So, when you are debating on whether or not to make your hobby your business, think twice - seriously because it becomes your business and your hobby seems to be put in the "I don't - you don't have time -" zone.............. Or, think twice before you put your husband in charge of buying fabric, he get's a little controlling. Don't worry, I love the man like crazy, but come on, what's a girl with out her own fabric stash? My stash is getting smaller and isn't growing and believe me I am not happy about it.

Have you seen Lilly and Will? I have, it's sitting right here, staring at me - my baby is a boy and this would be perfect - but it will sit here until it is shipped out to our lucky customers who don't have someone reminding them about their lack of time. I so want this in a layer cake and jelly roll, and we have some. It was funny because yesterday I told Clint that I would pay him for the fabric and he said "Our money is the same." I just can't win. I will take donations though, if you want to help me. Just kidding of course, but please, go and buy our new September pre-cuts and make something out of them, then send me a picture and I will enjoy looking at your pictures and your chance to make your own project!
Help me!!! I need to create! I have plenty of drawings and new designs on paper, but my sewing machine is tucked away, and just waiting for me. I will have time someday right? The husband and kids take most of my time, the quilting takes the rest right now and I am really trying to figure out how to just get more, but don't worry I wouldn't change being a full-time wife and mom first with anything.

Just in the nick of time we were sent a free sample of fabric and it's boy fabric, so free fabric equals - It's all mine, like the cheesy grin? I don't, but I am happy to have a little something right now to add to my diminishing fabric stash.
Oh, go and get some jelly rolls, we have a ton of them on sale for $26.95.
no way I could look at that fabric every day in my house and know I can't cut into it.......you are so strong, so so strong....lol
Wow....I would just use all that fabric as a decorating backdrop.
Love the little boy fabric. It is perfect for you.
If I had decor like that in my living room, I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven. There's no way I could resist cutting into some of it.
I don't know how you do it...I would be sneaking out at night and shopping for my stash...glad you got the free sample!
you're a stronger woman than I, maybe 1/3 of that would be sold the rest in my stash :p
That would be so hard to resist!
I'm often jealous of you and your business. I'd love to have a quilt machine and I'd love to have access to all that beautiful fabric. But, I do love sewing and it is what relaxes me most, so I don't know that I could ever make it my job.
Oh your photos are such a tease for me...lol I adore Moda fabric and have ordered from you and had them sent to Australia.:D
Many thanks for being here for me.
That photo of all those jelly rolls... if I saw that with my own 2 eyes.......... I'd be stuck in that one spot ...drooling at it all.
oh you poor thing, to have such temptation. that fabric would never last around my kids, though... I have a 4yo boy with a fabric addiction!
Wow, good thing you have someone there to keep yo in line - all those stacks of fabric are awfully tempting! Maybe you can set aside a day to just sit and sew, guilt-free sometime in the next few months. I'm sure you'll figure out something that works for you and the fam!!
wow, that really stinks! right now I'm trying to decide how far I want to take my hobby into my business. I even got a business license and everything is legit now. SO of course now hubby wants me to really focus on it! LOL we'll see how it goes
Oh goodness! I could just sit and stare at these shelves all day. Its a wonder you are able to move away from them at all. I think my sleeping bag would be right on the floor by the shelves. I just got my two layer cakes and two charm packs in the mail from you this week and am drooling! Love them! Thanks!
You can look, but not touch - I don't know if I could stand it - LOL!
Wow..Great fabrics.I`d like make it my job!
One year my daughter's report card in elementary school had written in the teacher's comment column: "Amy says 'It's not fair!' a lot."
I would tell Amy that is life is NOT fair, never has been and never will be. (but she still liked to say it a lot)
It was fun seeing you yesterday! I went over and saw the fabric line Kathy is so interested in. I can understand why you would like them all!
Judi - I too own a business and sometimes you just have to grab some for yourself. The way I look at it is...you buy wholesale, you are selling retail....you really aren't losing that much if you take a jelly roll and a layer cake...tell your hubby you have earned it!
Sorry to hear your canundrum Jude. Maybe Clint will give in, and maybe he won't but in the mean time enjoy your freebies...I love that cute Lilly and Will fabric too, I can see why you would want it so bad!
Oh, you must have iron willpower to resist grabbing those fabrics off the shelf and going wild! So happy you got a free sample to play with!
Judi, you should be able to at least keep one of each for your stash so that when you do decide to sew you will not have to go out and buy anything. Just hide them, give them to your mom to save, etc... LOL
How can you stand to look at that in your living room?!?!? Just going into my sewing room to work on something specific has me looking at my stash and thinking of things to make out of it.
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