I love my boys, I think they are fun and wonderful. When I get all ready for church or the day (could be that it's rare that I am getting ready) Micah tells me "Mom, you yut pretty and I wuv you!" He is so sweet, a little out spoken and totally loud, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Jonah is a sweet and wonderful chubby kid, he makes me smile when he walks in the room. He has found his four fingers and loves to suck on them, I am guessing he's getting some molars. So, I have a little girl and two boys, when I found out I was pregnant I was sure I was having a girl. That way our family would be complete and it would be evened out with two boys and two girls. I happened to open my big fat mouth and say that if this kid was a boy, then we would have to try for a girl later. Well, I should have just kept quiet because it looks like we have another little boy on the way.

Meet baby number 4 boy number 3! Looks like God has a different plan for me and Clint, but we are happy and can't wait to meet this little guy in November. We will have 4 kids 5 and under, and 3 boys 3 and under - I must be insane, but it's okay because Clint and I have always wanted our kids to be close in age. We just look forward to the day when the screaming and diaper changing is done, but we love each day we have with these kids and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Side note - we got our "Fruitcake," "Lumiere de Noel" and "Christmas Magic" pre-cuts in, so go check them out!
He is absolutely beautiful!!! Being number four lets hope he sleeps though the night quickly :)
The two of you are amazing and I admire your strength and courage.
Congratulations :)
Smiles and hugs,
congrats to you - another boy - but you say you have one girl so that is ok - the years fly by - enjoy them all!
Congratulations Judi! What a sweet family you have!
They are all so beautiful! That new little one is amazing! The best thing you could ever give your children is a sibling. They will be best friends and take good care of each other long after you are gone. What a wonderful family!
I say bring on the BOYS! I really love mine over here. :) I can't wait to see you pregnant again!!! Good Luck!
Judi, that is so awesome, another son....you know I favor boys....and yes....sometimes things are just out of our control and we just enjoy what is given to us and are grateful...
Yea Judi- we are so glad there will be a boy cousin for our little one! Grandma is praying hard to even out those boy vs. girl numbers isn't she?!!!
Jude, you were destined for boys! yeah for #3 on the way. So excited for you to experience a family full of boys. Love ya!
I had my first 4 children in 5 years and it was a good day just to get my shoes on. It was a whirlwind for sure.
You have such cute kids. Boys are very special.
Daphne quickly became David... CONGRATS Judi and Clint! A lucky little babe to be born into your fam!
Congrats! You made me smile when said "To even things up". My DH & I had 2 girls and 1 boy when we decided to "even things up" we too were sure I was haveing a boy for our 4th child until the ultrasound...not only was it not a boy but we were told we were having twin girls! That was 10 years ago & we stopped trying to even things up after that, lol!
Congrats on your soon to be son. I have 3 sons and 2 girls. Having a large family is wonderful and I love thoes boys!!!
I have 5 boys all 5 and under. You can totally do this! :)
Congratulations! I always thought once mine kids were all out of diapers we would be rich! Now I am thinking once they are all out of college!
Now I must admit that I've never been pregnant so therefore have never actually looked at an ultrasound but can you really tell it's a boy on that one? Or is the picture that shows this one is definitley a boy not posted?
that has to be the clearest ultrasound ever! Excellent. boys are so lovable too!
Congrats! What a wonderful family you will have!
I have 5 that were born just shy of 6 years..........those early days were hard, but the best.....Now they range from 16-10....it's wonderful! We play together and do things as a big family all the time....wouldn't trade it for anything......mine go.boy,girl,girl,girl,boy.....yep....3 girls hitting puberty right now.....
My first 4 kids were that close! Fun times! Congrats! I am always grateful for those who have boys since I have 5 girls myself (and just 1 boy)!
How wonderful! boys are great!!!
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