the pile of fabric that bunches up at the back of your sewing machine when you strip piece?

You do have a 1/4 inch presser foot right? If you don't, get one. Your piecing will be a lot easier.

I love swirls, better yet, swirls with flowers.

I think I am addicted to stippling and small quilting. Anything that takes a long time and makes my back hurt. In the end it's worth all the work because it looks amazing.

Check out the back of the quilt. It's almost more fun, almost.

This can't be safe right? What am I going to do? My little guy is a climber and now I can't even put him down for a nap for fear he will find something to climb on. Say goodbye to the changing table in his room. What a kid.
OMG! You HAND quilted all that SMALL neddle work!!! I'm impressed! WOW! You're better than me...lol!
That is just tooo cute with your little one on that changing table.
As for you stippling, do you do it with tissue paper, mark it??? How, it is amazing.
I love to watch the piles of fabric grow when I strip piece!
Your little guy is so adorable sleeping on his changing table. I love the stage where the wander around the house and fall asleep in some strange places or positions. My daughter always loved to fall asleep on the shelf under the coffee table.
Good luck with your little climber. They make it so hard to keep them safe and still let them explore.
Hi Judi.....Your sweety...what a doll! Time and time again you bring back some great memories of my guys. Your quilting is fantastic as always! Carry on!
Your machine quilting is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work at the Show this weekend.
Your little guy is a cutie. I had one that was a climber, but she never fell. She just liked being in view of all the tall people around.
I only the other day got to experience the pile behind the sewing machine! I'm still so new, it made me so happy to see it though!
I love where your little guy fell asleep lol. My daughter falls asleep in strange places too, I've been making sure to take pictures so we can make one of those blurb books
I love your quilting, it is so beautiful. I also understand the climbing. My little one just started doing the same thing. :)
Oh, those climbers can give mothers heart attacks!! But, they do survive and so does mom. He's a cutie!
very nice blog !!
oh he is such a cutie-pie, I love that picture! and your work is amazing!
Judi, your work is amazing!
What a cute pic of your little guy. Yep, that would be the end of the table in there for me also. lol
Love your quilting and the little one is precious. I remember when my children couldn't be trusted to be left alone. But it is hard to be upset with them when they look so cute.
That picture of your son is very funny. He must just GO until he drops.
I enjoyed seeing all the pretty photos on your blog today! The quilting is so inspiring!
And the cutie pie on the change table is beyond adorable!
I bet you almost died when you found your baby like that! My three year old little girl is also a handful at times. Everywhere she goes she has to be running, needless to say sometimes her feet are faster than her legs and she goes a falling. Her poor little knees...Don't you just love being a mom though.
Your little boy is so precious! I have a 2 year old grandson who is starting to dare the lawsof safety... he loves to climb too so his mommy has transfered him to a youth bed that is only 6 inches off the floor. Now she has to find a way to keep him IN bed at night when she puts him down to go to sleep. LOL
My nephew loved to climb when he was little. At the age of 2 he climbed up on the back of the couch and shouted "Mom!". My sister turned around just in time to hear him say "Superman!"..he promptly jumped in the air and fell and broke his elbow right in the growth joint. ouch!
I am glad I had girls. I don't think mine climbed like that. :)
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