I was so happy to receive my "Serenity" quilt back in perfect condition (I have been a little paranoid about quilts since the fiasco with my last quilt) - by the way, thanks for all the helps and tidbits on how to fix my quilt - I will let you know which method I chose when I get to fixing it.
Ribbons - Aren't these fun? I want to submit my quilt into more shows - but I am not sure which shows I should enter - any suggestions would be great! I already know what my next show quilt will be (it's designed in my head), but it's going to be a long time before I can get to that.
Anyway - news, I am sorry for the overload of older quilts and the lack of new quilting pictures in my past posts, but I have been working like crazy on a project! A BOOK, if you can believe it! I am knee deep in piecing and quilting, but I can't show you anything and I can't give you any more details than that. So, forgive me in advance for not being able to post what I am working on.
PS -- We just got some Riley Blake precuts in - so check them out here.
Congrats, Judi--what awesome news! I can't wait to see!
Congratulations! And great news about the book!
Oh, Goody!!! I'm so glad you're making a book!
Congratulations Judi...well deserved...and a book...now I can't wait!!
Can't wait to see it- I would love to learn more about your machine quiling.
Congrats on your upcoming book, Judi! Can you tell us who is the publisher? This is wonderful news!
Have you thought about entering your quilts in one of the American Quilt Society shows? They are listed one their website. Then there is the International Quilt Festival in Houston each year!
Congratulations!! How exciting for you...and for us!! Can't wait to see it!
Congratulations on your ribbons! What a tribute to your talents. The book sounds exciting - let us know how it's coming. Also, have a question - what type of batting do you use to get that wonderful look! Sure would like to know. I'm Still a novice at machine quilting on my standard Pfaff 2170. How abouta few tutorials if you have time. That would be special.
Congrats! Must be so fun to get those ribbons! Makes it worth the work :o)
Hope you'll be able to fix the whole in your other quilt. So sad!!!
Hope you'll have a great weekend,
You are so forgiven!!
Congrats on the ribbons and the book!
Can't wait to see all the secret stuff.
Riley's stuff is awesome. Wish I could buy one of each.
woohoo congratualations on both, well done.
Any tips how I can get my Book started, have had it in my head for some time.
You are doing great.
Congratulations on the ribbons and your new book in the works! That is so exciting. "Whew"...for the serenity quilt returning safely too!
Congratulations on the book! Your work is truely lovely and you deserve it! I'm sorry I missed meeting you at Market - maybe next time?
Congratulations! I want one for sure. There are lots of quilting shows out there. MQX West is in October in Portland, Innovations in September in Tacoma WA. You see, I would like to see them up close & personal!
Good luck on your book Judi, that is awesome and your ribbons are just as wonderful!! I am cheering for you!!!!
Can't wait to see your book!
Ah Judi, I new it wouldn't be long for you to get there because you are so very talented, you have a gift Judi, truly. Your quilting is so very beautiful. Big HUGE Congratulations, I can't wait to see it. Hugs...
Oh my goodness Judi - how exciting!! I know it will be a wonderful book, I can't wait to see it. You are so amazing and I know your book will be too! And I'm so happy about your ribbons.
Whoo-hoo!!! So happy for you!!!! You are super talented and totally deserve it!
Congratulations!! You SO deserve those and I'm glad you've received the deserved recognition!! yay you ... do the happy dance as long as you want and enjoy :) :)
Judi, I saw your quilt hanging at MQS. It's SOOOOOO beautiful! It totally deserved the ribbons. Congratulations.
Yippie for you! Stunning quilt.
congratulations!! Can't wait to see and hear more about it.
Congratulations --you deserve it!!
I can't wait to see the finished product of the book. I love all of your patterns!
Wow... just found your website, and am blown away by your beautiful quilts and amazing machine quilting... Would love to hear more about your long arm quilting - how you got started, what kind of machine, etc. Will be studying old posts on your blogs. and you do it all with three little kids! wow!
Congratulations on the ribbons. Very cool!
Oh, wow, congratulations! Between your book and angela's none of us will have any excuses for less than inspired quilting!
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