So Emily made me this quilt for baby Noah - what a great friend she is. All of her quilts are so fun and a lot of thought goes into each quilt. This is so fun! Thank you Em! Oh - and if she wasn't cool enough she gave me the best Christmas present! I have been telling her forever that one day I was going to buy this quilt back, but she surprised me by giving it to me. Thank you, Thank you! I don't get to keep the quilts I work on and sometimes that's hard for me because I really don't have a lot of my own work in my home - just my one quilt - so thank you again Emily!
So I can say that I am officially back in business! Finally! The part is fixed - the quilt that I have been working on is back on the frames and the rotary hook should be working just fine! Yay! - I hope to catch up soon!
Now for a laugh ----

Clint and I took the kids for a quick trip to Disneyland while the quilting machine wasn't working - gotta love those annual passes. The kids got an early Christmas present and it was great except for the tantrums! Micah and Clint were in the bumper cars and Micah kept driving into the wall and couldn't get away from the wall so Clint would try and help him, but every time Clint touched the steering wheel Micah would start crying (very loudly I might say)! We are totally laughing about it now and will use this as blackmail when he's a teenager!
Judi - you really must save this for the day when daddy gives son his first 'real' driving lesson!! too funny.
Great quilt!! Em is a special woman!
LOL at the "boys"!
That is precious!
That Em, she is pretty cool... very generous spirit... The quilts are fabulous... and the picture is priceless!
What a darling quilt! So much for baby to look at! That's the cutest picture!
Your little guy looks so sad for being in the happiest place on earth :)
One of the best things about blogging is feeling like you "know" people out in blogland - very much like pen pals when I was little. I love your work Judi, you truly are extraordinary. What a precious gift to give you the quilt back. I'm looking forward to a new year and new inspiration. Hope the wee one is doing well :). Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely gift!!! It is perfect!
Yes....that is definitely a blackmail picture. Perfect!
You are so lucky to get that quilt back "for keeps" I just spent a few minutes showing my sister and nieces your gorgeous quilting and telling them that I want to be able to quilt like that someday, "when I grow up"! I am always amazed by your mad quilting skills!!
Too cute! I must make it to Disney Land someday!
That is a classic!
Bumper Cars: I did the same thing when I was a child. My Dad was not as amused.
Love the quilt Judi and how nice to get a quilt back. I bet you were thrilled. Poor Micah, I hope he's in better spirits. Driving those cars can be so frustrating when they won't go where you want. I bet it's worse when you're a little guy. Have a very Happy New Year!!
Love the beautiful quilt, but seriously can't enough of that picture. Perfectly captured moments are priceless. It was great to talk to you this week. Love ya!!
What a wonderful quilt!! Please e-mail me back....I have a question for you!!
What a wonderful gift, and an even more wonderful friend, you have!! Glad you got a pass ... family fun time YAY!! The picture is priceless ... I agree, first time driving lessons? Happy New Year!
Em IS great, isn't she? I can't wait to meet her in person, hopefully this summer. And what a hoot about the bumper cars! Great photo!
Loving the quilt from your friend, and that is pretty much the greatest picture- isn't parenting fun?!!!
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