Ever since we have been married Clint has wanted homemade bread. I told him if he wanted to have homemade bread - then I need a Bosch to make it! My mom had her Bosch and I have always wanted one. So, today while Clint went to the "post office" he came home with an early Christmas present for me. He's so sweet to me! I dropped everything, ground some wheat and made my very first batch of fresh bread. I am so happy to say that it actually turned out - thanks to my Bosch!
There's nothing better than homemade raspberry jam to top it off! Thanks Mom!
I used this recipe, but I used half wheat/white flour - I don't think my family is quite ready to make the switch to all whole wheat. :-)
It's been a productive day - besides all the normal mommy stuff I got a lot of quilting done and I hope to have this quilt finished by the end of the week. I will be sure to post pictures soon.

I love my Bosch too! Nothing quite like a piece of homemade bread fresh from the oven!
Yummmmm! I'll bet your family will easily and happily change to Whole Wheat if they are eating fresh out of the oven bread. Seriously.
WAY TO GO, JUDI!!! You really are domestic...new counters I notice? They look beautiful!! You are so brave to tell you have a Bosch you know Shan is going to expect SO much more from you now!!! Thanks for you phone call the other day. I can't wait to visit with you during the holidays. I have had ALL the intentions to call you back, but you know how 4th baby keeps you on your toes! I can't wait for you to meet him! Your bread looks beautiful! :)
My mouth is watering!
Seriously...that looks way good! Do you take orders?
King Arthur Flour has a White Whole Wheat that is really good and good for you. It doesn't have a really strong whole wheat flavor so you can sneak it into lots of things without your family knowing.
Yah on your early C gift!! Home made bread is the best. And if you gradually start adding more wheat and less white to your batch, your family will start to love the nutty yumminess of whole wheat bread.
Really, it's all about the way to deliver the raspberry jam. Any old excuse for something to put raspberry jam on will do for me :D Congratulations on your new kitchen toy!
I no longer buy bread I only make it for my family. There is just something about homemade bread that they all just swoon over! I love the whole wheat white flour as well! Half and half that with white flour! I have not however ground my own wheat! Way to go! It looks great!! And what a guy Clint is! he is a keeper!!
You will love your Bosch, I pulled up your recipe and it is the same recipe that I use and you are correct it is a good whole wheat recipe and I make mine 1/2 and 1/2 too. I like the flavor of the bread. You have a great husband. He is a keeper forever.
Jude, my mom is hard core homemade wheat bread and she also blends it with white flour. The bread looks awesome!
Your bread looks fabulous....I think I need to check into this Bosch thing! Also, that raspberry jam looks awesome! Yay Mom!
Ohhhhh, so tempting!!! I had to STOP baking bread because I was helpless and could not resist eating it ALL - absolutely NO self control, and my Dh doesn't like much bread - what's wrong with that? But the image of that raspjelly might just take me over the edge of self control - and I don't have a Bosch! 8-)))
LOVEd that photo!
Welcome to the Bosch-Fresh Homemade Bread Club! You will never by bread from the store again! I'm not a gadget girl, but I don't know what I ever did without it. Try the King Arthur White Wheat. If you have a coop, you can buy it and grind it yourself.
Homemade bread is the best! Eat it fast, it gets stale really fast.....hummm.....10 more lbs?
Yum Yum...looks delicious!
I know this comment is way-late but WAY TO GO!! That is so impressive. I am SO excited for you to have a Bosch. It will be your new best friend :) I can't wait for all of the FUN things we can make next time we are down. Your batch of bread looks amazing! Nice job ;) Can't wait to see you guys next week. Love ya!
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