She was so excited this morning, she was in her school clothes at 7:30 - way to early for afternoon kindergarten, so I made her wear my apron everywhere to make sure she didn't get her clothes dirty. All morning she kept saying how excited she was to go, then she would see me a little teary eyed and she would reassure me by saying how much she will miss me. She's a good kid! I love her so much!

We did her hair extra cute and of course we had our big pink bow that my super talented sister made. Princess backpack that is completely full of supplies and heavier than she wanted to admit.

Off she goes, I cried, she didn't, and she lined up with the rest of the kids with no problem. I am going to go finish my tray of rice crispies - food makes me happy at a time like this.
They grow up so fast and the time really flies. Treaure every single minute! Today's tears will be replaced with a never-ending stream of tomorrow's joys. You'll see!
BTW, your daughter certainly looks a lot like her momma!
Oh I hear you. I cried when each of mine got on the bus for the first time. Then I drove as fast as I could over to the school with my camera and video camera to catch them getting off the bus. I did the same in the driveway when they came home.
Go ahead and cry....pregnancy or not....it is good for the soul.
She is too adorable ... love her hair. I know what you mean. Today I bawled like a baby as my oldest GD headed for College (first year) ... where has the time gone. This summer our youngest DD had her first baby .... life begins again.
Family, there's nothing like it. Kiss and hug them.
I cried like a baby too when I put my son on the bus for the first time. Hang in there! My food of choice would be brownies :)
Your daughter looks so sweet all ready for school! On Monday my baby girls starts junior high and my baby boy starts high school. It never gets any easier!
HOly Cow!! I can't believe it. Enjoy it though~she looks positively thrilled! Give her hugs and kisses for us would you. Thanks for the shout out~you're the best! Oh an Happy B-day to the little guy..XOXO!
My little girl is only 2, but I know I'll cry all day when she goes to school (and probably like the entire month before). I keep telling my husband maybe I'll homeschool. :)
Your little girl is so cute!
It's ok momma. We all cry on the first day of kindergarten. Her hair is extra cute too! She will love school....for awhile.
We all cried When Our Children First went to school But I bet when you looked at her you were sooooo proud of her.She will do well she is lovely I am sending A hug to you you need it more than your little Girl.
Hugs Mary.
Sorry to see you sad but what a wonderful thing you have done made a very independed child but she will always need her MOMMY. MOMs are always special.
How were your eice crispies.
Oh my Judi, you've got a cute one there! Let's hope she is always this excited to go to school! My youngest will be starting Kindergarten on the 30th, her first school experience, and she could not be more excited! I would rather she stay home with me for another year or five :(
Awwww she looks too cute!!
Hope each day get easier for you to see her go Judi. I understand.
When my fourth, and youngest, child went to school I was so excited and gave a shout of joy. All the mom's who were crying at the bus stop didn't like me too much that day, lol! It is hard to let the first one go but it does get easier and they change and learn so much. Now, I wish it was so easy to let me boy go. He's been gone 8-1/2 months on his mission and it seems like a lifetime. Sigh...I guess it really doesn't get any easier as they get older.
P.S. That fourth baby is a senior in high school this year. I'm so excited to be done with the whole school thing, lol!
My daughter's oldest child (my granddaughter) is starting kindergarten in a few weeks. It doesn't seem possible that I sent her off 29 years ago. Time really does go way too fast! She is precious.
Oh Judi! I cried too on the first day of school for my first son! And I was in the middle of Walmart! It definitely does get easier, but your heart does break also on the first day of school each year. Treasure the moments!
Judi, I cried (or at least teared up) every first day of school for my daughter's entire school career - including dropping her off at college! She's in her third year now and if she still lived at home I know I'd still get teary seeing her leave for the first day of class this year o:)
I was the mom that jumped for joy the 1st day of school. This year my youngest started high school and I was...well..ambivalent! I was surprised! My favorite kindergarten story is the day my oldest started. I tried to prepare her that SOME kids might cry..and that was ok. Maybe they didnt' go to preschool or they were scared. (she was like your DD...skipped off happy as a lark). When she got home, she announced "MOM, you dont' know WHAT you are talking about! No body CRIED!" (gee mom, what WERE you thinking about! LOL..) she is 28 now, all 'growed up' and is active duty AF. I still miss that little girl. How were the rice crispy treats???
Saddness Jude! I'm sure it was a very doom-able day, and for that I'm sorry. I wish I could have been there to let you cry on my shoulder and distract you with my clever whit, but since I'm not, know that I'm sending happy thoughts your way.
So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand. My youngest went to kindergarten orientation tonight, and I was so proud but sad at the same time. He won't be fazed at all, but I just might shed a tear when he gets on the bus with his big brother on Monday...
Fast forward about 10 or 11 years, and leave them in a college dorm! I didn't cry when they went to first day of elementary school, but I sobbed all the way home when I left them at college!
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