So, a little over 4 years ago I started this blog and I never really thought that just after a few short years I would have a following and a great following to boot! You readers out there make me feel so loved! THANK YOU! I realized that my last post was my 500th post. I can't believe I have had that much to talk about ;) I was thinking this morning that I should give away something that I love in celebration of this little milestone of mine. It had to be something special - and I want you to know that it comes out of my personal stash. The reality of me just hoarding this fabric and not getting to it makes it a little easier for me to give it away to one of you. I am sure you will make something out of it before I would even have time to unwrap the corded ribbon ;)
How about this beauty of a Fat Quarter Bundle? Sew Stitchy to be exact and I love it! This bundle is up for grabs in a random drawing. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn't want more followers, I do - it would be the perfect start of an awesome day! I want to get over 3000 followers with this giveaway - now, most likely you are already following because you are reading this post, but if for some reason you aren't - just click the follow button over on the left sidebar on my blog and make it official!
Here's the rules - just head on over to our website and tell me some of your favorite January - April 2013 precuts. We have all our pre-purchase fabric on sale for 25% off. This is a great way to be sure that you get the precuts you want before they are released to us. So, that's it - just tell me what fabrics you love the most! Good luck! I will announce the winner in a few days!
Oh, and follow me if you aren't already! ;)
1 – 200 of 562 Newer› Newest»I'm looking forward to Comma,!
I am so glad I have followed your blog for a while now. Your quilting skills are incredible! Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win such a sweet prize!!!
I like the Indigo wovens & the orange & pink in Ticklish
I think twenty three looks super cute!!
Simple Marks by Malka Dubrowsky. I like your blog, btw. You let your personality shine through (not all business.) Keep it up!
Hi Judy! I love the ticklish and enchanted pond batiks. I really like your design sense and can't wait to see your latest quilt finished!
I'm anxiously waiting for Noteworthy by Sweetwater. Thank you for the opportunity, you are so generous! PS: For anybody wondering, GF's service is awesome, too!
Ticklish is VERY cute! Congrats! And, thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!
Congrat's on your milestones! I have been a long time follower and admirer of your gorgeous work. With a DD graduating with a marine bio degree, I have to say I'm looking at all things 'water' and Enchanted Pond sure caught my eye. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My fav is the Boho that is coming out in April.
Keep up the blog, I love seeing what you have done next.
I am looking forward to Collections with a Cause - it's very pretty fabric!
Cherry on Top bundle is so adorable! I am a follower. Congrats!
I have been a follower for over a year.
My favorit precut would have to be Posy so cute.
The Enchanted Batiks look so beautiful! As does Avalon -- that would make a wonderful summery quilt!
I follow you through Google Reader.
Comma and glamping are my fav upcoming lines I think. I have been a follower here for a while and even follow you on facebook.
First, congrats! I love following you, Judy, I admire your work! My choice is Indigo, love the blue!
I read you through google reader but I've followed you now too. I love Lario coming out in April!
I picked out 3 - Beddy Bye in Flannel (so cozy looking) Enchanted Pond and Snowmen Gathering (love anything snowmen). Thanks for the chance in such a great giveaway - oh and I wasn't a follower even though I check your blog everyday - I am now! Love your quilts - they are beautiful!
Wow! That's a lot of followers. I'm guessing its gonna be really tough competition for this giveaway. I am really loving Avalon. It'll be out around my birthday, so I know what I'll be asking for :)
And I would be sooooo happy to win this honestly, it's one of those lines I would love to have, but really can't spend money on. Thank you for sharing it.
Ticklish is adorable...oh wait, Comma is divine...Snap pop and then Boho...honestly, there are so many lovely choices....fabric really just makes smile. Thanks for a preview of what's to come.
I LOVE blue - Indigo Crossing - even the wovens just sing 'home' to me.
Love your blog and your work, no wonder you have so many followers! As for the upcoming lines, my favorites are Honey Honey, Ticklish, Comma, Summersville Spring, Snap Pop, and Boho. Oh my goodness, my poor budget! Thanks for the chance to win this lovely Sew Stitchy bundle!
Congratulations on longevity in the cyber world! Love the Indigo Crossing in Jan & Paint Box in April. Great blog & Site. Thanks for your generosity!
I really Indigo Crossing by Moda, but I also like Tickish by Moda. Its always hard to choose...LOL to many pretty fabrics
I Love your blog, I check it every day! And.. And.. I just recieved my first order of fabric from Green Fairy Yay!! I ordered on Black Friday because of the great sale ! I love all the fabric you have ~
How many can I choose?
Comma Layer Cake
Indigo Crossing Fat Quarter Bundle
2wenty Thr3e Fat Quarter Bundle
Collections Circa 1835 Dessert Roll
you have a great blog!
There are so many to look forward to but I'm especially loving:
Honey Bunny
Indigo Crossing
PB & J
I like PB&J coming in March!
I like the Oink A Doodle Moo and Pheasant Hill Gathering.
Snap Pop looks really pretty. Haven't seen that yet. Good luck and thanks! ldw13010(at)gmail(dot)com
You do such lovely work, it's hard NOT to follow you and see what your next project looks like :)I'm looking forward to Honey, honey; Avalon; snap pop; but mostly Blushing, I can not wait for that one! Thank you.
Summersville Spring. I am looking forward to that one coming out:)
Ticklish, Glamping, Snap Pop, and Boho look like lots of fun. Congratulations on so many followers!
I'm a long-time follower - sorry I can't add to your numbers :( But I do send people your way all the time, so maybe that helps? As for the precuts - DEFINITELY the Ticklish layer cake!!!! Looks yummy enough to eat :*D
The Posy line looks soooo sweet! The Indigo Crossing line also speaks volumes! Thanks for the chance and cheers to reaching 3000!
I love boho, twenty three and snap pop. Congrats on your milestone. You are super talented and am glad you share your talents with us. Thanks
There are definitely a lot to choose from! I think my favorite is the Island Sun Batiks.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Ahh I love the 2wenty Thr3e fabrics!! And I'm a long time follower :) :)
Indigo and Paris Flea Market look awesome!
I love clean brights, so Ticklish is definitely on my NEED list! Difficult to choose one favourite though.
Anxiously awaiting Snowman Gathering, Enchanted Pond and Indigo Crossing. Wonderful giveaway - and I bet you will hit 3000 mark very soon :)
I love the snowmengathering and the Indigo crossing fabrics very much!
Thanks so muchfor the give away! It is fun to follow you!
Congratulations! I love Indigo Crossing and Enchanted Pond Batiks. They're both wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
I think I am in love.... Indigo, Honey Honey, Ticklish...and those are just in January!!! :) Beautiful selections! I hope Santa is taking note!!!
I've been following via fb...all this time, as of today, I've officially signed up to follow via email.
sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com
The indigo crossing looks wonderful and blue denim seems to be the upcoming color of the 2013!
Field Notes and Glamping are my two favorites! So much fabric, so little time!!!
I love your work. A true inspiration. I like working with anything batik so the Sun Island batik catches my eye.
Hi Judi,
I'm a follower and I'm looking forward to LOTS!! Paint Box, Indigo Crossing, Paris Flea Market, Pheasant Hill, Collections for a Cause circa 1835, Enchanted Pond, etc, etc!
Thanks for offering the Sew Stitchy! It is so cute!
I love Aneela Hoey's Posy range - but then I love all things Aneela!
I like Twenty Three! And I can't believe it but I wasn't a follower, I guess I was cheating linking through Google Reader. But I'm a follower now!
Oooo, Honey Honey would be fun and so would Glamping. Thanks for the chance.
I LOVE the indigo crossing lines. I am in the process of making a blue and white Dear Jane and these would look amazing in it.
What a pretty fabric bundle!
I like the Comma, pre-cuts, but they are all so very nice.
I've been a follower for quite a while and especially enjoy checking out your latest creative quilting. Lots of inspiration for me. Thanks!
I can't wait for Comma - so much so that I already ordered it from you!
the Indigo Crossing looks awesome for a quilt I have been wanting to do!
Could I just say that I am looking forward to most of the collections? They all look great. A few that I really like are Posy, Summersville Spring, Glampung, and Honey Honey. Congratulations on your 501st post.
I'm already a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I am and have been a follower for awhile now. I am loving all the lines that are coming, but really loving Pheasant Hill. I need to develop a plan for that one! Thanks for being such a wonderful quilter and blog host!
I really like Comma and Circa 1835.
I love the Ticklish, Me & My Sister are one of my favorites!!
So many to choose from.
January - Indigo Crossing
February - Enchanted Pond Batiks
March - Pleasant Hill
April - Island Sun Batiks
Sorry couldn't decide between these.
I'm looking forward to Pheasant Hill!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh Paris Flea Market is so pretty. I follow your blog but don't know if I am a member ........ I will check that out. Love your quilting.
Yay for you and 2900 followers - holy moly!!! I love WEE WOVENS December. I will add that ot my wish list! Thank you so much for the chance!
Congratulations! I have been following your blog (and ordering from your wonderful site) for a long time now! My favorite lines from January through April: 2wenty thr3e, Avalon, PB&J, Summersville Spring, Honey Honey and Posey :)
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower. I can't wait until Comma is released. So cute!!
Indigo Crossing is my favorite. Love it. Congrats on the followers and a milestone on the postings!
I love Indigo Crossing, Posy, Enchanted Pond batiks, Field Notes, Jubilee, Pheasant Hill, Savonnerie, Horseshoe Trail. Great collections!
I am so in love with Comma. A friend brought me a little bit back from market. I can't wait to get my hands on MORE! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am looking forward to Summersville Spring coming in March and Simple Marks coming in April. Would love to buy some now but the Christmas budget is thin this year, no spare $$ - will save up for later purchase.
I'm liking the Snowman Gatherings Fat Quarter Bundle. I have been following your blog for at least 2 yrs. and enjoy it.
Thanks for the giveaway! And congrats on the milestones - I love reading your blog!! I'm looking forward to Boho coming out in April. Such fun colors!
i REALLY need someone to gift me a gc to your shop (like i've asked for) because the Comma line by Zen Chic is calling my name!!!
I like many of the new lines. Indigo Crossing, Enchanted Pond and simple Marks Summer are some of my favorites.
I love the indigo. I have a thing for blue. Love looking at your work. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on your success! Thanks for all you share with your followers(stalkers). The Indigo Crossings in Jan. jumps out and says "You gotta have me!"
I follow your wonderful blog through RSS reader. I'm looking forward to the Comma line coming.
I really like the April/13 - Snowman Gatherings Dessert Roll.
congratulations on such a great blog.
I love Indigo Crossing, Beacon Cove and Field Notes.
Congrats on your successes!
Thanks for a such a generous giveaway in celebration.
I totally love 'COMMA'. The colors are fabulous! I am a follower and love following you and your fabrics.
Ticklish looks fun! Thanks for the chance!
I like Enchanted Pond Batiks!!
Hope this giveaway does the trick and you get your 3000 followers but 2900 is a great achievement congrats!
My favorite is definitely Glamping!
I'm a follower and I LOVE Ticklish!! It's so sweet and colorful.
Congratulations on this amazing milestone! I'm looking forward to Beacon Cove, with 2wenty Thr3e hot on the heels of that! lol
Thanks for the great giveaway. :)
PB&J - thanks for the chance to win!
I've just ordered some newies from your site. And I'm dying for Posy and Avalon. Thanks for the giveaway and greetings from germany, Hildy
So many great things! Posy, Honey Honey, Comma, 2wenty Thre3! Most excited about that last one, and a very enthusiastic follower!
The Indigo Crossing fat quarter bundle is just beautiful! And congrats!!!
My faves would be...Honey Honey... Glamping and 2wenty thr3e... And probably some more... And would it have been December it would have been the wee brights..;0))))
I was going to say Boho, but then I saw Island Sun Batiks. I can't resist the Batiks! The fat quarter bundle give-away sure is pretty!
I've been reading your blog for a very long time now, but not "officially" a follower until now. Your insight on design is always inspiring. To pick just one favorite fabric is about Avalon, Indigo Crossing, boho, Honey Honey just for a start.....!
Congrats !! I really love Indigo Crossing. Thanks for the chance on a wonderful give away
Honey Honey and Indigo!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower too!
Congrats on all your successes!!
I love the Boho being released in April. Would love to create a fun quilt from it. Also love the Oink A Doodle from March -- cute name to go with the cute fabric. Your blog is such an inspiration to me!!
I love following your blog...congrats on your milestone! I love Sew Stitchy!! I bought a few FQ's just to use in a few ongoing projects!
I am most looking forward to the Ticklish jelly roll. I love me & my sister designs stuff! :D I also really love the designs that you post on your blog, it gives me great inspiration for my own quilting :D
I am a follower and drooling over Posy!
Hey Judi Congrat on your 500th post.
I love the Indigo Crossing line and who could resist the
Horse Shoe Days line for April, those colors are sooo deep .
Oh yes a follower, FB stalker, AND shopper! I can hardly wait for Get A Clue With Nancy Drew !! TIA! B-)
I really like the Comma line by Zen Chic. The colors are wonderful. Congrats on your 500th post and all of your followers, of which I am one.
I would love to have Comma. I follow you in google reader but looking for the official follow link now! Thanks!
So much lushiousness! I think the Enchanted Pond Batiks are my favorite. And Island Sun Batiks, Snowman Gathering, PB&J, Snap Pop, Summersville, Indigo Crossing Woven Fats, and Ticklish all are beautiful, too.
Indigo Crossing and Comma. Love you blog!
I like the Indigo crossing, and I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures.
Congratulations on this fantastic accomplishment!!! WhooHoo!
Ack! I thought picking my fav fabric would be easy, but I went back and forth, back and forth...
After very careful consideration, I decided that my favorite was Lario (followed closely by Enchanted Pond, Jubilee, Snap Pop, and Avalon)
Thank you, Judi!
Here's to another 500 posts!
All the best,
I follow you in Google reader. I really like Comma and PB&J.
I love so many! Mind Your Ps and Qs but Comma is also fabulous and I love the bright colors of Snap Pop and that Oink a Doodle Moo - adorable!
Honey Honey which I already ordered a bundle of from you for my mom for christmas!
'Gefeliciteerd'' as we say in Dutch:-) my favorite is Indigo Crossing as I looooooooove blues!
I love all fabric........ Especially from you.
I love your selection, service and your quilting! Looking forward to Indigo Crossing, even though I have Sakura, and Comma, and Posy! I'm a follower!
My favorite is the Island Sun Batiks, I can't seem to get enough of Batiks. Congratulations on 501 post and 2900 followers, of which I am one. Good luck on your next hundred followers.
WOW! Lots of wonderful new fabrics arriving! My favorites are Indigo, Summersville Spring, Island Sun batiks, and Simple Marks!
I'm a huge basicgrey fan, and I can't wait for pb&j!!
I am a follower already of course! You inspire me each weel with your machine quilting! The fabric i am pining for is April 13 collections circa 1835~beautiful!! Happy Holidays! xoxo E
Oooh! I like the colors in that FQ bundle. I'm waiting for the Circa 1835 to come out. I love reproduction patterns!
You have one of the best blogs! You inspire with me with all your beautiful quilting, not to mention all the lovely fabrics! I am in love with all of "The Gatherings" line, so "Snowman Gatherings" is my favorite!
I follow you on my google reader and get your updates. I love Indigo Crossings in January
I just started following you this week so perfect timing! It's almost easier to say what I don't love but here's my pared down list: Honey Honey, Indigo King, and ticklish from January; comma and enchanted pond batiks from February
Congrats on your 501 blog post! It's because you're amazing and we all love the inspiration you share with us! Oh...and I would love that big bundle of loveliness!
Congrats! I think Paintbox is just lovely!
Congrats on your 500 posts!
I love the new French General serie!
If I could win one it would be Indigo Crossings, I'm crazy for blues.
I have followed you for a couple of years, but not officially.Today I am official. Congratulations on your 501st post. My favourite fabrics are comma, enchanted pond batiks and indigo crossing. Thanks for sharing.
I signed up to follow your blog ; thought I already was .... but I've been following you on facebook & on your mailing list ! I think my favorite ( after drooling over many ! ) is Urban Chic Boho ! thanks !
Congrats! I'm looking forward to Posy, Twenty Three, and Glamping.
Summersville Spring. And Lu is coming to teach at my guild in March too, can't wait.
i love that fabric would love to win thanks
I think I have read all 500 posts. Thank you for sharing all these years. You have inspired so many of us. I am waiting on Indigo Crossing.
Congratulations on 500 posts and 2900 followers! There are a lot of gorgeous ranges coming up. I love the Collections Circa 1835. I'm a follower of Green Fairy Quilts. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Congratulation. It would have to be Indigo crossing and the women's...lush!
I am a long time follower and I love the colors in the Boho line!
Snow man gatherings is the winner for me!!! Adorable!
I love 2wenty-Thr3e!! So cute! Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!
im looking forward to posy and i love sew stitchy:) thanks for the chance to win
J'adore tout de Sandy Gervais, specialement Grand Finale, Le petit ecole de French General et ton blog :)
Your work is really inspiring even though I'm not a longarm quilter; just use my domestic machine. Some gorgeous fabrics coming up - my favorites include Indigo Crossing, Enchanted Pond, Avalon, Pleasant Hill and Paint Box!
Love all your quilting! Two of my faves are Indigo Crossing and Enchanted Ponds batiks.
I think glamping looks cute. I LOVE your quilting! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Misty.Ann.Fletcher at gmail dot com
Your quilts are so inspirational - I've translated some of the patterns to scrapbook pages - my favorite hobby! Congrats on the 500 posts! My favorite is Comma.
Congratulations on reaching this milestone. May your path to the next milestone be quick and easy.
Sew many beautiful fabrics ...
Indigo, Crossing, Comma, Pheasant Hill, PB&J, Simple Marks, Round Robin, Snowman Gatherings ...
I <3 them all ... :) Pat
Oh gosh there are so many awesome collections coming out it is very hard to pick just one. I really like Twenty Three so I will pick it.
Congrats on your 500th post and you will have 3000 followers before you know it!
First, love your blog. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Second, I've got my favorite upcoming lines narrowed down to Enchanted Pond, Indigo Crossing, Snowman Gatherings, and Pheasant Hill. That's it...for now : )
EASY! Honey, Honey, Comma, and Keep it Sassy!!!
Woo hoo congratulations on 501 posts!!
Snowman Gatherings, Field notes, Comma, are some of my favorites!
Comma Charm Pack
Hi, Judy! 4 years - a great age! Congratulations! Where I live - there is no such beautiful fabrics, I would be happy with any! I like Lario, Snowman Gatherings. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity. Thanks for Iteresno blog!
Congrats on the milestone, Judi! Your blog rocks because you do! The favorite thing is really hard to do. But, if I have to pick, it would be the 2wenty-Thr3e FQB or Avalon FQB. How can you not love anything from Joanna?
I've been following your blog and on Instagram for a while. I always fall in love with your exquisite quilting. Congratulations on 2900 followers and 501 posts. Hope that you hit 3,000 followers!! I think that my favorite from the precuts is Round Robin - I think they would make a wonderful Christmas quilt. But you know, it's hard to pick one. I like Indigo Crossing too, and....LOL
I love Keep it Sassy.
Oh my goodness there are so many good ones coming up! I am pretty excited for Posy!
Oh, it's so hard to choose, but I like Snowman Gatherings a lot. Love your site.
Congratulations on 4 years! I have a B.I.G birthday in April so I pick Collections for a Cause Circa 1835 which is due out in April. Hugs Linda
Parabéns, Judy!
Agora também sou sua seguidora declarada, pois passo sempre por aquí. Bem! eu gostei muito do April/13 - Boho Bundle quarto gordo.
comma! I can't wait for it to come out. I'm going to make a quilt out of it for my daughter who is a journalist. It's in her colors too! Thanks for the awesome giveaway (already a follower. I'd click the button again if I could!)
HArd choice, but I think Comma, comes out on top as my favorite
I really enjoy your blog. My favorites are Enchanted Pond and Field Notes from the February list.
Ohhh, pick me, pick me ....
That was so hard but I think it would have to be Comma, although Island Sun Batiks is a close second.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Already a follower - pnconverse(at)hotmail(dot)com
My favorite is "Avalon". Love that one so much. It has all the colors that I love working with.
Congratulation on such a success for your blog. It is such a great blog and I find pleasures browsing through it again and again sometimes.. I am already a follower.. and love your shop too.. I love Circa 1835...
At the moment, the favorite is Indigo Crossing. But to be fair, I likely need a bit of time to see what grows on me.
All best wishes for reaching these milestones. They represent lots of work, creativity, energy, thought and care!
Congrats on 4 years. Your quilt shop is so wonderful - I love keeping up on your blog as well. I am really excited for Aneela's new fabric Posy. <3
Ooooo! I like Honey Honey, posey and Ticklish! Love to win the sew stitchy though. Congrats on such a successful blog! Love checking in with you.
The Enchanted Pont Batiks are beeeeautiful! Maybe by February I will be in NEED of a jelly roll or layer cake. thanks for the giveaway!
I have read all your blogs and want to congratulate you on 4 years. I have looked at your website and Avalon is my favorite. It looks like summer!
Indigo crossing is nice!
2wenty Thr3e looks like a lot of fun! I also love the Enchanted Pond batiks and Indigo Crossing.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations and thank you for all that inspiration..... what a great bundle of fabric..... there are lots of lovely ones coming out next year... but since I have to choose one I will go for Pheasant Hill....
Congratulations!! I have been following you through Google Reader, but have added myself as a follower through Friend Connect to help get you to 3000! I think my favorites coming up are Comma and Snap Pop! Thanks!!
Congratulations on your new milestone! That is awesome! I only have 13 followers! haha
Some of my favorites for the new year include Wee Wovens, Comma, Glamping and Boho. But..who knows I may fall in love with a whole bunch more.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I have been following for sometime now..and always enjoy my visits. What a wonderful bundle of fabric for one lucky quilter...I really like April/13 Boho its fun and the colors are so pretty!
Congratulations on your followers!
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth
Congratulations on your 500th post. You have such a wonderful blog, sure you will reach 3000 followers with ease. Really looking forward to HoneyHoney and Comma.
Congratulations on reaching such great blogging milestones!.
Comma is the line that I am looking forward to most of all.
I am a happy follower of your blog - thanks for the chance to win!
Ooh, I'm so excited for Zen Chic's Comma, line! I'm a technical writer, so that makes me like it even more. =)
I have read your blog for a long time, now I am a offical follower.
Indigo Crossing and BoHo. Very different and both exciting.
Oh man... There's some great stuff coming! For me, Honey Honey, 2wenty Thr3e, and Summersville Spring top my list!
Hopped over to your website and fell in love with Moda's Paris Flea Market, Sentiments and Papillon. I am a cottage garden chic kind of lady and these are perfect! I would love to win your huge stack of Moda fabrics as I am in love (don't tell my husband) with Moda!
Indigo Crossings would make a stunning quilt...thank you!
I love the upcoming Spring House, among many others. from a follower, Kathie L
Congrat's.. I am a follower and absolutely love your quilting skills.
Some of my favorites in the precuts are Indigo crossing and the Indigo wovens..
Thanks for a chance at your generous giveasya.
I love the P's and Q's. It comes out in January, which is my birthday month :)
I love reading your blog and seeing your lovely quilting.
Congratulations! I've been a follower for a little while, and I LOVE your quilting and posts. My fav upcoming precuts are Posy, Comma, and 23!
Congrats! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your lovely quilting. The collection I am really looking forward to is Indigo Crossing. Thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats on reaching your 500th post! I am getting ready to do a 400th post giveaway on my blog!
All of the pre-cuts are so tempting - but I really liked the Boho fabric by Urban Chiks. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oink A Doodle Moo!! How can you not love that one...of course, I could love many more too...
Congrats on 2900 and counting.I am in the Christmas mod and picked Snowman Gathering and then I saw Indigo Crossing love them both.I enjoy reading your blogs.
Looking forward to Pheasant Hill. Congrats on your 500th post and best wishes on reaching your 3000th follower (will be soon I'm sure!). Thanks for the sweet giveaway!!
Love the Comma and Sommersville, and am a fan of ALL the water-themed lines, whether Sea or Cove or Pond or Water! I am a follower.
I read your incredible blog through bloglines but Im a follower now! I can see pheasant hill as a mini tumbler. That is if I ever make a mini tumbler! Congrats on your milestone.
I'm looking forward to Enchanted Pond Batiks, Honey Honey and Simply Southwest.
CONGRATULAÇÕES!!!Eu faço parte desse número maravilhoso,estou por ai... entre 2900 ,feliz da vida de ter tido o prazer de te acompanhar pelo menos em um pedaço dessa viagem,que para você foi a trabalho e para mim foi laser,obrigada por deixar desfrutar de seu talento.Quanto ao tecido do seu site:AVALON.Obrigada por prêmio generoso e dado de tão boa vontade.Deus te abençoe
What a great "coming attractions"! My favorites are Indigo Crossing, Comma, 2wenty Thr3e, Horseshoe Trail and Snowman Gathering. Time to dig through my quilting bucket list and do some shopping!
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