As you can see in this picture above one quilt bar is in front of the other - or unstacked! When I moved to my new house - Jen told me that I needed to stack my bars and since she moved my machine - I just had her stack them for me. I am so glad she did!

So, here you can see the bars are stacked and I really can get closer to the quilt. There are positives and negatives to the stacked bars: loading the quilt is a little more tricky and there is a small gap at the end of the bars that I am not used too, but it doesn't affect the ability to quilt - it's just different.

So, there you go - I hope that answers some questions. I am sure I will go back to the unstacked bars once I am not pregnant - as long as Clint can remember how to get them back to their original position. :)
Wow...and I really mean WOW! You are something else Judi! I think your baby will come out ready to quilt!
Thanks for the fun pics! Looking forward to 'after' pics with a beautiful new baby :)
Your baby will be a natural born quilter!
Okay...that is the cutest!
What a cute tummy!!!
Judi, that is quite humorous, even tho you don't think so....
You look adorable!
You do beautiful work and the big belly is inspiring!
Wow, you are not very big.. Your work is wonderful and those quilts are lovely..
The ambient noise your child will want to listen to is the quilting machine...Love you Jude...lets be friends...don't forget me!
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