Saturday, March 7, 2009

I guess this is why my Mama always said......

"Take your socks off or put some shoes on before you go outside."

I need to start enforcing that rule or my little guy won't have any socks left to wear.

My back aches! I have been bent over this quilt for over ten hours! This quilt was a monster to quilt, but I love how it turned out. The border took the longest time because I did tiny loop stippling everywhere except the flowers and now they pop out so nicely.

I am going to go to bed early for once because my back needs a rest and because we are losing an hour, (I don't like day-light savings time) so everyone have a wonderful weekend!


Barb said...

Those little feet in those socks....soooooooooooooooo funny!!! Love the stippling on the wonder you back hurts.

Anonymous said...

Love the flowers popping out....but girl, your going to hurt yourself being stooped over for 10 hours! Take breaks it doesn't have to be done in a day!!

Jennifer said...

The quilt is turning out beautifully! I am in awe of your quilting skills!

Millie said...

My kids have the same problem with the socks and then they wonder why they are always out of socks.

The quilting is a WOW. The swirls and quilted daisies gives a lot of dimention to the quilt. Everything in the morning look brighter, maybe tomorrow you will have the energy to finish that quilt.

Stitched With Prayer said...

I too hate daylight savings time. Especially since they extended it. More importantly, all your back breaking work on this beautiful quilt paid off. Absolutely stunning work. You take my breath away.

Anonymous said...

The quilt is stunning! I am only just teaching myself stipling so quilting like this is like a dream to me!

Louann said...

The quilting is gorgeous!

Loretta said...

Cute socks!!!! LOL!!!! TFS.

That quilt is beautiful!!!!!!!

Not a big fan of DST either.

Cheryl said...

Im making that quilt right now!!! love the quilting!!!