Free patterns anyone?
Here's the deal. I am giving away 12 of any of my patterns to one lucky winner! Yes, 12 patterns of your choice. That's worth over $100.
To enter, simply look over my patterns "here" and leave me a comment telling me which 3 are your favorite.
For an extra 2 entries, find the following image of the green heart somewhere on my website, click on it, and you'll be taken to the "comment us" page on my website. Tell me where you found it in the comment form. Be sure not to tell me where it is in your blog entry, or others will see where it is. :)

Look at how much fun you can have with these patterns!!!

My all time favorite quilt pattern is Micah's quilt. It is my first quilting project...ever and it is almost completed. Everyone I show it to thinks it is absolutely adorable. Plus, it introduced me to Green Fairy Quilts and all of the many many possibilities. My other favorite patterns are Carrots and Peas... LOVE IT! and Brown & Pink Spring. Perhaps one day my quilting confidence will allow me to take on such great projects! :)
Butterfly Fields
Dancing Diagonals
Square chase
It's hard to choose, especially when there is a yummy pile of quilts to look at!
What a wonderful giveaway of such wonderful patterns. My favs have to be "Life of a Snowman", "Frame This" and Dancing Diagonals."
Cool giveaway--love your patterns! But, my top three are Strippin' Time, Summertime, and Frame This. Thanks so much for the entry!
My favorites are Butterfly Mania, Crazy Daisy and Strippin Time. Love the Butterfly Mania on your sidebar.
Um...Checkered Flowers, Brown and Pink Spring and...Stars and Stripes then? :)
Oh that was sooo hard but here I go!!
Strippin' Time (love it)
Celebrate America
Square Chase
Thank you for the chnace!
Thanks Judi for a great giveaway! My top three picks of your patterns are...
Butterfly Mania
Dancing Diagonals
Frame this Quilt
There's more of course! So it's perfect you're giving away 12!!! I'm currently on the lookout for patterns to make for my nieces and nephews. Thanks for this opportunity. And I will be blogging about you too...
My three favourites are Liliana's Heart, Rick the Rack and Checkered Flowers.
You asked me how many Hexagons there were in my quilt well there are 13.250 after finding this out I feel quite tired I can't believe I sewed that many.
Love Gill
O my gosh I love them all! But i rember seeing the ones that I liked at your quilt show and I would have to say that my favorite three are (that I dont alreay have a pattern to) is frame this, paisley park, and strippin time.
O by the way the Morning Bloom quilt kit that I got from you at the quilt show looks great and I love it.
3 fav's are sunshine, sail away (how cute is that?) and country garden. That was fun!
It's hard to only pick 3. But my favorites are
*Frame This
*Dancing Diagonals
*Strippin Time
My favorites are: Square Chase, Country Garden, Brown & Pink Spring! Thanks
Wow! So many patterns to choose from...favourites are Brown & Pink Spring, Quilted Memories and Strippin' Time.
awe man I have to pick three? okay so if I had to pick three it would be first butterfly mania, then brown and pink spring, and I really love sunshine after my second daughters middle name.
My favorite three quilts are Brown and Pink Mania, Fun with Triangles and Quilt Within a Quilt.
Strippin Time (as much for the design as the name!)
Dancing Diagonals
Turtle Walk (I am ALWAYS looking for boy-friendly quilt designs)diall
I had great trouble picking only three.
So Strippin time, Rick the Rack & Butterfly Mania (with Frame this a very very close 4th).
Gail C
Butterfly mania strippin time and checkered flowers. I do love them all and I am greatful for the chance!
It's hard to choose three favorites as I like so many. But, I finally chose Quilt within a Quilt, Rick the Rack, and Checkered Cherries.
Well how do we pick I loved the Life of a snowman, Lillians Hearts, and Craisy Daisy. But I like them all.
This was really hard! So much to choose from...These are my picks: Quilted memories, quilts within a quilt and strippin time.
it's so hard to pick favorites but mine are; butterfly fields, strippin' time, and the turtle walk. thanks for this great chance!
I love all of them....how to pick just 3!!! Topping off my list of favs are:
Celebrate America (my husband is currently serving in the AF so anything Patriotic tops my list!!)
Quilted Memories (would love to eventually make a memory quilt)
Strippin' Time
Thanks for this GREAT opportunity!!
nici826 at yahoo dot com
My, you are generous! And picking three is easy. If I had to pick one, I don't know what I'd do.
My favorite is Stripin' Time cuz I don't like to cut.
Second, the ole hippie girl in me likes the Craisy Daisy. Then, it's Quilt withing a quilt.
You are SO creative in your giveaways! I had FUN looking around at your site. My 3: Strippin Time, Crazy Daisy, and Butterfly Mania. Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful patterns!
Crazy Daisy, Froggie goes a Courtin and Grace, but I love them all to be honest. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love: Ric Rac, Crazy Daisy, and Strippn' Time
Picking three patterns out of all the lovely ones you have wasn't easy! But I picked these:
Crazy Daisy, Life of a snowman, Brown and pink Spring.
Lotta in Sweden
I really like square chase, turtle walk, and life of a snowman. Keep on quiltin'. Teresa R.
WOW, what a super generous give away!! I really want to make the Strippin Time, the Crazy Daisy and the Stars and Stripes..but they are ALL so CUTE!! Thanks for the chance! I don't have a blog but I'll direct my friends to your blog. :)
How exciting. I look at your quilt patterns all the time. I love the Craisy Daisy, Strippin Time and your summertime quilt pattern. They are all amazing and would be honored to win them. Thanks so much. I will surely blog about this.
Hey I just blogged about your giveaway. Hopefully more people will enter!!!! Good Luck to everyone
Wonderful giveaway. So many lovely patterns, but think my favorites are Butterfly mania, quilted bag and summers end.
How to pick from so many!!! I simply love Froggie goes a Courtin', Strippin Time and Frame This (I love Momo Wonderland fabric). Hope I win!!
As a new quilter, I like "Strippin' Time," "Fun With Triangles," and "Celebrate America." They look like I could put them together easily and learn new things in the process. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite 3 are:
Square Chase
Strippin Time
Craisy Daisy
But I love all the rest too!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I've been all over your web site and can't find the green heart! Guess I'll have to pass on the extra entries on that. My faborites are:
Butterfly Mania (can hardly wait to make it up from the pattern I bought in Sandy!)
Brown and Pink Spring
Craisy Daisy
I guess they're my favorite bz I'm getting ready to make a quilt for my granddaughter!! I'll blog about your give-away later today after work on my site!! I'll come back and tell you when it's posted. Cindy
Add another chance for me bz I just posted about your give-away!
Nice giveaway :)
I like all your patterns, but the favourites are:
Strippin time, Frame this and Fun with Triangles.
My faves are:
square chase
strippin time
I will blog all about you :) and there is already a link on my blog for your website :)
I just luv this giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
My 3 favs:
Dancing Diagonals
Frame This
Rich the Rack
Okay only three was had, but there's the final selection. Frame this quilt, Strippin' time, and Butterfly mania. There were many more that caught my eye though. I can wait to see who the lucky winner is!
WOW Great giveaway!! Pick me!! My three fave's Grandma's trellis, Paisley Park and the Turtle Walk.
What wonderful patterns! I chose Butterfly Mania, Celebrate America and Checkered Flowers as my faves.
Wow they are all beautiful!!
I'm love
Strippin Time
Butterfly Mania
I found the image too!
Thank you
My faves change each time I look at the catalog :)
I love:
butterfly mania
celebrate America
life of a snowman
Such a generous give away, and such beautiful patterns to choose from. I would have to pick my 3 favorites as Piecemakers Dream, Rick the Rack and Celebrate America. That said,all of them are fabulous!!
Okay making me pick isn't fair, but really, for this! I shall do it.
3 tops for me? Frame this, quilts within a quilt, and sunshine! Can you tell i have a little boy and need a little girl!
I really love the Craisy Daisy pattern. But Butterfly Mania and Rick the Rack come in a close second.
I'm loving Checkered Cherries, Crazy Daisies and Strippin' time.
I was sent here by Cindy-OnlyMeHere.
Chris sent me. (Chris who has ten children). I love Sail Away guess that's my favorite but I also love Celebrate America, Crazy Daisy, Piecemaker's Dream, and Liliana's Heart.
hi, my name is Laura O'Dorisio. Chris is my Mom.I am 13 and I enjoy making quits with my Mom, grandmother and cousins on summer break!!! My 3 favorites are Butterfly Mania, Strippin' Time and the Turtle Walk.
O....my mom sent me (Chris)
Laura O'Dorisio
( I don't have a blogger acct. or seperate email so I am using my mom's..I hope that is ok.)
I love all of your patterns, but my three favorites are: The Life of a Snowman, Dragonfly Fields and Craisy Daisy. Thanks for the chance!
Oooo they are all so pretty. But I really like Butterfly Mania, Crisy Daisy, and Daphe's Garden. Elaine sent me over :-)
Ok, so the hardest part about entering your give away was picking my top three favorite patterns!!! So I picked :)~
I love Life of a Snowman, Checkered Flowers, Celabrate America and Butterfly Mania!
Thank you for allowing me to enter and for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!
I don't need to tell you how much I love your website and how much I love you material and patterns.....thanks for this giveaway....I think I deserve to win...heheeeee
Ooooooo I am so excited for this giveaway!!!! Thank you I would love to have all your patterns in my library, but if I have to choose just three, I would have to say that my all time favorite is Life of a Snowman. Even in the dead of winter this wall hanging will put a smile on your face. A close second would be the Butterfly Mania. I am known as the butterfly grandma and this one fits me perfect. Coming in at a close third is the Checkered Flowers. Thank you so much for your good ideas and helps. Your quilting is beautiful. Brooke Lundhom told me about your blog and giveaway. I'm so glad! Thanks again, Mary
Butterfly mania
Frame This
Strippin' Time
Thank you so much for the chance!
Too many to choose from girl!
Paisley Park (got it!)
Strippin Time looks fun too and I think I'll go with Clint's Frame This.
I love love to win some patterns. I looked over your patterns they are all great. My 3 choices are: Butterfly Mania, Brown and Pink Spring and Stars & Stripes. The quilted memories is also very nice.
Thats not fair. How do you choose when they are all so lovely. please enter me in your givewaway
They are all beautiful, but my faves would have to be Liliana's Heart Quilt Pattern, Strippin Time Quilt Pattern and Sail Away Quilt Pattern.
I was sent over by Cindy from the blog JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE SEWING.
this is a great giveaway .. it was hard to narrow it to 3, but they are Country Garden; Strippin Time; and Summer's End. thanks so much! karen ca
So many choices. I like Frame this, Quilts within a quilt and Strippin Time. Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow. What a great opportunity.Thanks for the chance to win.I like craisy daisy, grandma's trellis and brown + pink spring the best.
Judi you are very generous.
Mary from quilt hollow sent me.
I loke quilts within a quilt, sail away , celebrate america and life of a snowman.
What a great giveaway! I like Checkered Cherries; Craisy Daisy and Summers End. Great quilts with great names!
I love many of your patterns but I seem to favor Celebrate America and Stars & Stripes (since I love the patriotic quilts) and as my third favorite, I love Life of a Snowman as it makes me think of my now-grown daughters and my still-young grandkids and how they all love making snowmen! What a terrific giveaway!!! (Betsty from Quilting Fiesta blog sent me.)
Summer's End
Daphne's Garden Quilt
Butterfly Fields
It was difficult to narrow it down to just three!
Okay, I had to close my eyes and point because there are so many of your patterns I love...except that Judi's Album is always my first fav, then Butterfly Mania, and Liliana's Heart. Thanks for the chance to have so many of your beautiful patterns. Good luck everyone!!! By the way, I found the Green Heart!!!
Dragonfly Fields, Piecemaker's Dream, and Turtle Walk are my favorites!! What a really great giveaway!!The feathers on your quilt look great! I found you through Quilt Hollow!
My 3 top favs are: Daphne's Garden Quilt, Dragonfly Fields and Paisley Park. What a ver nice generous give away. Thank you.
I am new to your blog and just love your patterns but my favorites are
Life of a snowman
Butterfly Mania
Checkered flowers
Brown and Pink
Sorry but I could not narrow it down to 3
Thanks for the give-a-way
What fun patterns! I think my favorites are Carrots and Peas, Butterfly Fields and Paisley Park. Thanks for the chance to win!
A blogging friend sent me over. My GOODNESS, how is a person expected to decide on just 3 favorites! Almost impossible, but I've narrowed it down.
Dragonfly Field, Carrots and Peas, Butterfly Fields
All the patterns were fabulous! Thanks for giving me the chance to win. I'm so glad my friend sent me this way, your blog is wonderful!
Hi, I'm glad I found your blog: love your quilting, designing and the other good work you do. My favourite patterns are:
*BUTTERFLY MANIA (I looove this one, capitals are not accidental)
*Liliana's hearts
* Inch by inch
And if I could choose 2 more, I'll have Craisy Daisy and Micah's Quilt.
BTW love the bows your sister makes. My mother always made matching bows for me when I was a kid - I had them in all colours of the rainbow. A boy from my class used to steel them from me - I think he had a serious crush on me and we werer only nine, or ten then.
Love piecemakers dream, rickrack and chasing squares.
There are so many that I love!
Flight of a fairy!
Frame this!--LOVE the Wonderland by Momo!!!
and Life of a Snowman--to make for my mom!
I'll be back to make a purchase if I don't win!
I love Morning Bloom, Craisy Daisy, and Paisley Park...along with many others...but those are my fav's! Wonderful giveaway!
They're all so beautiful, but if I have to pick just three it would be: Butterfly Mania, Quilted Memories and Daphne's Garden. Thanks for the great giveaway! :0)
I love pink and brown, so my first fav is Brown and Pink Spring! Then Froggie Goes A'courtin, and the Quilt Within a Quilt. I love the bag too!!! I am now a follower!!!
12 patterns, oh my. Please enter me at once. My favorite patterns are 1-brown and pink spring 2-checkered flowers and 3-turtle walk, I'm going now to find the green heart.
What a generous give away and please count me in. I love all your patterns but if I have to pick 3...it will be:
Strippin Time
Checkered Flowers
Frame This
Your blog and quilts are lovely!
I am new to your blog. My friend Chris told me about your wonderful giveaway. All of your patterns are beautiful. My favorite three are: Strippin' Time, Butterfly Fields, and Craisy Daisy.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I like all your patterns!
But since I can only choose 3:
- Sail Away (for my oldest son)
- The Turtle Walk (for my youngest son)
- Quilted Bag (for me)
What a difficult choice but I like these 3 the best:
-Quilted bag
-strippin time
-brown and pink spring
That's a great give-away you're organising. But I got 'hooked' by searching for the heart, can't say 'no' to something like that ;-)
My favorite patterns, now that's more difficult:
Butterfly Mania, that's just the pattern for my DGD,
Froggie goes A Courtin has my DGS written all over it and
Grandma's Trellies, that's the one for me ;-))
Good luch with your blog and shop.
Life of a snowman, turtle walk and strippin' time are my favorites although there are lots more that I love also:)
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