I was chasing my baby around the house trying to get these bobbins away from him.
He is pretty strong for his age, once his hands are around something he doesn't like to let them go. Even Mommy had a hard time getting them away. I should just let him play with them, right? No, not a chance!
I did get the bobbins away, but I heard screaming and crying for a few minutes after. My sad little Jonah.
So, frustrating beyond frustrating. I was quilting last night and was using the quilters ruler for the straight lines. I took a small "cereal break" and then turned the quilt. I had three little blocks left to do and was feeling great that it was 9:30 pm and I was almost done for the night. Well, I lost my ruler. I looked everywhere, thought of every possible scenario of where it could be and did this for a straight 1/2 hour. I then told Clint to stop watching "The Office" and help me! He searched everywhere and couldn't find it, then suggested I feel the quilt to see if it was turned into it. I did and couldn't feel anything. So, to make a long story short, I searched continuously until 11:00 pm, never finding it and going to bed completely upset. Finally this morning Clint felt the quilt and the ruler was right there, folded into the quilt! Aggghhh! Craziness! Have you ever done anything like that? I feel like I am losing my mind sometimes.
Lately, I feel like I spend half my time looking for stuff! It's so annoying! I feel your pain.
Oh I loose my mind all the time...I usually find it iin the morning after a good night sleep....LOL
Arrrgh...Losing stuff is so frustrating. Yep it happens to me all the time.
I loose stuff all the time, too....the last time i used a long-arm machine....i rolled my blouse in with the quilt!!!
I lose things all the time I think its just because we are trying to do so much we lose track.
I think it's called quilters alzheimers. (and your still so young!)
At my office, they know if something turns up where it doesn't belong, it is mine. I am constantly forgeting where I leave things. I feel your frustration.
When I lose things, I always make myself go right back to the EXACT place I recall using it last...and usually it's right there! LOL (Of course, the trick is that you must REMEMBER where you were using it last.)
What an little cutie! He wouldn't take a trade for the bobbins? I often had to do that with my DS. ;) Sorry your ruler got away from you~ probably didn't sleep well either. :/ Hopefully today has been better!
Yup, I do that way too often. It's bad enough we have to lose our youthful good looks but it's a double blow to also lose our memories, lol! You're too young though for that so we'll just chalk it up to you being a busy young mother! Jonah is adorable!
I have no idea what it is like to loose anything. I never loose things. I know where everything is and everything is always in its place. Sorry I can't relate....oh and by the way, its a lie!!! If it were not for my hands being attached....I might loose them...honestly. I often can't find things that I just had in my hand....that is the absolute worst.
Love the blog!! You have an award waiting . Thank you
Have I ever done things like that? I think I invented the art of doing things just like that! (and since inventing it, I can tell you, I have just about perfected it now)
It's awful when I do things like that, but I can't imagine someone giving up The Office to help search!!!! True love!
When you're a quilter and you have little ones you're always losing your mind- it happens to us all! The stealing of the bobbin and running away story reminds me of my own 2 little ones! :)
Ah Judi...that adorable sad little face, looks like he is still crying but not letting loose of the pacifier either. What a cutie. About the ruler, well, ummmm, I hate to tell you that stuff doesn't get any better with age. Just yesterday I was soooooo frustrated because I couldn't find my glasses. Everyone has heard this story right? Wrong!!! I take my glasses off to read, quilt, eat, but I have to have them with me because I can't see a thing clearly that is more that 3 feet from my face. I looked everywhere for the darned things and when my hubby got home from his morning walk I asked him if he could see my glasses anywhere "yes I can" was his reply looking at me. I thought, oh man, they are on my head or hooked over the neck of my sweatshirt. Feel the head, nope, not there, feel the shirt, nope, not there, I looked in the mirror, to a crystal clear image of my glasses, on my face, right where they are supposed to be. THAT explained why I couldn't see the up close things but the far away things were fine when I was looking for them, LOL. My husband calls it 'quilters syndrome'. Sounds good to me.
All I can say is "Been there many times all within an hour--and done that way tooooo many times---Hugs, Di
haha - I thought you were gonna say that the next morning your hubby found it in the fridge by the milk or something :P
I've not quilted in anything b/c i don't have a long arm... but I've read about others who have.
And your right babies have incredible strength in their hands and fingers!!! I don't blame you for having to take them - too easy for him to choke on them... just wait until he's a little older... and can pull his body weight up using his arms to get on top of whatever he wants... it's a whole new world when they are 2! I should know b/c I have 2 year old twins. eek! :P
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Your little episode has left me feeling much better about myself. I do this sort of thing on a VERY regular basis.
The best way to get a toddler to let go of something they are determined to keep is to offer them something else. A cookie, a toy, something else of yours...
I used to pull out my pocket calculator as a distraction to what my kiddos had in their tight little fist. It worked because the calculator is something they rarely got to see. :-) I could just imagine your frustration and even though don't know you personally I could just see Clint watching The Office (as my guys do!) and your getting on him about getting up and away from the tv to help! Sorry your post made me laugh and I'm sure at the time it was no laughing matter.
I have to chuckle...I so understand and relate!! I am constantly losing my ruler. So this week when I vist Joanne's I am buying another one. Then I am attaching this neoprene green tie to it as I have with my other one, not that it helps that I lose it, it just catches my eye better. hang in there.
i did not see another way to ask a question...i have been making your strip this quilt pattern and seem to have done something wrong...it said at the end to cut 30 4.5 pieces but by the picture in the pattern it shows the need for 36...uh oh...did i read something wrong? do you have any suggestions of what i should do?
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