Here we go! This is Jan's Beautiful Quilt! So there are no questions about it, here is Jan's description of the quilt in her own words!
"The quilt is from a Block of the Month from Fabric Boutique in Las Vegas. Blocks made in some nice year….2008 or 2009 I think. They sat around quite a while anyhow. It was originally supposed to be white, browns and black. I thought it was way too stark, so I used the butterscotch for the background instead. I put the paisley in
the border because I was trying for a tooled leather look. Not sure if I made it, but I tried!
Setting is an adaptation of one of the quilts in Brenda Henning's School House Sampler. Center medallion is from one of Jane Wilson's patterns from the early 2000's, or maybe the late 1990's.
These aren't colors from my usual palate, however I really like how they worked together. I was shooting for a Western/Manly type quilt. I think I made the grade, what say you?"
Okay, quick stats and then I will talk about the quilt.
Two layers batting - Hobbs 80/20 & 100% cotton Hobbs
4 thread colors - mostly Highlights and Gold Metallic by Superior Threads.
This quilt took me over 90 hours to quilt, I started on January 2nd and finished tonight at 5:15 pm on the nose! I used 30 bobbins of thread, So Fine was my thread of choice for that!

When I first pulled out this quilt, I have to admit - I was stumped for about 10 minutes - then a thought and image of a directional compass popped into my head. I knew this would be the center of the quilt and kind of the theme for the quilt. This was the first time that I had to draw on the quilt before I put it on the racks because the center block is so large. I drew out the compass outline - can you believe that I drew it out in one try? Well, I did - and I won't take credit for that - just amazing luck!

I had a hard time choosing which pictures to put on my blog, so I have more on Flickr if you care to look - just click on the pictures and it will take you to my Flickr page.

As you can see the sashing is a miniature mimic of the gold colored border. These little beauties took FOREVER - and boy was I so happy when I quilted the last one.
I quilted most of the cream fabric first - stitching in the ditch around the rest of the colored triangles - then I went back and did the rest of the quilt.

There was a TON of ruler work on this quilt. My hands cramped up a little at the end - especially with the borders.

Miniature directional compass blocks - I just may have a tutorial or a PDF coming up soon for these nice blocks.

All in all - it was a labor of love. I absolutely love how this quilt turned out. I am also grateful to Jan for allowing me "do my thing" and turn this quilt into a masterpiece.
this is "Jaw Dropping Stunning'
what a wonderful creation!
love the way the horse is the "center of attraction." truly amazing the way you made those blocks spin with thread! On the block you've listed as your favorite, I adore those 4 center squares--the way the design plays between the brown and background is totally ingenious!
I'm with Cathy.......jaw dropping! Like you say you sure have lots of detail and time tied up in your quilting. It is nice you have customers that are willing to pay, as this type of quilting does not come cheap, and it should not.
One of these days, maybe before I die, I would like to have a top put together that would be worthy of your quilting. I'd better start saving now so by the time I'm 80 or so I'll have enough.
I Love Love LOVE the quilting on this quilt Judi!!! It is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You are such an inspiration!!!
Beyond amazing work!!! Your talent really shows in all your quilts!
Breathtaking! Both the quilt and your quilting. I think I'd have a hard time giving it back to Jan if I were you. I could stare at it for months I'm sure.
Never mind the BLOCKS spinning - my head is spinning! What depth and dimension! I literally was sitting there with my mouth hanging open, just in awe. If I was looking at it in person I'd just be crawling over it with my nose about an inch away from the quilt. Fabulous.
There aren't enough words to describe not only the quilt itself but your quilting on it -- amazing doesn't do it justice! What a labor of love for sure. Thanks for sharing with us.
This is just out of this world ! I mean the quilt is fabulously done but you made it alive ...
Stunning an other fantastic work of art !
You have turned this quilt into a breathtaking piece of art!!! It is stunning, and there really aren't any words.....you are extremely talented. I bet you could design some beautiful fabric :)
I have only one word: perfection! Please, don't have no more doubts , you're an ARTIST and nobody could say something about your work. Maybe that woman last day doesn't know that also you quilt by hand, but a fairy hand!!! I'm impressed.Congratulations.
WOW !!!! I'm speechless. Your work is AMAZING !!!
90 hours!! Dying to ask how much $$$ that adds up to, but I won't. ;)
Your quilting is amazing. It´s pity that we don´t have long arm machine quilters here in Finland.
Another work of art and a drop dead gorgeous quilt to boot. My aim in life is to have a quilt worthy of your attention. You are truly gifted with what you do and all the amasing people who have their quilts quilted by your are some of the luckiest people :o)
Keep up the amasing work.
Wow this is just a stinning quilt. A work of art ! Thank you for the many close ups of that incredible quilting.
If you asked anyone who knows me they would tell you that what I never am is speechless.. lol Well, I am speechless right now!! I can not think of a single word that could possibly come close to describing how completely incredible your work is.
Ohhh my goodness, that is breath taking!.
Your custom quilting is simply awesome and really brings this quilt alight, you have done a fantastic job here
That star around the horse is stunning
This is stunning ...I am in awe of your quilting of this quilt ....can you please tell me how you have time to do a quilt along after you have put so much time into this quilt
When an idea works it is great to see it finished
Lorraine Gray
Blueys Beach
Amazing!! Congrats!!
90 hours! Judi you amaze me. Every time I think you couldn't possibly do anything more spectacular, you prove me wrong. Terrific job.
This quilt is utterly spectacular! I love the way you divide the quilt with quilting.
Absolutely Stunning Judi!
Best Wishes
Kay in Scotland
Again you talent totally blows me away!!! I am with out speech....amazing.
You do such beautiful work Judi. That quilt is gorgeous, and your work makes it even more so.
Judi-your artistry is stunning. Thank you for sharing this amazing quilt.
Amazing, just amazing!
Your work is always stunning... you've reached a category with this for which I cannot find a word... she is one very fortunate woman to own this quilt!
Again again I must say: You are amazing! If I lived in the US, I would have a quilt quilted by you. Can you reveal how much you get paid for such a job?
Wow....wow.....and wow!!!!!! This is a show stopper!!!! I hope she is entering it in a quilt show so that LARGE groups of quilters get a chance to enjoy your quilting~♥ You have a steady hand my friend~FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for a beautiful post~♥E
I am absolutely speechless. That is beyond amazing. You are one talented person. Congrats on a job very well done.
Totally amazing!
beautiful you must do more video would love to watch you do your thing
There really are no words strong enough to tell you how much in awe I am in with this quit. Stunning, amazing, fantabulous, just don't do it. Out of this WORLD gorgeous!!!
It's a masterpiece alright! I think Jan did a great job with fabric selection--adding the butterscotch and paisley. Your quilting just takes it over the top. Absolutely stunning! It will be an heirloom to treasure!
I am in awe at the beauty and mastery of your artistry and quilting. Truly AMAZING work!
I enjoy seeing your work--it is amazing. I can't begin to guess how many spools of thread and miles of practice fabric I have to go to even approach your expertise. I am really drawn to your geometric style.
Wow- amazing, beautiful, inspiring. Your ability to determine the right quilting motif for each part of the quilt is truly a special talent (as is the quilting itself!) Would LOVE a tute on that compass star!!! Thank you for sharing.
Your work is inspiring! Thanks for sharing so many pictures!
Absolutely stunning, through and through! Both of you did a superb job of creating a truly gorgeous work of art. I am so in love with the textures you acheived!
Wow, I have seen you do some amazing work, but this quilt really is a masterpiece. God has given you a great gift in your quilting abilities! I never wanted to make quilts with large open spaces, but I would totally do it if I knew you would be quilting it for me. Quilting really does make the quilt. Wow and wow. Wait, didn't I already say that? lol
Absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for sharing your work. You have a real talent.
Stunning!Love the theme, the color palette and the quilting. Well done!
I have said it before and I will say it again... you are a true artist! I LOVE the compass idea! Brilliant!! What amazing detail you gave each block! That is one lucky quilt owner!!
Everything about this quilt is spectacular!
absolutely stunning!!!!
This is amazing! You've outdone yourself again.
Once again, and as always, I want to be you when I grow up!! Your quilting is always amazing!!
This is gorgeous - the quilting totally makes the quilt!
WOW!! That is amazing! I came across your blog because of one of your quilt patterns that was pinned that I loved. I have been so impressed with your quilting. I am a beginner machine quilter and I know you have a long arm but I just have my regular machine... Anyway, I love how out of the box you think when compared to me and my stippling and it is helping me try to consider other ideas. I believe if I see different stuff like a million times that I might be able to do some different stuff on my own. So thank you so much for sharing and I love your works of arts and I love that you can share them with people around the world that can enjoy them when people in your everyday life can't appreciate them to the level that others can. SO THANKS!!
I saw your post on Facebook & I came right over knowing you would share lots of closeups. I thank you so much for your practice of doing that. I love to study your amazing work. You were right when you recognized you have an amazing talent for this. You always take my breath away!
You are such a gifted artist. I couldve stared at that quilt for ten days and would not have come close to what you envisioned in just ten minutes. This quilt truly is a work of art. I have practice fabric loaded on my machine to play with today, and I may try some of the "easier" parts (lol). You are such an inspiration. Please, please, please consider making a book or a DVD!
There are no words. Your quilting is absolutely stunning. You win the Oscar for quilting magic. Is it silly that your quilting made me cry? :)This belongs in a museum.
I hope you understand this is a compliment - to me, you do more art than quilting. (I know it's really quilting!) Your pieces look like they should be hung or put on display somewhere.
I am in awe of your creativity and workmanship. I hope some day I can see what stitching to put where. Absolutely Stunning!!!!
I'm not sure spectacular is a strong enough word here! Your quilting is utterly mind-blowing!
You certainly have one amazing talent for quilting these quilts....you are sooooooooooooo inspiring and I am so grateful to be able to see your beautiful pieces.
Gorgeous! Truly incredible! If I could afford it, I would send you my next quilt!!!!
I'm speechless! It is stunning!
I want to leave a comment but that quilt and the quilting are beyond words. stunning comes to mind.
You are an inspiration. This is truly a work of art.
All your time and energy was well spent!! The quilt is beautiful and the quilting is fabulous!
Thanks for sharing
O have mercy this is a work of ART.. it is simply amazing. WOW every picture just takes my breath away. You inspire me so very much! Thank You so much for doing what you do!
Breath taking quilting!!!
I'm in love with this quilt. How wonderful of Jan to have the blocks and then the center. Love the border on the quilt. The quilting really brings out the horse and it looks like it is prancing and looks joyous. I'm always amazed at your quilting and how you intuitively "see" what brings the quilt to life. It all came together! Thank you for taking the time to share your pictures and the details.
Incredibly beautiful!! Good for you!
You are simply AMAZING!! I love looking at your work. Thanks for sharing.
The wonderful quilting sure made this quilt pop. It is fantastic. Thanks for showing it to all of us.
I can just stare at your quilting all night! Your detail is absolutely amazing! I can't believe how tiny your circles can get....good job Judi!
I don't even know where to begin...your quilting is simply breathtakingly amazing!!!!! Your imagination to come up with these designs is what is truly amazing as well!!! You have a gift Judi!!! :-)
Absolutely awesome! I can't even imagine being able to do this kind of quilting. Wonderful, wonderful work.
Beautiful! Just looking at these pictures puts a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! This quilt is beautiful. So fun to see what you are going to do with each project. Always different.
Judi beautiful work, stunning !!!
Not to be believed! Stunning!!!
Stunning! That is the word that came to mind when I looking at your marvelous work of art. I noticed many stated the same!
People have tried, but there really are no words. Can't think of one. Congratulations, you have a gift.
Love your quilting as usual, Judi! You are such an inspiration! I would love to see a tutorial for your border. I really had to smile when you said you had to think about how to quilt this for 10 minutes!!!! (lol-really!) Truly the sign of an artist!
Amazingly beautiful ! You are so generous to share your talents with us, thank you. Oh, how I wish that were my quilt...lol. :)
Wonderful... maybe one day I can quilt as nicely
You are so gifted - I can't even imagine how you come up with these ideas. Do you teach classes?
A Masterpiece!!!
maravilhoso,lindo,sensacional,um luxo
Absolutely breathtaking! The quilt itself if lovely and your quilting is incredible. Another awesome quilt, thank you for sharing. Lisa in Texas
Absolutely breathtaking! The quilt itself if lovely and your quilting is incredible. Another awesome quilt, thank you for sharing. Lisa in Texas
Judi, your quilting is amazing. You are very talented and are an inspiration to me.
insanely beautiful!
Wow, that's all I can say. Stunning!
You are so-o-o talented! It's another beautiful job.
FANTASTICAL! STUNNING! You are really a phenomenal quilter!!! Not bad for "cheating"....wishing I could "cheat" like you do! I am scheduled for my first longarm class on this coming Tuesday. Your wonderful quilting is truly and inspiration! By the way, one only cheats when one isn't doing that which brings them satisfaction in life!!! I wish to learn to quilt very nicely because after all the piecing and appliqueing and whatever I do to get the fibers together, I should hope to "finish" it. You and other artist like you MAKE the quilt...just saying. Most of you MAKE it just SPECTACULAR! So it may be difficult for some of us to share the limelight for a completed quilt and yes I do know you work (sometimes harder than the sewer) and your job to just quilt that quilt is often made more difficult if the maker hasn't a notion as to design direction - has left it to you. You deserve as much credit for the quilt as does the designer! So anyhoo, you are FANTASTIC!
Just AWESOME! All of it!
An amazing quilt with stunning quilting, I am unable to put into words how amazed I am and I know it will be even better close up, way to go!
Stunning - You creativity is so inspirational. It is wonderful of you to share your pictures. I have been a great admirer of yours for some time. How you look after your DH and 4 small children, and find the time to do so much beautiful work ... amazes me. You have such a talent.
I'm speechless. There aren't any words that descibe the beauty of this quilt adequately. WOW!
Incredibly Awesome!!!! You either have your hubby or kids whipped into shape to put all of your time in or perhaps you don't sleep??? LOL Curious as to which long arm machine you use.
I feel like all my comments on your blog say the same thing - you are so amazingly talented!!
Oh My!!!!!
When I grow up, I want to be you! Wow, your quilting is amazing. The quilt is beautifu on its own but the quilting is over-the-top stunning.
incredible quilt. You are so unbelieveably talented. I am in awe!
I didn't read... just looked at the pictures. PLEASE PLEASE tell me you are entering this into Houston International Quilt Fest!!! TEN GRAND BABY! ; ) You are completely fantastic at what you do.
What a masterpiece. You have added so much to this quilt with your beautiful work. I love the compass and the motif you've used in the sashings. Congratulations.
This is phenomenal!!
I have no words but I just had to comment!! It's gorgeous, just amazing!
Judi, "WOW" doesn't touch how I feel right now.... "awed" is close. What gorgeous art! I keep going over and over your photos.... (insert long silence here).
Just gorgeous in more ways than I can elaborate. Thank you for not just making such a beautiful piece, but sharing your photos.
~Christina in Cleveland..... (picking up my jaw from the floor now)
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