Apparently it does. Clint and I went on a date and when we got home, I waited in the kitchen for our babysitter to get her shoes from outside and then all of a sudden I heard a huge explosion. I looked straight ahead and saw that the oven glass pane had completely shattered. I was the only one in the room, but the babysitter and Clint both heard the noise. We were all dumbfounded. Seriously, I stood there in shock, like "what the heck just happened?"
So weird. But apparently your oven glass panel can explode when you don't touch it. So, I am glad that the kids weren't up, so glad it didn't happen when Clint and I were gone - that would be a hard thing to explain as a babysitter - and glad I got to witness such a random thing.
Oh - and we have to pay for it - we have to prove that it's faulty for it to be covered - what's more faulty than an exploding oven door?

Emily's circus quilt - you can see more on her blog. I loved it! She always has fun quilts to work on.
Oh my goodness! I'm so relieved no one was hurt! Sorry about having to pay for a new stove though :( Now I'm kind of paranoid about mine exploding because it's right opposite the sink and if it exploded while I was washing up... yikes.
And your quilting is stunning, as always :)
I have had shower doors and tub enclosures do the very same thing. Really not anyone's fault and so sorry you have to pay. Life is like that. It is always something.
This week the starter quit in our only car. Had tow truck plus the water pump was leaking when the mechanic opened the hood. Triple whammy! Glad to have an honest mechanic to fix it and have it home again. Look for the silver lining! :-)
luckily you were not hurt. The same thing happened to my SIL while cooking on Christmas Eve - there were 6 of us in the area, we were very lucky not to get hurt. The oven was less than 12 months old and had the door replaced under warranty. Several instances have happened here in Australia
Wow!! How scary, Thank God nobody got hurt!!
Hope your date was enjoyable up to that point!
Wow...I have never heard of that happening! So glad none of you were in the kitchen when it happened! Bliss yardage will be out in a couple of weeks and I can get that quilt to you...can't wait!!!
Holy cow! Thank goodness no one was standing right beside it!!
Incredible. I would have never guessed and boy am I glad a toddler was not crawling on the floor when that happened. I'd say the makers of that stove have some 'splanin to do.' I for sure would not want another one in that brand. Interesting....if you learn more please do share because this is something I've never heard of before.
Scary, especially when you think what could have happened had someone been near it! We had a light fixture globe fall from the ceiling and shatter all over the kitchen floor once, and one of my good Pyrex baking dishes shattered in the cabinet when I closed the door. Glass is wonderful, as long as it stays together! Glad no one was hurt. And glad to hear that you and Clint had a date!
Darling quilt too!
Now that is truly the strangest thing I have heard of and so glad it didn't happen when the kids were up and the poor babysitter, how could she explain it?
Stand your ground with the insurance, just google Oven doors and you should find out how often it happens and tell them you take it further if the don't pay, that is what you are paying your premiums for.
Glad no one got hurt
That's scary! I remember once I had a large piece of art glass on a shelf. I was upstairs when I heard a big crash. It had fallen and shattered exactly where my nephew had been playing the day before.
That IS random!!! Glad everyone was okay. We had that happen with a shower door. No one was anywhere near it, but sent us all running to see what had happened. RANDOM!!!!
Yikes!! I've never heard of that happening before! I can't believe that's not covered - doesn't your picture there prove it's faulty? Good thing the kids weren't around!
Apparently this happens with glass oven doors and glass cooktops WAY too often.
Just Google "exploding oven door" and you will see a LOT of results including some pictures that look just like yours.
That is so crazy! I'm impressed at how clean your counters are :) If I took a picture like that, you could see all of the junk I keep up there and it ain't pretty!!! Somebody wasn't paying attention when they made the glass for the door because they didn't fire it just right. I would think it would be covered under warranty if the stove isn't too old but then again, companies these days try to get out of paying for anything.
Hope you get to eat take out for a little while :)
I have never heard of that happening, but I'm going to be on the watch now. I'm going to Google this and see what's up with that. Glad that no one was hurt. Can you imagine with all that glass flying around. Guess I wouldn't even want to think about it.
Wow, that's scary ! I'm happy to hear nothing happened to you, your family or the babysitter. How about turning it in on your homeowners insurance. Just a thought. Beautiful quilt!
So glad to see that noone got hurt. Like you said tis would be a hard thing for a baby sitter to explain.
That is unreal! I have NEVER heard of something like that. I am glad the little babysitter didn't experience that alone. I think I would have cried all night if I was the babysitter! Crazy. Sorry guys.
That is so crazy! I have never seen anything like it, I am so glad no one was hurt.
I had never heard of that either!!
Thank goodness no one was hurt!
Goodness gracious!! I've never heard of anything like the oven glass blowing out! So glad nobody was hurt, but that must have been amazing to see...wow!
Thankfully no one was hurt. I'm with you, Glad you were there.. unbelieveable...
now that is freaky, my dear... Just plain freaky! I'm so happy that no one was injured by flying glass, etc. I hope it's not too pricey...YIKES!
I love that quilt! I need to click on over to see it in it's full glory...
That's just crazy! It's so fortunate that no one (especially a little one!) was standing right in front of it.
Oh boy! Now I really want to know what brand is your oven! Please please tell me!
Oh my gosh, this is just horrible. What a blessing though that the kids weren't in the kitchen at the time bz they're small enough they could have had some extremely serious head injuries (or otherwise), or anyone for that matter. Now, I'm wanting to remove my glass from my oven door. As horrible as this was you were truly blessed.
Our's did the same thing. but we had just had it installed. The guy walked out the door with, the toolbox and 5 minutes later, all the glass on the door shattered. I didn't have to pay!But I hope you will take some comfort in not being the only one.
Thanks so much for sharing your quilting with us. You are one special girl!
sure glad you are okay - what a terrible thing to happen!
hope you are able to get some satisfaction - probably will have better response from the store where you bought it than with the manufacturer, sadly. There are recalls out of some of these oven doors...
That sure is a weird thing to happen. So glad no one got hurt by the glass & go figure you have to pay for it yourselves! That is something we hear more & more of nowadays, huh?
Are you sure you don't have a slow gas leak?
I've heard of something similar. As a pre-teen many years ago I witnessed our kitchen window imploding. This was an absolutely HUGE window that covered the entire wall in front of the dining room table. Apparently the gas from the old kitchen stove had pressurized the room and caused it. Weird! I'm certain the gas is related, but I HATE my electric range.
Wow - I've never heard of anything like that before. Glad everybody is all right. I don't think I would have believed the babysitter either when she said she did "nothing" if it happened on her watch.
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