My little Jonah! He cracks me up, still on the binki, but loving the game of tennis! Could there be a little Andre in our family?

I had a fight with a rose bush and lost. Clint insisted on taking a picture!

The fam at Huntington Beach! The kids loved it. I am just hoping to go to the beach some day when it is warm! I was a little nervous because the tide was way low and the Hawaiian tsunami warning was just the day before. Thankfully, no problems!

My Micah!

Lili- Always in the mood for a picture!

Jonah's chubby feet! I swear, he is the chubbiest little kid! I munch on him daily as any mother would.

At Disneyland the tulips and hyacinths were out! Hyacinths are my absolute favorite flower, they smell incredible and they are so beautiful! So, I had to take a picture and I have the smell logged up in my memory!

Clint and Lili in the cars at Autopia! The kids really loved this ride because they got to drive the cars themselves.

Me with Lili and Micah on the teacups. They aren't that bad if you don't turn the wheel.

I was in line for the Haunted Mansion and couldn't resist taking a picture of the iron work. This would be some awesome quilting! Everywhere I went I could see images for quilts, it was awesome.

I couldn't believe it when Emily showed up! What a fun surprise. She was in line behind us at the Haunted Mansion, so it was great seeing her! We posed in front of Splash Mountain, my favorite ride at Disneyland!

These are the grizzly bears in California Adventure! The kids had fun seeing the characters and giving them hugs.

The best parade was in California Adventure, it was the Pixar parade and they had all the characters and had bubbles floating in the air. Micah loved seeing Lightning McQueen, he loves that car and calls him "Weeteen."
Thanks for letting me share some of our vacation! I have a lot to do, so hopefully will be posting more pictures soon. I am just going to have to figure out how to do more in the day or night and learn how to stay up later than 12:00 am!
Looks like a good time was had by ALL!!! What is it about little boys in shorts that is just too adorable??? What a cuttie! Great memories there!
looks like a great vacation. good for you!
Your family is so adorable. What a fun memory for the kids. My grandson had those chubby legs too. My daughter calls him the turtle because he only has slow speed. The difference between him walking and running is how fast his arms are pumping. The legs are slooooow. Love him to the moon.
You have a beautiful family. And you have a Micah!! My Micah is now 23 and in graduate school. Take my advice and if you ever see that name on anything, buy it because it is so rare. When he was 1 year old I saw a child's license plate with his name but didn't buy it because it was at a place we visited each year. Well, it was never there again. I finally found another one when he was 19! (and I bought it!!)
Oh, the beach, I'm so very jealous. My son was caught up in the tsunami in Hawaii. The got a call at 4:30 a.m. and had to evacuate to higher ground. Lucky for me the Mission President told all the Elders and sisters to call home for 1-2 minutes and let their families know they were safe. I got the call before CNN was even reporting on the tsunami warnings (I work with it up on my computer that sits next to my work computer so I know what's happening in the world). I only knew there was a an earthquake in Chile! I had no idea it would affect him so there was no time to worry. I got to hear his voice for almost a minute and now I can make it to Mother's Day! Disneyland looks fun too. I've only been once when the kids were little but loved it! You're truly living the dream (at least my dream, lol!).
Looks like y'all had fun!!
Thanks for sharing!
What fun pictures....the one on the beach is just awesome!! Glad you got away and had a good time..
It looks like it was a great family vacation. Season passes, no less!!! Way to go!
I'm glad that you didn't forget to bring the camera. The phone one can do without, but NOT the camera!
Love the flowers at Disneyland!!! They are always so stunning. I need their gardener.
WONDERFUL photos!!! Your children are absolutely beautiful and you all look like you had a great time. I can't believe how young you two are with three little ones. I guess it is because I'm so old with little ones...LOL
He is so adorable. I just love when kids show interest in sports - even still on binkies.
You lucky duck! You got to go with your family to Disneyland! I am glad you guys had fun. I love the pictures. We went last year for our kids birthdays and had a blast. I want to get down there again soon.
You were in my neck of the woods! We are a little Disney obsessed at our house too. My son just moved to Huntington Beach and his new room mate is Tigger!
www.caitty1.blogspot.com scroll down a bit to see a pic. Glad to have you back!
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