It has been a while since I have done a fabric giveaway on my blog, so of course I had to make it a good one. I love being able to pick out the fabric that I would choose from our shop to give away to one lucky winner!
So my choice is a Tradewinds fat quarter bundle, 35 different fabrics come in this adorable beauty bundle and it could be yours! So, what is the deal? How do you enter? Well, go to our September and October pre-purchase pages and tell us what your favorite lines are coming out for those two months! Simple, simple! And, while you're at it, if you aren't a follower of my blog - follow me, and sign up for our newsletter if you haven't already, or tell me if you already are, and you will get extra entries. It wouldn't hurt to blog or share about our giveaway too for an additional entry...So, four possible entries for this giveaway! Have fun and good luck - you have until Thursdayish.....
One last thing - check out our 6 new Moda lines on our home page, which just came in. We have them all at 25% off during our giveaway!
One last thing - check out our 6 new Moda lines on our home page, which just came in. We have them all at 25% off during our giveaway!
1 – 200 of 1111 Newer› Newest»SOOO Excited for Marmalade!!
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I think two of my favorites coming up are the Marmalade and the Old Glory Gatherings. Thanks for the chance to win again!!
Thanks for a chance to win!! Love your shop, and your quilting, you do a beautiful job :)
If I had to choose a collection (this is difficult) I'd choose Odds & Ends and Marmalade. Why do I have to own every single one of Bonnie & Camille's lines?? Seriously they are all so great.
I love Kate Spain's Cuzco. She has great colors.
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Love Cuzco and Gypsy Girl! Hmm, but odds & ends is also pretty great... Ohhhh, and I <3 bonnie and camille, so Marmelade is pretty sweet! Great giveaway btw!!
P.S. I'm a follower:)
I am a faithful follower--I love seeing the pics of your quilts!
I love Kapalua Batiks and Dancing in the Rain Batiks.
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I also get your newsletter--I love planning projects around some of your sales :)
I get your newsletter. Thanks for having this wonderful giveaway - love your products.
I am a follower. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
Marmalade! Love Bonnie and Camille!
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Old Glory Gatherings and Duck, Duck Goose are fabric that I am looking forward to using in the next couple months.
I love Marmalade and I also like Duck Duck Goose flannel. Very pretty!
I am a long time fan and follower!
Hard to choose, but i think the trails' end batiks have stolen my heart. Thanks for the chance to win.
Can't wait until Marmalade is available!
can't wait for simply color
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For September, I love Mod Centurey Modern (very Ma Men). and for October, it has to be Simply Color!! Great lines coming out :-) Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful bundle!!!
For September my favorite is Mod Century which I hadn't seen before. For October it's a toss-up between Simply Color and Cuzco. I wish I could buy them all! Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous prize bundle!
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I follow and enjoy your blog. Your quilting is amazing!
Cuzco, Marmelade, Simply Colors, Odd and Ends... there are too many !!
Thanks for the giveaway !
Tweeted the giveaway, too.
Fabulous giveaway! In September I'm most looking forward to Mod Century...and in October is has to be Marmalade!!!
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I love the Double Chocolat and Old Glory
so hard to choose! Chateau Rouge and Simply Color
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The choices are too hard!!!...grin. I pick Tapestry
Definitely Odds n Ends for Sept and 2 (Marmalade and Tapestry) for Oct.
And I'm a follower already! Love your blog and quilting!
I'm excited for Marmalade!
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Gypsy girl really makes my heart sing but, since I've been making a lot of QOV's lately, Old Glory Gatherings is probably the one......
There are three in October that will be awesome: V and Co, Marmalade and Cuzco. THere are great.
It's definitely Oct - toss up between marmalade and double chocolate.
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I love getting updates on all that you are doing on your posts through Google Reader.
So hard to pick out what I like! So many choices to choose from! Other than Marmalade, I like Mystery Girl in September, and Trails End Batiks! So pretty!!!
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I love Double Chocolat, Marmalade and Simply Color.
I already stalk I mean follow your blog :)
I get your newsletter too! Thanks for the opportunity.
Yes, I'm on your newsletter list; thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
I like the Mod Century, but I am really wanting Marmalade to come out. Really love Vintage Modern and love the new colors Marmalade has. Thanks for the chance to win.
um, I like the Cuzco and I think the Windsor Lane...very hard to choose though!!!
I loved Gypsy Girl and Tapestry.
Beautiful! Sign ... me up!
Hard to pick just one but I really like the "Odds & Ends"; thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
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For sept I would pick the bunny hill Windsor lane. I just love their lines.
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Oh and I now follow your blog! Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely bundle!
I also am a follower on GFC; thanks (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
posted the giveaway on my Facebook.
Juggling Summer!
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For October I'd pick Cuzco... Who doesn't love Kate Spain!
Hands down for Marmalade! It is the sweetest collection since.... hehe, her last one! But I was hoping to see some new Sweetwater coming out... maybe they are in August? Bunny Hill's new line is going to be adorable to work with.
I happily already get your newsletter.
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My fave is the Kapalua batik bundles! Fabulous! I always get excited looking through your store (and of course, I've ordered too!)
With so many new fabulous collections, it's almost impossible to make a choice, but I like Odds & Ends for Aug/Sept and Marmalade for Sept/Oct. Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.
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Hi I love the look of Gypsy Girl and Odds and Ends. Thanks for the chance to win!
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Gypsy Girl and Simply Color are definitely on my wish list :)
I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I love Gypsy Girl or Marmalade!!!!!
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Gypsy girl and Simply Color!
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I am a Blog follower and get your emails. I love your quilting skills! For the Sept and Oct releases, I love the Chateau Rouge and Dancing in the rain! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Gypsy girl, Cuzco, and simply color!!
I like the look of Cuzco and Simply Colour - thanks for the chance to win!
I would choose Gypsy Girl from the September pages and I couldn't decide between Cuzco and Juggling Summer from the October pages. Beautiful choices!
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I'm a follower!
Wow that's a fabulous giveaway! I have to pick Chateau Rouge..anything French for me! Linda
No's Mod Century. I'm a child of the anything that reminds me of those whacky, colorful patterns. Thank you for a bomb diggity giveaway!
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oh....loving harvest moon.
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I get your newsletter linda(dot)goulty(at)Orange(dot)fr
I like the Chateau Rouge and Metropolitan fair. Love the reds.
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I really like the Odds & Ends and the Tapestry collections!
I'm still a follower!
I'm loving the Simply Color coming in October, and the Mod Century coming in September. Thanks for the chance to win.
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The give a way fabric is so pretty and refreshing! Thanks so much! I also like the Gypsy Girl line....another refreshing line of fabric.
I love the Kapalua and Cuzco!
Sou seguidora,tenho inscrição no boletim.Setembro:ODD and ENDS.Outubro:DOUBLE CHOCOLATE,todos.É isso.Obrigada pela
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I love the Wee Ones and the Marmalade flannels
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I get your newsletter too!
It has to be Cuzco for me!
It is a tie between Double Chocolat and Tapestry. Signed up for newsletter and became a follower
I can't choose between Cuzco and Juggling Summer!!
Love Harvest Moon. Thanks
Butterfly George
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Also love Cuzco. yummy.
Butterfly George
And I would love to get the newsletter as I read your site regulary and aspire to be a student quilter under your expertise...........Wow
Butterfly George
Wow! Chateau Rouge and Cinnamon Spice are so gorgeous, and then, of course, that Metropolitan Fair is so yummy, too! So hard to choose! I just love all those rich colors for fall!
Thanks for the chance!
And, of course, I'm a happy follower!
I get your newsletter. I am always glad to know what you are featuring.
And a newsletter subscriber, too!
I knew I loved Marmalade and Chateau Rouge, but when I saw Cinnamon Spice, I knew I have to add it to my Must Have list as well.
I enjoy following your blog, and have done so for quite awhile.
I love Harvest Moon in September and Eat Your Fruits 'n Veggies batiks in October.
I'm already a happy follower :o)
I get your newsletter :o)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love the gypsy girl in any form. The flowers are so brilliant and I'm a flower-flower girl.
I'm excited about Cuzco and Simply Color
Love Gypsy Girl and Cuzco.
love your newsletter and great fabrics!
Thanks for taking the time to share your talents!
Being the patriotic gal I am. Old Glory ism my favorite.
I love the duck duck goose flannels, and the Windsor Lane Junior for September, and the Eat your fruits nd veggies for October. Thanks for the chance!
Check. I get your newsletter.
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and I have shared the giveaway on facebook!
Old Glory Gatherings is a must have! I really like Everlastings, too. I'm a sucker for the red, white and blue.Thanks for this great giveaway!!
I didn't have to go far to find my bliss! Chateau Rouge by French General is on my list - but I'm also liking many fabrics, so little moolah!
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Receiving your newsletter, too. Great shop! Thanks for the chance to win!!
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I follow your blog!
September: Definitely the Kapalua Batiks line. How beautiful!
For the October releases I love Double Chocolate and Tapestry!
Honestly? I need to get another job because there are several fabric lines that I MUST have! I love love love, Marmalade and Cuzco looks delicious also. Warmth is running a close third....
Thanks for the chance to win the Tradewinds bundle because that has been on my list too.
In September I like the Basic Batics best, in October it's the Cuzco collection.
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October - Eat Your Fruits and Veggies!
And just subscribed to your newsletter, too!
I've just posted your giveaway on my Blog:
Thank you for the chance!
Cuzco in October! It's nice to see French General with a new line in September too, but I think I'd pick Gypsy Girl instead because I have a new crush on Lily Ashbury, so your giveaway is making me drool. Thanks for the chance to win!
September is Gypsy Girl and October is Cuzco!
I am a follower as well.
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I follow your blog and enjoy your newsletter. I was so excited for Vintage Modern! Now I can't wait for Marmalade! Today is my 29th wedding anniversary. Thanks for the opportunity to win something wonderful!
Although I check your blog several times a week, I haven't signed in until now. And for your newsletter too. I LOVE Harvest Moon! Your quilting is fabulous!
Thanks for the great chance to win! I subscribe to your newsletter and also enjoy checking out your blogsite on a daily basis... love your longarm quilting! I really like the Simply Color fabric for October and Harvest Moon for September. Great additions! G
I love Fig Tree so I am excited to see Tapestry.
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I am already a follower and get your newsletter and a faithful customer! My favorite pre-purchase is marmalade! Did I spell that right? Pleeeeeeease pick me! Diana
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Can't wait for Marmalade. Also like Old Glory Gatherings..decisions, decisions.
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Just love the Old Glory and Trails End!! I will be sure to add your great giveaway to my blog!!
Hard to choose, but I'm going with Kapalua and Simply Color!
So many favorites coming!!! For September its a close race with Gypsy Girl by Lilly Ashbury and Mod Century. I would probably say Gypsy Girl wins by a "scant 1/4"
I'm a follower!
Also get the newletter - thanks for sharing :).
It's a tie for me between Marmalade and Tapestry....can't pick:-)
For October...hands down.....
Marmalade by Bonnie and Camille.
In fact my pre-order is placed and I'm counting down the days til it's here.
Following, following:-)
Love the newsletter - keeps me up on the latest releases and is my greatest source of temptation:P
I'm a follower! Love your blog. It's the first I check each day. Love your quilting and designs.
Also receive the newsletter. Great to see the new lines that are coming. I'd share on a blog if I had one...but I do share your site with all my quilting friends and encourage them to check you out.
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