Believe it or not, this is the best picture I got of my three kids sitting together in their new Grandma jammies. They went nuts when they opened their jammies, Mom - you did awesome! I just wanted to wish everyone out there in blog world "Merry Christmas!" I hope your day is special and you get to cherish your time with the ones you love! Now, the kids are in bed and Santa is fast approaching, so I better get wrapping!
Take care!
Oh, and Jonah is still on the binki! Aggh! We had to give it to him to get him to hold still for two seconds for a picture. I will let him have it until the New Year and then it's out!
Cute pic of them, they look adorable. Merry Christmas to you and all the best of the New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Beautiful photo of the children!
Beatiful children & their new jammies! Wishing you & yours a blessed Christmas!
Love Tango
gorgeous! I agree, I tried to take pics this morning of present opening and it was all blurry as paper went everywhere and they went off in all directions
hope you had a wonderful christmas, love your blog as I've just found it but adding it to my favourites!!!
Mat the binki be the most difficult challenge you'll encounter while they mature.
Merry Christmas. Wonderful photo in front of the pretty tree.
Love the picture....
A friend told me that she was told to just clip a little off the binki each day and eventually the child will not want it. If you want more details, I can give you the email of the gal who did this and it worked.
Ah Judi - your children are adorable - I hope you had a great Christmas.
I stumbled on your blog via another blog and have to say I love your quilting but oh your 'Emily's napkin' and 'Back in the Saddle again' tops are just super - I'm really developing a desire for these 'freeform' non traditional blocks/tops and as I'm also trying to develop my machine quilting skills (on a domestic machine though) and have been following Leah's blog - and if you don't mind I'd like to use the basics for your blocks here to try and practice/develop the skill.
I'm also looking forward to seeing what you do in the New Year - take care and Happy New Year to you and all your family
I loved the photo of your kids...they are beautiful!
Happy Holiday!
What a darling threesome. I know what it is to be gramma and we love it. Looking forward to a new year and may God bless you and your family
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