Friday, September 24, 2010

Here's our Charity Video!!!!!!

I'd first like to thank everyone who donated to our charity, whether by sending a quilt or by sending us money. I just returned from Romania with my father, and had the opportunity to hand out all 50 quilts donated by all of you, to kids in need, and was also able to use the money donated by all of you to buy large amounts of school supplies and large amounts of food. I can't tell you how blessed I feel after spending time with so many needy people. We visited kids living on the streets and families crammed into tiny homes. The families we visited were living in small homes the size of an average bedroom - 12' x 12'. That includes a tiny bathroom and tiny kitchen. These kids have no yards, no grass to play on, no room to run around in their little humble homes, and very little food to eat - but above all, very little to call their own. They were so grateful to receive a beautiful quilt. Those we gave school supplies to were beaming from ear to ear to have such nice new school supplies to improve their chances of increasing their education. And those we gave food to were so grateful to be able to have some good meals. I hope we can all remember how blessed we are, and how lucky we are to live in our secure homes with food and clothing. Thanks again for all your help, I hope you like the video!

Clint Madsen


Wendy said...

Very touching video. You make it so easy to reach out to a community we never knew was in need. Thank you for all you do and I challenge everyone to double the amount they gave this year! Bless you Green Fairy Quilts!

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Once again you have brought me to tears and to deep gratitude. I am also very thankful that I happened upon your blog one day.

Thank you for sharing your trip and the joy of the people's faces that were able to receive a gift from GFQ.

May the world be as kind to you and your family as you have been to others.


SewCalGal said...

What a difference you've made in the lives of so many. Delightful to see those families smile with receive beautiful quilts that will keep them warm in the winter, and help provide bed padding in warm months, as well as the smiles for backpack & school supplies.

Great job. Thanks to all that contributed to make this happen.


CJ said...

Sweet video, thanks for sharing that. Your husband and his father did such a great job of shopping and distrubiting everything. I loved to see Clint make each quilt presentation special and fun.

Sarah Craig said...

I'm in the middle of reading Radical by David Platt - thanks for giving such a great example of physically and sacrificially showing love instead of just talking about it! Your family is an example to us all!

Pat said...
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Pat said...

Judi, can you share with sometime the background for this project? How did you and Clint begin your outreach to Romania? What a wonderful way to share your gifts with those who have so little. I've put a link on my blog to this wonderful story.

Dawn said...

sniff sniff ...another heart wrenching video Judi... Thanks for showing me and now I must not just think it is a touching video... I now have knowledge to make a difference.. Be Blessed for your faithfulness to Gods children....and I agree challenge ourselves to double the help..
hugs Dawn x x x

Christy said...

When is the next trip? :) I was so humbled to watch this video and would love to help support your next trip with some quilts to share, if you have another one planned.

Frog Quilter said...

My heart was so warmed by watching the video. This is one of the reasons I quilt. TO GIVE TO OTHERS! Thanks for documenting the giving; I love seeing the faces of the children receiving their goodies.

Nicki Lundeen said...

That was such a moving video to watch. I am here at work, fighting the tears in my eyes and the lump in my throat. God bless all of you for doing such a wonderful thing for those in need.

John'aLee said...

Your video made me cry. I have a friend in Las Vegas whose sister works for a ministry that helps out orphans in Romania. Sometimes on trips over there they go in and these babies are tied to their beds and they don't even cry. They aren't touched and are hollow inside. It is heart breaking to hear the stories.
My humble heart thanks you for all you do for those in need over there.
May God bless you and your journeys.

Barb said...

I had to turn the music off...or I would have been blubbering all over the place. What a wonderful thing the two of you are doing and those that are helping. May the Lord bless your and your family.

What a truly humbling experience.

Deanna/Mimi said...

I appreciate your enlightenment about the Romania people and their needs. Why doesn't the government help. Why are there so many babies in the orphanges. I too want to be part of your next project in getting quilts or money to meet the needs of this people. We have so much and I know we need to share our bounty. Thank you.

IandS said...

What a blessing you are to so many. Very humbling - thank you.

carolann said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to contribute a quilt. I would love to donate another quilt or two next year, so please count me in! The video was so touching, it warmed my heart. I truly appreciate all of the work and coordination that you put forth in making this happen. Sincerely, Carol Broughton

Kaye said...

Thank you Both for sharing your wonderful story with us, it brought me to tears. We need to be reminded how fortunate we really are and remember all those who need our help. God Bless You and your Family

SandyQuilts said...

Do you have a search box on your blog?

What size quilts do you accept? Do you accept quilt tops?

Thanks for all you do for the children.