Saturday, March 24, 2012

How do you say goodbye to Paradise?

You cry like a baby all the way home and pray you will go back very soon!   First time in Hawaii (Maui) - and I know I am in love.  How can I put into words how incredible this getaway was for me and Clint.  I can't, but I will try........ 

So 10 years - it's crazy to think that we have been married for 10 years, not because it went by super fast, but because of how much has happened in 10 years.  Through the ups and downs, we have sailed through and are moving on to eternity.  I am so grateful that I am married to this incredible man - who bytheby went all out for our 10 year - I love him so much!  

Sorry if this post is a little sappy - can't help it - I am on a little high right now......

The resort we stayed in was so gorgeous.  There was a lot of inspiration here too - funny how I can always find a swirl that brings me back to my quilting.  

It was so green and beautiful - the flowers, incredible!   I can still smell the ocean - I don't think I will ever forget that smell, it was incredible.  

I have always been a sucker for trees - I think they are beautiful! 

A real life hibiscus - now that's gorgeous! 

Thankfully Clint has no qualms about asking strangers to take pictures with the two of us - I hate doing that, but I am glad we got a few people to snap some shots of us together. 

I have a new love for the ocean - I have only been to the ocean in the cold winter months and have only stepped along the ocean shore. What a difference warm weather, water and Hawaii make.  Clint got me in the water and had me jumping the waves too - we saw a sea turtle that swam close to the shore and whales jumping in the distance - it was so amazing.  I also found out that I actually float in the water (who knew) - we took a canoe trip and I got in the ocean with 40 feet of water beneath me - it was an amazing feeling until I remembered that I am paranoid about sharks.  :) Don't worry, I didn't see any........

It's hard to describe how I felt the whole time - I literally bawled like a baby because I looked around me at the incredible beauty that God has blessed us with, I was with my best friend and everything was perfect.  It was so nice stepping out of reality for a few days and remembering what is truly important - the love we have for God and each other.  

On our Anniversary night we ate at the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a - say that 10 times in a row :) It was a very romantic and the sunset was incredible.  

This is me laughing at our tiny dessert that we shared - this little piece of chocolate mousse was 14 bucks - holy cow!  It was also funny when we got our appetizer and entree's - I don't think I could eat there again because this girl is a little more, okay a lot more hungry than that....... 

Night time service at the hotel.  Seriously, the nicest people are Hawaiians - I have never felt more welcome in any place I have traveled to.  

All our food was fun and creative - I loved the basket of fries, the sandwich was incredible too.  

Heaven help me face the reality that is and remember the time I had with my man! 


Jen said...

So jealous, and so enjoying those pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I was amazed when we went there two years ago. It is so different than here in Virginia Beach and the Atlantic Ocean, and even the Caribbean (which I just love). We stayed on the Big Island (Kona) and the locals were just so great. I'm so glad that you too has such an incredible time and I hope you get to go back soon.

corina said...

What a beautiful story to end my night. It's so nice to hear of real love - God bless you both!

Jenny said...

You deserved every stinkin moment of that trip Judi!! I'm so happy for your and your husband!! We missed you!

Christina said...

We honeymooned in Hawaii and I cried at the airport on the way home because I didn't want to leave! :) I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip; congratulations on 10 years!

Larissa said...

So glad you were able to enjoy some time together to remember and celebrate your 10 years of marriage - Congratulations on the milestone!!! And may there be many more!!! ... Your pictures are all so gorgeous, building upon my desire to go and explore the islands over there myself!! ... And yes, as soon as I saw the swirls ... and before I read your comment ... I immediately thought it would make a fantastic quilting pattern, lol!!! ... Thanks for the mini photo journal!! Those views look like they were truly breathtaking!!!

Just Sew Sue said...

I guess I take the sea for granted as I live on an island 9 miles by 5 miles off the coast of France. Interesting to see your perspective on being near the sea.

Miriam said...

Congratulations to you and Clint on your 10th wedding anniversary.

Looks like you had a wonderful time away!

Charlotte said...

That is so wonderful! Happy anniversary to you both, and many many more!

Busy Quilting said...

Those of us lucky to be close to the see sometimes need a reality check that there are many others who don't get to see it's beauty, be refreshed by the air, seek comfort in its soothing sounds as frequently.
Maybe you are a water sign too.

Three Birds Inspired said...

So happy you had such a lovely getaway with your husband! And it is very true, you will never forget the smell of the ocean. I lived there as a child and went back for a long visit just a few years ago. The smell of the ocean washed over me and I was 12 years old again!

Dawn Hendrix said...

We lived there 5 years.. AGREE there is NO SMELL like HAWAII... everything is crisper in color and the smell OOOOOO plumeria... hope ya got a wiff of that!

Glad you had a GREAT time.. back to reality!

Karen said...

Judi - congratulations on 10 years! My daughter and son-in-law just celebrated 10 years last Friday. Thanks for sharing a part of your life and faith - we are all blessed. Welcome back to the real world :)

Michele said...

Wow! That looks like one fabulous trip. I am jealous too. But I also have something to look forward to when we finally get there.

And I am a lover of swirly things too. I have more swirly patterned fabric in my stash than anything else.

Josie McRazie said...

Now, stop! You are making me wish I were anywhere but boring old IL!! LOL! I have been away to a warm paradise ONCE! But I swore I will somehow make it back!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Wow! What a way to celebrate 10 years! Congratulations to you both! Thanks for sharing your get-away with us. That's about as close as I'll ever get to Hawaii with my husband! He hates to fly! So we make our little home our paradise!


Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Oh!!! You are making me want to go with my man. Maybe some day...

Unknown said...

I really loved this post. I can remember feeling like you were when we visited Lake Tahoe, CA.......I love that place. Glad you had a great trip and enjoyed your time.

Gramma Quilter said...

Awesome pics. Loved the ones of you and hubbie. These happy memories will get you through all of your ups and downs for the next ten!
thanks for sharing.

Elaine said...

I know your feeling. I just got back a week ago. I love it there, although I've never stayed at the grand wailea. We go every year with some friends and family - the best of winter vacations. I must say, our best summer vacation was in st. George. The drive to our resort there reminded me of driving to Wailea.

Joan said...

Wow Judi - How wonderful for you both- very much deserved for both of you. You almost had me in tears also - I am sure each anniversary will be so full of memories or you own piece of paradise. You and Clint look so very happy :)

Tiffany said...

Your vacation looks so beautiful, I am glad you got that time away with your hubby to celebrate 10 years of marriage :)

May I ask where you stayed while there and if you would recommend it? Was it all inclusive or just a normal resort? My hubby and I are still toying with the idea of Hawaii for our 5 year anniv. in Sept. - not sure our budget can handle it but always good to find out more ;-)

Kimberly said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful words, and a beautiful couple! Congrats to you both on such a great milestone! We're coming up on 16 years (!) and are so thankful that God is so good!

DianeY said...

I'm so glad you loved It! Though I live on Oahu, Maui is my home & I love both! It's always fun to hear about it from a visitor's perspective!
Glad your anniversary was everything you both deserved it to be! Aloha!

Carol D. said...

Congratulations on 10 years! And thank you for sharing your lovely pictures. It just makes me want to make that trip even more now.

Podunk Pretties said...

You lucky girl! I must admit I'm jealous but happy for you and Clint.

Barb said...

Oh....I love the islands....just love them.

Did you do the road to Hanna? I got sick about half way around?

Loved the pictures. Happy anniversary...

regan said...

We went to Oahu several years ago.....loved it, too! It's amazing that Hawaii is part of the's like a dream, and you're totally tranformed when you are there. So glad you had such a great anniversary vaca......Yay!

Laura T said...

Congrats on 10 years! You both looked amazingly happy:) Maui is one of my favorite places on earth:) I've been wanting to go back (the last time was almost 20 years ago). Three years ago we went to Kauai and it was nice but my heart belongs to Maui! Loved your pictures and Happy Anniversary!

Tangos Treasures said...

Just beautiful!! Happy Anniversary!!!

Diane E W said...

I will probably never get to visit Hawaii so thank you very much for sharing the wonderful pictures and your trip. Sounds like an amazing place. I am so happy for you that you and Clint were able to spend time together alone, very important.

Deb said...

Congrats and glad that you had a wonderful time!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Judi,
Wow, you two really did have a romantic getaway! Happy Anniversary! I just posted about our trip to Oahu. We are going to Kauai in May, I love Hawaii too, my Mom was born on the big Island of Hawaii and my Grandparents were born and raised in the islands.
I dream of the beach too and the smells of the flowers....sigh I miss it too..
Have a sweet day, Aloha Elizabeth

Jean said...

Beautiful pictures. This whole post reminds me of my ten yr anniversary, almost two yrs ago. My husband and I went to Las Vegas. We had the time of out lives and will never forget it. Congrats on your ten...and here's to many, many more, for both of us.

Mrs. DillyDally said...

Am so happy you and hubby had a wonderful time together. It is so important in a marriage to celebrate one another! Best wishes to you always!

nativetexangirl said...

What great pictures. Glad you got to go. I said I wanted to go on my honeymoon there but that didn't happen-we went to Austin TX (from Ft Worth TX) so not so far and we celebrate our 40th anniversary this December-still haven't made it to Hawaii! Seeing your pictures and description makes me still want to go! :D

Linda in Arkansas said...

I'm so happy that you and Clint had such a good time. So nice to have time to yourselves. You hit the nail on the head - most important is your love for God and each other. (Just so sweet to see you two together!) When I came back from Hawaii I planted four hibiscus plants. I love how they brighten my yard.