Okay - a little background to this quilt. I am usually working on customer quilts, but occasionally I need to create something for me or someone else. It keeps me sane! Abby, my sister is going to be having her first baby in December - I can't wait - so I wanted to make her a baby quilt. She loves black - always has, always will and she is more of a modern girl too. So, I racked my brain trying to figure out what to make for her and her baby boy. It hit me a few weeks ago what I would make and my pattern "Checkered Flowers" without the flowers of course would work perfectly! Off to the store I went and got me some black and gray fabric. It was so fun putting this quilt together!
I was going to try and keep it simple - because it's for a baby - but then I realized that I just couldn't! I wanted to give Abby something incredible - because I think she is incredible - and so the quilting details took over the quilt. Good thing I had sense enough to put in two layers of batting because I quilted it to death!
I send pictures to my mom for her opinion on pretty much every quilt I do - so when she saw my blocks she said - "It doesn't look like a baby quilt to me." Well - this block is for my mom - now she can't say it isn't a baby quilt! Ha Ha! (do you see the "baby" in the middle?)
I give you "Pierpont's Pendant" template! This is my design and I just couldn't come up with a name for my design, so once again I called and asked my mom for help. I'll give you a little background - Abby won't tell us the name of her little boy, so my mom affectionately gave her baby boy the name "Pierpont" -just to be funny! So, we have been calling the baby Pierpont ever since. For some reason my sister Jessie couldn't remember "Pierpont" and kept calling the baby "Pendant" -- so, there you go! A name for my design and a story that just keeps us laughing!
When I started quilting this, I realized it was going to take a longer time than usual - typical problem for me, so I decided to create two different blocks. I wanted the second block to be easier - well, this is what I came up with! Not easier, but just as fun!!
Everything in this quilt is free motion quilting. I only marked the templates, but the rest of the quilt is just my "drawing with thread" - we have a title!
I used Silver Metallic thread for the top and gray So Fine thread for the bottom. It worked out beautifully! I am still pinching myself because I love how it turned out. I just hope Abby is as thrilled as I am!
I give you the back - solid backs are the best - I won't ever do a personal quilt again without using solid fabric because the quilting is so important to see!
I used red binding because Abby loves black and red, so just a touch of red to make it completely her quilt.
Well - it's done! I am so happy to be giving this quilt to my beautiful sister and her soon to be born baby boy! I love ya girl!
Okay - do you want to make the quilt pattern? Well, you can get that here.
And the template? You can get the PDF file for my new quilting template here.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
This quilt is just amazing! Destined to be a family heirloom. Loved the story about Pierpont's Pendant. When I was pregnant with my first child my mom started calling the bump Algernon. Well, I was very young and actually rather insulted. One day when the whole Algernon thing was jumping up and down on my last nerve, I asked my mom what if the baby was a girl. She said, "Why, we can call her Algernina!" I laughed so hard a fast trip to the bathroom was necessary. And after that I no longer found the whole silly name thing insulting.
Stunning!!!! You are so creative!!! How do you come up with these amazing designs??? Amazing. I love this quilt. Really, its too hard to know exactly how much time a quilt like that is going to take. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's exhausting quilting like that. Rewarding and amazing, but when you put your all in every quilt, you have to take time away from it too. :-) Phenomenal, Judi!!
this quilt is fabulous - I love the simplicity of the black/grey/white, with your incredible quilting. The baby block does indeed make it a baby quilt, and the red binding is the perfect finishing touch. Your sister will be thrilled to receive this with all the love and attention you've put into it. Love the story behind the name, too!
The quilting on it is simply marvelous!
holy smokes! that is one fancy baby quilt. I love how much texture there is though
Aw shucks - I don't want the quilt pattern --- I want your skill and talent!!!
Just amazing!!!
I'm with Elaine I would love your skill and talent, fabulous
Quilting Judy.
What can I say: You are amazing! Your sister must be so happy to get this quilt - she must be happy to have you!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Wow!! I'm speechless!!
Your quilting is spectacular and your sister will treasure the quilt. Great job!
What an absolutely amazing quilt! I love plain backing for exactly the same reason.
Absolutely awe inspiring!!! You have out done yourself Judi and I always admire your quilting. Your sister will love and treasure it and I love the red binding it just frames it beautifully. Blessings Sandra
It is really a fantastic quilt to gift your sister with!
That is beautiful!
Your quilting looks absolutely ahhmazing...........!
This is absolutely beautiful! Wish I could see the metallics in person, but the pictures are just gorgeous. (Sigh.) Great job!
Spectacular, Judi!!! As always, your quilting is inspiring!!
This is breathtakingly amazing! Your sister will treasure it always!
Beautiful quilting as always, Judi. I wouldn't worry about the quilt not looking like a "baby" quilt. The little guy won't be a baby long and the quilt will probably be his favorite for many,many years.
I've been waiting for this! It's awesome and I hate to tell you that your sister is NOT going to let her baby near that quilt ;o) !! And I used that oblong pebble on one of my own just the other day! Thanks for that! LOVE IT!!
Very beautiful quilting. Congratulations...
Oh my gosh! This is soooo awesome! Just beautiful! I am so impressed with your quilting. And I love the story behind the name. It made me giggle.
WOW!!! I love your quilt and quilting. It is simply amazing!
Stunning! Does the pattern come with your talent as an extra?!!
I'm in AWE! Such beautiful and skilled work.
As always, you leave me speechless. I have a question for you, what made you put a double layer of batting? Do you do that often? What would have happened to the quilting if you didn't? What type of batting? I apologize for all the questions, just very intrigued! Thanks for sharing, I know Abby is going to absolutely love this!!
Judi, you blow my mind...honestly I've never seen such amazing work. Before I die I want to have you quilt one of my quilts for me...you are so amazingly talented!!! I've never seen such beautiful long arm work anywhere.
I know your sister will flip and if she doesn't...I promise I would do a back flip, on way or another :)
That is beyond anything I have ever seen. You are incredibly talented. If I ever send one of my quilts out to be quilted it is coming your way!!!!! Just AMAZING! Your sister is one very lucky lady to be getting such a beautiful quilt.
What great quilting!
How DO you do that so perfect?? Amazing.
What gorgeous quilting, I love the back as much as the front. Best wishes to you and your sister.
What a beautiful quilt! Such a lucky little guy.
Pierpont is the name Lucy picked for Little Ricky at one time.
Oh my goodness! Pierpont's qilt is amazing and your quilting...well there are no words! he story, the quilt, the quilting...it's just perfection! You'll have to make another quilt to snuggle with because this one belongs on the nursery wall. It's art Girl!
your work and talent is amazing~outstanding and just plain awesome!! love it and your work!!
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