

I know what happens to "my" projects when they go into the "eventually" pile. :)

Glenna said...

I am working on a paper pieced Mariners Compass

teachpany said...

Congrats on the cover feature! Cute block and great fabric! I'm working on a few UFOs and will be starting something new soon. I have to finish 2 before I start something else. Because I put aside 3 to start 2 new, lol.

Lesauri said...

I am working on a scrappy baby quilt with monkey wrench blocks, just have to finish the binding. Love the material with the owls, cute block. Your work is fantastic.

Erin @ MakeitSew said...

Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! I'm working on a Granny Squares Quilt. If you can call it working... I haven't had time to touch it in a few weeks! :( Hopefully I will find some time this weekend!

Claudia said...

As always you are so fun! so many ideas and beautiful things! congradulations on the magazine! I'm working on a quilt for my 7 year old granddaughter right this moment! Take care!

Kd Brown said...

I'm trying to work on a printer cover, but I'm not really doing too well on it. Too much work makes me a dull girl. Thank you for a great giveaway! :)

Dawn Hendrix said...

I am currently working on 6 Memory Tie quilt, for a friend...her father passed away and she wants everyone in the family to have one... sooo ssshhhh they will be given to the recipients on Father's Day this year!

Beth said...

Very original block! Congratulations! Working on a Baby Jane and a Farmer's Wife quilt at the moment...

Keri said...

I love your quilt block! Nice job :) Currently I am working on a baby quilt for a dear friend; trying to finish a Christmas quilt; and hoping to finally start in on my Swoon quilt!! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Pat V. said...

What a fun block! Very original. Just now I am working on some doll quilts using a giant bag of scraps someone gave me!

Susan said...

Well done on getting into this magazine. Your block is very effective with the colorus.
hich project!? Cackles hysterically, I seriously think I have too many projects on the go, so to save your sanity will only choose one project.

A kind friend sent me some material and a dresden plate template, so I've been busy sewing little ties into a large throw to cover my knees this winter. It is fun hand sewing a large piece of material as it keeps me warm while I sew.

BeachQuilter said...

I'm actually making a doll for my granddaughter from a pattern that I bought 30 years ago to make for my daughter! I've updated the dress fabric and will make my granddaughter a matching top!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Cute block! I'm sewing bonus triangles together for "someday. . . "

marcella said...

Yea for you! That's so great you have a block in the latest issue. I'm working on my April ufo quilt for the guild challenge. Yep, it's May and I'm sewing on the binding :-)

Lee said...

I am working on summer skirts for my daughter and I! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Judi
I enjoyed seeing the different color ways made up of your block. At Moment I'm working on graduation announcements....OH WAIT...quilt related...LOL. I've been quilting a variety of tops and piecing stars.

Gloria said...

Two daysago I finished some bunting with cupcakes on, yesterday I made a mini-cupcake pincushion and today I cut out a bag made from............

striped fabric! (But it will have a cupca key fob to go with it!)

The Village Queen said...

Thats super darling and I love a block where its ok that you cut off your points!
Im working on a mystery quilt with my guild and have a bunch of tops to quilt. Someday! Thanks for the chance!

Karen said...

Your block looks so fun! I've been working on my Jubilee Tribute quilt - I'm lovin' it!

Cheryl said...

Love your block! This evening I will be working on the block layout for my Floral Fire quilt that I am making for my sister.

kwiltnkats said...

Judi, I like the owl print with their huge eyes. The coordinating fabrics go really well with it. That shade of blue along with the green works really well together. I'm working on a Quiltmaker design by former editor Caroline Reardon called Perennial Petals from the March/April 11 issue of the magazine. Sandi

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