Does this look like an engagement picture or what? Ha - well, I love it and I am still in love with this man. We have been married almost 10 years now and it has been an incredible journey.
Warning - I may get a little sentimental!!!
Clint and I met in high school - our senior year. I remember looking at him and saying to myself "I am with my husband now," those words gave me comfort as we said goodbye for 2 years while he served as an LDS missionary. I was totally supportive of his mission and I kept myself busy so time would go fast. But, the time was long - two years was brutal, seriously. I loved him so much and just couldn't wait to be with him. Well, long story short - I survived - we still loved each other and 4 months from the day he got home we married in the Salt Lake Temple. It was the picture perfect day! I got to marry my best friend and we never had to say goodbye again.

10 years and four kids later. It is still amazing to me how fast time has gone since we have been married. When he was on his mission the 2 years never ended and now we have done 2 years 5 times. Crazy!!! Family is everything to us. We want to be with our kids - that is the main reason we have our own business. Some days are tough with 4 kids who are close in age. We had 4 kids in 5 years and believe me - sometimes I am ready to pull my hair out - or at least buy some earplugs so the screaming can be muffled. (I don't know why I haven't done that yet) :) It's the small happy moments that make life so incredible. These little munchkins are the reason I don't get quilting done fast, they are the reason that a lot of my quilt designs are still on paper and not in stores. But, I wouldn't change it because I can't miss out on their little lives.

They are growing up so fast! Why does time move so fast when you don't want it to and it slows down when you need it to go fast? What gives me comfort is remembering to "Enjoy the Journey" because with all the ups and downs, life is worth living for the small moments - and those small moments are with my husband and kids.
All photos courtesy of Amber Wallis of Carly Grace Photography
A treasure for sure Judi....you will never regret being at home with them either. I quit working when I had my boys..and I loved every minute of it(ear plugs work wonders) haha....seriosuly; they will remember that you did this for them too. Congrats on such a wonderful life...it will only get better...we have 38 years in, and very happy together...
Your children are just so cute, they look like butter wouldn't melt LOL. Linda
Adorable and beautiful family! Thanks for sharing.
Wow!! Just: Wow~~!!! These are fantastic family portraits!
Your family looks lovely. I did about the same as you. My oldest was 4 when I had my 4th. I had 8 children in 10 1/2 years (twins in there). They are all adults now and it's great.
Is that Snow Canyon? We went to St. George for vacation a few years ago, one of our best vacations.
It does look like an engagement picture!
My hubby and I also met while I was in high school and were married shortly after I graduated....been almost 10 yrs now too. :)
(PS, your pics are awesome!)
Beautiful pictures and you gave me the chills!!
Thanks for sharing your story.
Enjoy the day you have now.
Time flyes and soon your little munchkins are on their way leaving the nest!!!
So lovely picture of the family <3 Beautiful story too <3
What a beautiful family!
Wonderful pictures....great story!!
Your pictures turned out AMAZING! I love the colors you chose it matches beautifully with the scenery. I can't wait to see these blown up huge somewhere in your home! DARLING!!! Really, is there anything better than great family pictures...I think not!
What a wonderful post about a beautiful "all-American family"! Your children are just adorable.
You are choosing the "better" things in life - yay for you. Your family is so beautiful.
Judi... There will be time in the future to get those designs off of paper and into print.. Enjoy those cutie pies as long as you possibly can because one day they will have families of their own and your life will slow down.. Then it will be time to do the things that are on hold now.
I worked in a way that I was always there for my 2 girls and I would not trade a second of it for all the money in the world!
You have a beautiful family! And girl...you do NOT look like you have had 4 children! You are beautiful!
What wonderful photos of a beautiful family!
You must be so proud of your beautiful family Judi! Have a good weekend.
You have such a lovely family, Judi! Your kids are adorable, and you and your hubby make a cute couple! Enjoy these years with the kiddies....they do go very fast! And giant pats on the backs for going for the home business so you can be with your kids! That can't be easy all the time....but you'll never miss a thing with them! SO important! You'll never regret it!
Amazing photo's of your beautiful family. You are right about the time with them being to precious to waste. My little one is already 14 months old. It goes so fast.
Great family pics... and your right, it's not the destination, it's the journey. Enjoy your little bundles while you can...
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