Saturday, January 21, 2012

At the breaking point.............


During each quilt that I have on the racks I go through the "breaking point" where I just have to do something else. I can only quilt the same stitch over and over again before I go a little crazy - I know I have said this before, but with each quilt I think I will get over that part of the process. Not so.
One of my dear friends mentioned to me the other day that she had forgotten that I know how to piece because it's been a while since I have really done something for myself - this post prompted her comment. I just had to laugh because I do know how to piece and I absolutely love it. So, I have been piece strippin' tonight and it's fun - real fun! Not to mention a nice little break......I have to get this all in tonight because next week is the week to finish the quilt on the racks - I am excited for it to be finished and excited to move on to something new!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


rubyslipperz1052 said...

okee you've startled my curiosity! Do we get to see what these sweet leeetle pieces on your cutting board...are going to become? =)


Erin Marie said...

I'm loving those colors.

Diana said...

Judi, every time I visit your blog I am honestly AMAZED at your talent. Seriously, you make it look TOO easy...and I know how hard it really is. You truly are so impressive. It will be fun to hang out in a few weeks!! See you soon.

Pepe said...

Ooooh! Love that fabrics!

Anonymous said...

I am just the same.
Sometimes, when my project is too big and I get bored doing it, I NEED to start something new.

Those colors look fantastic !

charlotte said...

Judi, I love those fabrics!! And how long does it take you to quilt, say a queen size quilt? Just curious.

NMSue said...

Love the colors, love the dots. I try to collect dot fabric whenever possible and the brown fabric is great! This is going to be an awesome quilt when finished. Enjoy the process.

Josie McRazie said...

looking beautiful! I can't wait to see ti done!

Lynette said...

What a gorgeous pile of colors, too!

Melissa Corry said...

I just love those colors. can't wait to see it all together :)

Suzy said...

Love the colors and fabrics! Can't wait to see what you do with them. :o)

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Love, love the colors you have going on here. Will be watching to see what the pieces become.

Em said...

I am glad your Dear Friend brought giggle to u!™ and inspired you to take time foryourself! Your dear friend looks forward to another date soon! Love, Em

Gigi's Thimble said...

i like your cute little stacks! so pretty!


Pamela said...

Love the fabric! Looking forward to what they come together as.

I'm the same way with piecing a quilt, I can only take so much of working on the same thing over and over and I have to do something else for awhile.

WesternWilson said...

Lovely piecing! I find piecing very zen like and soothing. Looking forward to seeing the top you make from these bits!