After a whirlwind trip that was as fast paced as it possibly could be, we are finally home. We will be working on pictures of the orphanage, and the video for your viewing pleasure, but here are a few shots of our trip. There are a few things that we take advantage of here in America, like the picture above, we can't actually touch the telephone wires. Convenience is a huge thing here too, we don't have to walk everywhere and the Banks and Fast Food are all drive through. If we want to go shopping, we go to one place, usually Wal-Mart (I confess, I am guilty) and all that you need is there. Also, water, we had to buy it everyday in a bottle, and couldn't drink from the drinking fountains or from the tap if we wanted to stay healthy.

Here's a shot of Clint in the Piata (Flea Market) in Pitesti. Isn't he adorable? I think so.

Not the best picture of me, but I did love this table cloth.

We were able to go to a Monastery in Curtea de Argues, Romania. It was beautiful.

Finally, a shot of the orphanage we visited, we weren't aloud to take pictures of the face of the children, but we did get a lot of video. You will be able to see that in our video, hopefully we will have that soon.
All of you that have placed orders, Clint will get them out today and tomorrow. Thanks again to everyone who helped, we can't wait to show you all the pictures and video.
Welcome Home!
Just the few photos you shared reminds me of ours we lived overseas....looking forward to seeing more.
Welcome back home. It looks like it was an educational and productive trip. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
Wow so glad that you are home. Can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about your trip.
So glad to see you made it back home safely. I'm sorry to say I disagree with you, I don't think Clint is "adorable" I think that is what you said. I would say he is a handsome stud muffin!!! LOL
Welcome home!
So glad you guys are home safely.
Glad you made it home safe and sound! I can't wait to see the video. I like the table cloth too.
I am glad you had a great time and that you made it home safe. Thanks for the chat before you left and you did a great job on choosing a pattern for me. Enjoy the rest of your week and may we all be grateful for what we have and are able to enjoy. Even the small things we take for granted.
Welcome home, I hope all went well for you and Clint.
Welcome home!!
So glad you are back! Sounds like it was an awesome trip and very successful.
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear and see more about your trip.
Welcome back. Take a deep breath and relax for now. We all await more details of the trip.
We're so fortunate in many ways! I'm glad you made it home safely.
I hope the table cloth came home with you too!
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. We have many advantages living in a wealthy country.
Welcome home. Looking for to the photos and videos. Why do you feel guilty for shopping at WalMart? I love Wally's.
welcome home, glad you had a good trip.
(I shop at wally world too)
Welcome home. I's so glad you had a wonderful, safe trip and can't wait to see the video. How did your little ones survive? I'm guessing they were just fine.
By the way, I shop WalMart too. It's less than a mile down the road.
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