So, Micah decided to slam the door on Jonah's finger and nearly took off the tip of his finger. It was sliced all the way through the nail bed and the finger was barely attached in the back. Did I panic? Yes, and I am a little bit paranoid now. Two ER visit's for two different kids in 8 days is a little much for me. These kids are going to put me through the ringer. I don't know what I am going to do. So the picture above is the aftermath of stitches, five to be exact and this time Clint had to watch our other kids so I had to be brave and listen to Jonah scream the entire time, it was horrible. I love being a mom, but come on! I need some break in between these tragedies.

I just had my phone, so I got a couple pictures from that. Jonah was extra cuddly and let me just hold him.
So, big ole bandage for a small little finger, let's hope he keeps this bandage on for two days they told me to leave it on. Two weeks we get the stitches out. He may end up having a funny finger nail, but at least he has his finger. To sum it up our boys are going to cost us a fortune and now all our money is going to go to the ER, so if you are feeling up to it go and check out our store and buy some stuff!
I cannot believe you are posting AGAIN about an injury. I guess you can be "thankful" that neither injury was any worse than it was.
I don't know how you made it through - I guess it's that "mom" stuff.
I hope things will calm down for you and that the holidays will get better...
Hang in there...
oh bless that little boy. so sorry the saga continues...gonna go shop now!
Welcome to being the mom of boys! My older boy just got his cast off for a broken wrist. He was playing basketball with a friend at a sleepover and I got the call...mom, don't make me come home, but I think I broke my wrist. Sure enough, he did. Last year, Little brother broke big brother's finger by tackling him and bending it backwards. I know what you mean about giving your money to the ER. We just had to switch to Kaiser Oct 1 and I now know every department in that new hospital. It is my second home. Maybe if they spend enough time in the hospital emergency room, they will be inspired to become doctors and you won't have to work when you get older :)
I saw the first photo and said...she carries that camera with her everywhere I tell ya?! But you explained...and I'm laughing because you had to of posted that from my last comment. I can tell you that back when 6 year old told 2 year old to jump off the toy box...it too sent us to the ER for a cast. Getting him to stop screaming from the noise of the saw to get it off was quite comical...like prying a wild cat off the walls. My 18 year old totaled a car, taking out a tree just two years ago....I still worry everytime he drives away. We will always worry about the "next time." So sorry they have put you to the test so soon.
I ordered from you in the early morning hours before heading out for the crazy world of Black Friday shoppers. I ordered quickly and left no wonderful personal message to thank you for the deals! Thank you....glad I was able to help with your bill. I did send an email to a few people to tell them about your honey buns!!
The poor little guy looks miserable ... and he has a good reason. I hope he recovers well. He'll be grumpy a bit I'm sure over the next few days.
You had every right to be hysterical. One of our 15 year old twins slid the van door onto the finger of the twin..... not broken, but was a trip to the ER.
Glad things are going to work out ok.
Oh Judi, I'm so sorry you all had to go through this again so soon! Like they say, being a mom is not for whimps. Maybe now you will be done with ER visits for a very long time.
Awww look at that sad little face, poor little soldier. I am a mother of two boys 16 & 12, and there have been times when I just shook my head in disbelieve. There is a sunny side though, after all this stuff they do turn into mates. You might have a stack of grey hair after they finish with you, but it gets better. Keep smiling. Kind regards, Anita
What a nightmare! I know how much you enjoyed the last visit and now this one. Yikes!!!!
My sister did that as a small child and her fingernail still grows with a split down the middle.
I hope he remains a cooperative patient with that large dressing on his arm.
Ouch!!! Wow hope he gets to feeling better soon! Hope you are able to relax tonight!
Yikes - not another ER visit!! You are getting baptized into the world of boys - for sure! Hang in there - just think of the stories you'll be able to tell!
I feel your pain. There was a period in my sons life that we were in the ER every 6 months. It usually involved blood and screaming, but on the bright side it also got fast treatment. Trust me that it does get better... down the road.
Poor little guy. Mary gold me about your sale and I ordered a couple honeybuns. I hope your little guy does good leaving his bandage on.
He's so cute. Poor little thing. Boys can be boys. I bet your nerves are just about shot. Hopefully that is all for a while.
Oh my, I bought before I read about Jonah finger! I hope is doing okay and life is less stressful for Mom.
I wish I had great words of wisdom, but all I can think of is to let you know I'm sending you a Hug. Difficult times. You are a wonderful mom, but some kids just get into more accidents. You've got a touch kid...but I now worry about the mom!
Sending a big hug to Mum and to little Jonah.Hope he recovers well and he isn't too upset by it all.
Oh bless! Hope all is well now :0)
*hugs* Heather x
oh what a nightmare for u hun. im sending u and ur boys some hugs :)
Oh wow! you must be on first name basis with the ER by now!
I remember my neighbour whose husband is a doctor coming to my door, blood everywhere with a child in her arms and freaking out!
Me being older, I calmly put her in the car with said kid, to the ER and not till he had stopped screaming did I freak!
That boy still loves me even as he is now 16 and 6ft tall, he remembers me talking to him while his mom cried...
Oh that poor poor baby...I can only imagine his pain and suffering.
Oh Judi, I'm so sorry. Your poor sweet kids. I'm sure you're in need of some extra sympathy too. Kids injuries are so hard on moms! I wish I had money to shop right now but I promise once we get this missionary launched and on his way I'll be stopping by to shop! After all I still have to make the pattern I bought from you! I can tell by your post that you love your kids with all your heart and your heart is breaking. Hang in there. I'll be praying for some good stuff to come your way. You certainly deserve a break.
Judi, you bring back sooo many memories of my 3 sons who are now 49,47 & 46. I can't even remember all the stitches and broken bones, football and hockey injuries and all the trips to the ER. It still doesn't stop. Number 3 plays hockey and coming home ran out of gas on the Mid-Hudson Bridge. His wife brought him the gas can and while on the bridge cut his leg on a wire sticking out on the bridge side wall. Trip to ER, tetnus shot, meds and a black & blue leg from knee to ankle. And to make matters worse between the 3 boys and my 2 daughters I have 10 grandkids--9, thats right 9 boys and 1 girl. Katie will be 9 next week and is so petite and girlie looking but tough as can be, plays soccer, softball and swims like a fish, so my Dear Judi, you have lots of company. God gives us Moms special strength and coping skills, believe me I know!!! He looks so sad, please give him a big hug from Nana Barto. One for u too!!
Poor little guy! The expression on his face makes one just want to give him a big squeeze. I hope he cooperates with leaving the bandage on.
Take Care,
Oh, my, your little guys sure are having a string of bad luck! How scary for all of you.
Poor little guy...my heart goes out to him and you....it is not fun watching the suffer....but you did it and the worst is over1!
Oh bummer! My 10yo did that exact same thing on Christmas Eve last year. ER's are not a fun place for boys at all. Hope he heals fast!
Oh Judi, I'm so sorry you had to go through it again and so soon. When I saw the first picture, I thought to myself it has to of the stitches being removed from Micah's head but couldn't figure out why it would bleed so much, then I read on. Poor little Jonah, he looks so sad. I remember when my oldest daughter had the same thing happen to her finger when she was 18 months old...only difference was that I was the one who shut the door on her hand. I cried for hours. I was the one looking sad, she was the one with a popsicle, LOL. I'm glad you got the pictures too, that is 'some' bandage!!!
Oh poor baby, I hope he's doing better soon.
poor little kiddo :-( And fingers hurt really a lot...
Give him a big hug from a french quilter in Paris!
Children and the accidents they have can be very hazardous to ones mental health! just wait until they are teenagers - it gets worse :)
So sorry that little Jonah had a "run in " with the door! :) Our 3rd daughter spent 5 hours in a plastic surgeons office when she was nine months old after a small round plant stand table fell on her hand and almost took off her little finger at the end of the nail bed. She made it through surgery fine but had one of those huge bandages on her hand for a week or so and learned to crawl around with it too. She is 20 now and her hand looks just fine...little difference in that finger but it healed fine. Actually she gets married in a few months...My mama always said when we got hurt..."It'll heal before you get married. " :) yep, it did! :) and I bet his does too! Hugs to you . :) Being a mom is a real adventure!!
BTW< our 14 year old daughter just started a quilt for her cousin as a Christmas gift and it is your Strippin' Time pattern using a Soriee jelly roll. SO fun!
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